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Galileo Galilei, the great astronomer and physicist whose researches played so crucial a role in the history of science, also occupies an important place in the history of philosophy for his part in overthrowing the predominant Aristotelian concept of the nature of the universe. Galileo considered mostrar más himself a philosopher and referred to himself as such on the title pages of his most influential works. Much recent research has been devoted to examining both the philosophical background of Galileo's scientific achievements and the philosophical implications of his scientific method. Born in Pisa, the eldest son of a famous music theorist, Galileo entered on the study of medicine at the University of Pisa but quickly shifted his interest to mathematics. From 1589 to 1592, he taught mathematics at Pisa while studying independently with Jacopo Mazzoni, a distinguished professor of philosophy. His earliest scientific works, directed against Aristotle's account of freely falling bodies, date from this period. In 1592 he moved to Padua, where he lectured on mathematics and astronomy, and by 1597 he was defending the Copernican helicocentric theory of the universe in a letter to his friend Mazzoni. When in 1609, he learned of the invention of the telescope in Holland, Galileo quickly designed an improved version of the instrument for his own astronomical observations. His startling discoveries---including the satellites of Jupiter---were revealed in 1610 in his Starry Messenger (Sidereus nuncius), which led to his appointment as mathematician and philosopher to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. On a visit to Rome in 1611, he demonstrated the power of his instrument and defended the Copernican worldview in learned circles. Church authorities were divided on the question of whether the Copernican theory was consistent with scriptural accounts of the cosmos, and Galileo's position was attacked on theological grounds. He defended himself eloquently in his famous Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1615), arguing for the independence of scientific inquiry from theological constraints. Nevertheless, in the following year, he was forbidden to hold or teach the Copernican view. Retiring to Florence to pursue his scientific researches, Galileo let the Copernican question lie until a new pope, Urban VIII, seemed to offer a more favorable reception to his views. In 1632 he brought out his great Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, a presentation of the Ptolemaic-Aristotelian and Copernican systems heavily weighted in favor of the scientific superiority of the latter. In spite of the support of his Florentine and Roman friends, Galileo was tried and forced to recant his defense of helicocentrism under the threat of torture; the Dialogue was placed on the Index of Prohibited Books and its author sentenced to house arrest for life. Galileo's last years were spent in scientific investigations that culminated in the publication of his Discourses on Two New Sciences (1638). Galileo's legacy as a philosopher lies in his outspoken defense of the autonomy of scientific investigation from philosophical and theological authority, and his conviction that mathematical proofs can and should be sought in physical science, that celestial and terrestrial phenomena can be accounted for by a single set of scientific laws, and that scientific explanations cannot be divorced from direct empirical observation of phenomena. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos
Créditos de la imagen: Justus Sustermans


Obras de Galileo Galilei

Britannica Great Books: Gilbert, Galileo, Harvey (1600) — Autor — 336 copias
El mensajero de los astros (1610) 294 copias
The Essential Galileo (2008) 91 copias
El ensayador (1900) 73 copias
Carta a Cristina de Lorena (1994) 27 copias
On Sunspots (1613) 22 copias
Opere (1953) 20 copias
Antologia (1974) 16 copias
Breven om solfläckarna (1613) 12 copias
Opere (2005) 5 copias
Galileo Galilei (1977) 5 copias
Cartas Copernicanas (1997) 5 copias
Sul candore della Luna (2019) 5 copias
Lettere (2008) 5 copias
Kijker, kerk en kosmos (2017) 4 copias
Opere volume I 4 copias
Prose scelte 3 copias
Galilei, Galileo (1995) 2 copias
Genius - Galileo (2006) 2 copias
Contro il portar la toga (2009) 2 copias
La prosa 2 copias
Le mecaniche (2002) 2 copias
Opere 1 1 copia
Opere 2 1 copia
Galileu 1 copia
Rime 1 copia
El ensayador 1 copia
Le rime (2001) 1 copia
Opere vol. 2 1 copia
Discorso delle comete (2002) 1 copia
De motu 1 copia
Rime 1 copia

Obras relacionadas

A hombros de gigantes (2002) — Contribuidor — 1,201 copias
The World of Mathematics, Volume 2 (1956) — Contribuidor — 119 copias
Meeting of Minds: First Series (1978) — Subject — 57 copias
Cause, Experiment, and Science (1981) — Contribuidor — 35 copias
The Sheed and Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy (2005) — Contribuidor — 28 copias
Galileo Galilei (1977) — Associated Name — 27 copias
Philosophical Issues: A Contemporary Introduction (1972) — Contribuidor — 17 copias


Conocimiento común

Nombre canónico
Galilei, Galileo
Nombre legal
Galilei, Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de'
Otros nombres
GALILEI, Galileo
Fecha de nacimiento
Fecha de fallecimiento
Lugar de sepultura
Church of Santa Croce, Florence, Italy
País (para mapa)
Lugar de nacimiento
Pisa, Duchy of Florence
Lugar de fallecimiento
Arcetri, Grand Duchy of Tuscany
Lugares de residencia
Pisa, Italy (birth)
Padua, Italy
Florence, Tuscany, Italy
Pisa University
professor(mathematics ∙ Padua University)
Celeste, Sister Maria (daughter)
University of Pisa
University of Padua
Premios y honores
Accademia dei Ricovrati
Biografía breve
How can one summarize Galileo? He asked questions no one could answer, and then invented ways to answer them himself. He was the great Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher, and the father of modern science.



Galileo Galilei en Legacy Libraries (enero 2014)



Esta obra del astrónomo y físico italiano Galileo Galilei, cuyo título completo es Discursos y demostraciones matemáticas en torno a dos nuevas ciencias referidas a la mecánica y a los movimientos locales, fue publicada en la tipografía de los Elzevir en Leyden, en 1638, y dedicada por el autor al conde de Noailles. Última de las obras publicadas por Galileo, fue preparada desde la reclusión forzosa a que lo condenó el segundo proceso inquisitorial, y que Galileo pasó en su quinta de Arcetri, en compañía de sus discípulos; sin embargo, parte de los materiales que la componen son anteriores a 1609, año en que inició su fecunda dedicación a la astronomía.

Galileo con sus discípulos en la quinta de Arcetri

Por esta naturaleza parcialmente recopilatoria, los Discursos y demostraciones matemáticas contienen la mayor parte de las más relevantes aportaciones de Galileo a la física. Presentada en forma de diálogo entre tres interlocutores (los mismos que entablaron el Diálogo sobre los dos máximos sistemas del mundo), la obra se dividía en la edición de 1638 en cuatro jornadas. Las dos primeras tratan de la estructura de los materiales, y conforman la exposición de la "ciencia nueva" que hoy llamamos estática. La tercera se ocupa del movimiento uniforme y uniformemente acelerado de los cuerpos, y la cuarta de la trayectoria de los proyectiles; en ambas se debate la segunda "ciencia nueva", hoy llamada dinámica. A partir de la edición florentina de 1718 se añadieron dos nuevas jornadas: "Sobre la definición de las proporciones de Euclides" y "De la fuerza de percusión".

Con la inserción de no pocas divagaciones geniales y útiles sobre otros asuntos, las dos primeras partes de la obra versan sobre la ciencia del equilibrio de las fuerzas y de la resistencia de los materiales. En ellas se exponen el principio de acción y reacción y diversas consideraciones sobre la cohesión, sobre el vacío, sobre lo continuo y discontinuo y sobre el infinito, todo ello completado con no pocas demostraciones geométricas en las que predomina el sentido de las proporciones, que, como los antiguos griegos, con tanta sagacidad utilizó para sus exposiciones, sin recurrir jamás a fórmulas algebraicas.
… (más)
FundacionRosacruz | Jan 3, 2018 |



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