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Canadian Master Weaver Laura Fry published this technical resource of handwoven samples of before and after wet finished handwoven cloth in various fibers. An excellent work for students of weaving and weave structure.
BSWG-Guild | otra reseña | Feb 7, 2022 |
This DVD is all about how to finish your handwoven cloth and which techniques to use with different fibers. Laura Fry is the demonstrator and narrator and is a real expert on the subject.

The video is 74 minutes long, making it perfect for watching it in one setting. Laura takes her audience through fulling wool, wet finishing cottons, silks and rayons and a variety of compression techniques for linen. She also covers pressing silks and rayons to bring out the fiber’s natural shine. The very last part of the video is how to finish textured fabrics that you may not wish to press so that their bumpy and textured surface is preserved.

My only criticism is that she didn’t mention adding white vinegar to the last rinse of woolens to restore a natural pH to the fibers.
Finishing techniques are a good feather for your weaving cap and this video will certainly get you started in the right direction.
fiberguildreno | otra reseña | Oct 18, 2019 |
Good beginner book, some good ideas for all weavers
hhlibrary | Mar 30, 2019 |
The most common complaint of weavers is that they don't have enough time for weaving. Production weaver and teacher Laura Fry has an answer: weave more efficiently so you can make the most of the weaving time that you have. In addition to getting more textile for your time at the loom, Laura's techniques and tips will also help you weave better cloth while reducing wear and tear on your body. You'll learn: how to warp your learn quickly and accurately; how to achieve correct, consistent tension during warping and weaving; how to thread faster than you've ever imagined; techniques for waving perfect selvedges; dozens of ways to make weaving easier on your body. 91 minutes.
WeavingIndiana | Nov 14, 2014 |
Wet-finishing is the process that turns weaving into cloth. Handwoven threads need water and motion to open them up, flatten them out, move them into place, or shrink them into the fabric that you intend them to be. In this video, professional weaver and teacher Laura Fry shows you how to wet-finish different kinds of fibers and cloth, from the magic that happens in the water through to proper pressing and drying techniques. 74 minutes
WeavingIndiana | otra reseña | Nov 14, 2014 |
A partial book of actual woven samples before and after wet finishing, weaving drafts included for each sample. Elisa purchased this partial book at a discount for the guild
palisadesweavers | otra reseña | Oct 12, 2010 |
Mostrando 6 de 6