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3 Obras 6 Miembros 1 Reseña

Obras de D. D. Galvani


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I don't think this is a MC book as much as it's an MC-lite book. It doesn't have issues with the club the way that most MC books do, and is, in my opinion, lighter than most. That doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the book, but it's important to note, for those who do like heavier or darker MC books. I do too, but I can do both.

Gia is a friend to the Devil's Wind MC. After she helped to save one of their members, they are all willing to help her and all have her back. Sonny wants to have more than just her back. He's drawn to her in all kinds of ways, and he will always be there for her. When she calls from her job at the local convenience store because some punk kids are trying to start something, he rushes over to help her. When he tells her that he hates her working the overnight shift at the stop and rob, he lets her know that there is a job as the secretary at the club.

Sonny wants Gia, but he's also hiding a secret. He has a son. The mother of his son only let him hold him once before she disappeared, taking his baby with her, 5 years before. He's kept it hidden from his MC brothers because he was in a dark and terrible place while it was happening, but decided to get himself clean as soon as he saw his son. Five years later, he's still looking, and still keeping himself out of the same kind of trouble.

While I overall enjoyed the book, I didn't particularly like Sonny's reaction to Gia at one point. He jumped without looking and it really upset Gia. I understand why it upset her, I would've had the same reaction as she did and probably wouldn't have been as forgiving about it as she was.
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tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |

