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Marilyn French (1929–2009)

Autor de Kvinnorummet

32+ Obras 5,002 Miembros 84 Reseñas 1 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Writer and feminist activist Marilyn French was born in Brooklyn, New York on November 21, 1929. She studied philosophy and English literature at Hofstra College, earning a bachelor's degree in 1951 and a master's in 1964. Before earning her doctorate from Harvard University, she taught English at mostrar más Hofstra from 1964 to 1968. She was an assistant professor of English at the College of the Holy Cross from 1972 to 1976. She wrote numerous books throughout her lifetime including The Women's Room (1977), The War against Women (1992), and Season in Hell: A Memoir (1998). She died of heart failure on May 2, 2009 at the age of 79. (Bowker Author Biography) mostrar menos


Obras de Marilyn French

Kvinnorummet (1977) 2,002 copias, 36 reseñas
La Hija (1987) 544 copias, 15 reseñas
The Bleeding Heart (1980) 534 copias, 6 reseñas
The War Against Women (1992) 407 copias, 1 reseña
Our Father (1994) 282 copias, 2 reseñas
Beyond Power: On Women, Men, and Morals (1985) 245 copias, 2 reseñas
My Summer with George (1996) 181 copias, 1 reseña
In the Name of Friendship (2002) 91 copias, 4 reseñas
A Season in Hell: A Memoir (1998) 84 copias, 2 reseñas
Shakespeare's Division of Experience (1981) 82 copias, 1 reseña
The Book as World: James Joyce's Ulysses (1976) 54 copias, 1 reseña

Obras relacionadas

Ethan Frome (1911) — Introducción, algunas ediciones9,627 copias, 217 reseñas
El Arrecife (1912) — Introducción, algunas ediciones837 copias, 16 reseñas
Vieja Nueva York (1924) — Introducción, algunas ediciones691 copias, 18 reseñas
Roman Fever and Other Stories (1964) — Introducción, algunas ediciones590 copias, 15 reseñas
Los niños (1928) — Introducción, algunas ediciones497 copias, 12 reseñas
La renuncia (1925) — Epílogo, algunas ediciones361 copias, 9 reseñas
Madame de Treymes and Other Stories (1973) — Introducción, algunas ediciones228 copias, 1 reseña
The Fruit of the Tree (1907) — Introducción, algunas ediciones180 copias, 7 reseñas
Erotica: Women's Writing from Sappho to Margaret Atwood (1990) — Contribuidor — 170 copias
Women: A World Report (1985) — Contribuidor — 30 copias
Almost Touching the Skies: Women's Coming of Age Stories (2000) — Introducción — 21 copias


Conocimiento común

Nombre canónico
French, Marilyn
Nombre legal
Edwards, Marilyn (birth)
Fecha de nacimiento
Fecha de fallecimiento
Lugar de nacimiento
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Lugar de fallecimiento
Manhattan, New York, USA
Causa de fallecimiento
heart failure
Lugares de residencia
New York, New York, USA
Hofstra University (BA|1951|MA|1964)
Harvard University (Ph.D|1972)
literary critic
Hofstra University
College of the Holy Cross
Biografía breve
Marilyn French became famous when her groundbreaking 1977 novel "The Women's Room" became an international bestseller. This book and her other works focused on the details of women's lives in a male-dominated society. Carol Jenkins, president of the Women's Media Center, said of Marilyn French, "Both as a scholar and novelist, she brandished a razor sharp writing instrument on the patriarchy, but privately she was gentle and funny."



Un roman choral sur la condition des femmes de la classe moyenne dans la banlieue des villes moyennes des Etats Unis, des années cinquante aux années soixante-dix. Le récit s'appuie sur l'expérience personnelle de de l'autrice et il est convaincant de réalisme tout en évitant le manichéisme.
Le pendant du Groupe de Mary McCarthy qui est placé dans un milieu plus huppé et urbain de la côte Est.
marievictoire | 35 reseñas más. | Jun 7, 2024 |
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Selected excerpts and comments ...

“I wanted to command attention the way he did, learned how to do it too, Clare said I had it down, but not the same, they don’t listen to me the same way, it’s different. They liked listening, looking up to him, elder statesman. They don’t like listening to me.” p22

“Oh, why didn’t I go? Nobody asked me.” p110

Because we’ve been taught from the beginning that we must not ask, we must wait. Wait for a man to ask us to the prom, to ask us out for a drink, dinner, a date, marriage. Along with the convention that those events are supposedly of utmost importance in a woman’s life, it’s no wonder we grow up waiting to be asked for — everything. Jobs, membership on task forces and projects, raises, promotions, clients … all the things that put us on the ladder, and help us ascend, to status and income.

Imagine a world in which boys were reprimanded for asking, we taught they must wait— Well, full stop there.

And imagine, of course, that women seldom ask them for anything of importance because, well, men just aren’t that important, except as escorts in one way or another …

And it’s not just that. The few of us who do ask are told ‘no’ (if our asking is indeed acknowledged, ‘heard’…). (And note, we don’t respond to rejection with a shooting spree.)

So often, we eventually stop.

“Is that all I am to him, a shudder in the loins? Is that all fatherhood is?” p216

“Poor kid, what must that feel like, your own father doesn’t even have the interest to lay eyes on you.” p216

“All I want is some answers. … I don’t care about the money.” p222

“You’re asking for something he doesn’t want to give.” p223

No, more likely, something he doesn’t have. I dare say we impute too much self-awareness to men on issues like this.

“He was so powerful things just appeared before him when he wanted them.” p227

Right. Men don’t even have to ask. And women don’t ask. Partly because they’ve been taught all their lives not to; we’re supposed to just wait … See above. And partly because when we do ask, we don’t get what we’re asking for anyway. See This is what happens, Chris Wind.

“… that you and generations of men before you felt that incest was their prerogative, their right—that fathers own the bodies of their daughters as they do those of their wives and slaves. And that they believe they have the right to own other human beings, to control them, that indeed, they define manhood as the ability to control others.” p296 (my emphasis)

“… you [the father who raped her when she was a child, telling her the whole time that he loved her…] destroyed utterly my ability to discriminate love from power, sex from submission. You ruined my emotional life. Forever.” p300

Does that explain the possibly increasing preference for ‘rough’ sex?

“This left me with a sense of helplessness and inferiority—a sense that I have no existence, don’t matter—that I will have to battle as long as I live.” p302

Don’t need to rape your daughters to do that. Just ignore and belittle them from the moment they’re born until they finally get the fuck out of your house.

“Even though I never harmed you—after all, I have no responsibility for my own existence, my ow birth—and never wished you ill, you have condemned me to eternal shadowhood and pain.” p303

Indeed. Men, why do you create something in order to ignore it, abandon it, to hurt it so? Because perverse ‘masculinity’ requires it. And you buy it. Masculinity.

“I don’t have to have another husband. The thought shocked her into utter stillness.” p318

Pity more women don’t realize that at eighteen. In our current society, we don’t need to marry a man. End of story. Take advantage of that!
… (más)
ptittle | otra reseña | Apr 21, 2023 |
Insatisfeita e amargurada, Mira consegue levar adiante seu casamento, num mundo cercado de hipocrisias, adultérios e espancamentos. Apesar de infeliz, comporta-se como uma esposa perfeita. Mas sua vida desaba no dia em que o marido subitamente pede o divórcio. Aos quarenta anos, ela enfrenta a dura realidade de reconstruir sozinha sua existência. Através da história de Mira e de suas amigas, Marilyn French traça com vigor apaixonante um painel dos êxitos, fracassos, dúvidas e crises das mulheres americanas nas últimas décadas.… (más)
bibliotecapresmil | Sep 8, 2022 |
Good book but don't agree with everything but good characters of women
book club book, Anna
PatLibrary123 | 3 reseñas más. | Aug 9, 2022 |



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