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I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I picked up Brad Formsma’s I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life. The title did not grab me. I expected that the pages would included highly individualized tale of how rewarding he finds giving. And yes, he does open up his own story of giving but what makes this book so special are the stories he shares from co-conspirators, givers and recipients of his and others’ generosity. Some of the gifts given are simple: time, attention, small acts of service. Some gifts are radical acts of generosity: vacations, money for college tuition, surgery, water heaters and forgiveness. Formsma shares and these giving stories in hopes to inspire readers toward more generous living.

This isn’t a ‘theology book.’ Formsma’s, giving is an act of faith and his response to nudges from the Holy Spirit. He doesn’t unpack this, preach or try to persuade people of the moral obligation to give. Instead he tries to awaken the desire to give by sharing stories and ideas and invites us to look for people and situations we can give towards. This book is an invitation more than a summons.

There is a ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul‘ feel to some of these stories: heartwarming encounters and miraculous answers to prayer. I may just feel sentimental, but I was really touched by a lot of these stories and do find them inspiring. As someone who has been on both side of generous giving–responding to God’s leading to give and someone who has received and sustained by the generosity of others, I encourage you to read this or go to Formsma’s website and watch some of the short films which highlight the ways people are giving. Be inspired and do something. I give this book four stars: ★★★★.

Thank you to Waterbrook Multnomah for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Jamichuk | 4 reseñas más. | May 22, 2017 |
Rating: 3.5 of 5

I Like Giving was filled with inspirational stories of generosity. It also highlighted the positive effects of giving - in the lives of individuals, communities, and the world. Although written from a "This is what Jesus would do, so I will too" mindset, the underlying message still resonated with me, someone who is so not religious. Recommended if you feel the urge to give but just don't know how or where to get started.½
flying_monkeys | 4 reseñas más. | Apr 9, 2014 |
Without putting any pressure, or go preaching on tithing, Brad Formsma, shares his decades of fun while giving, whether big or small things. A gesture, compliment or a smile may be enough sometimes. By giving you can make the lives of your neighbors easier, and more bearable. Formsma uses some latest scientific research on the positive correlation between generosity and hapiness and the chapter Dan Pink devotes to generosity in Drive. And while the author is a Christian, and giving as a Christian is described just as normal as breathing, you as a reader may not count yourself one, or find it difficult just your time, money, beloved gadget, forgiveness away to....friends or strangers. Formsma includes the view point of the receiver as well, without promoting a quid pro quo approach. So, speaking with Adam Grant, author of Give and Take, it's more on the givers side, than the takers or matchers. Motivated intrinsically you're beyond awareness or an admirer of all the personal stories interwoven in this book's message, but actionable, seeing miracles happen in the lives of others and yours too. Giving is living.
hjvanderklis | 4 reseñas más. | Apr 1, 2014 |
This is a powerful book with simple words to understand but it comes with a dynamic punch that will turn your life around. I think so many of us have heard the expression, 'It's more blessed to give than receive.' We get the concept and have applied it now and then, especially when it's convenient for us.

Here the author gives us a plethora of examples of shared testimonies and heart-felt stories of the giving experience. What I personally gleaned is that giving is a way of life, looking for the opportunity to meet a need, and it can be in the form of a smile of encouragement or in helping someone get a new car. Do we want to spend our lives always caring for material stuff we gather in this lifetime or simply be motivated by a universal principle of giving to our fellow man?!

This is an easy book to read, but as you go deeper perhaps you'll be challenged with the choice to become aware of others needs and be an instrument of generosity. I think you'll be amazed at the many opportunities that come your way and how you will grow as a person. For sure, you will be rewarded with a renewed passion and unending joy to give more frequently and the world will be a better place.

I really liked this book and give it 4/5 stars. Recommend it! Many of the stories will leave you teary-eyed, while other testimonies will shock and awe you because they are over the top stories. It's such a blessing to see the children and parents so deeply involved in giving... I get it!
LadyD_Books | 4 reseñas más. | Mar 27, 2014 |
I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life was a great book to read after reading 10dayswithout. This book is a collection of people in everyday lives expressing how giving has impacted them. Whether a stranger bought them a new bike to someone donating money they won. Each story compels you to live generously and find a "giving moment". How many times have you been in a situation to give to another? Did you take it? Whether something simple and insignificant or something rather big and generous for others to take notice? I find when I personally helps others, I in fact help myself. I see the world as a different place then it really is because I dream it to be a place of giving and fruitful living. This book is a great motivator to more from a ordinary person to a "doer" of great things. I encourage you to read this and let it transform your life as it has so many others. My rating is ★★★★☆!
cewtypye | 4 reseñas más. | Mar 25, 2014 |
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