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Not all of this book is particularly relevant to semi-arid Colorado, but there are still a lot of good ideas in this book.
JBarringer | Dec 15, 2023 |
An excellent book, even for container gardening.
lemontwist | Sep 3, 2023 |
Great informative little book. Well worth a look.
jvgravy | Oct 22, 2019 |
Very practicall and hands on book about what to do with all your produce once you've grown it! There's an introductory section about matching what you're growing to your kitchen & needs. The bulk of the book is cocerned with different methods of storing and preserving garden produce: drying, smoking, frezing, bottling, juicing, jams & preserves & more. Great balance between detailed "how to" text and lots of lovely photos. Also a great section on how to cope with gluts full of gorgeous recipes.
ruric | otra reseña | Aug 31, 2012 |
The usual top notch Bob Flowerdew book. Bob introduces how organic gardening can be done in the modern world, and how you can have a beautiful, productive garden that is also in tune with the natural world around us.
jimll | Jan 16, 2011 |
A book for someone with a larger garden than I have. How to take what you have and use it, how to keep it for later and what works and doesn't. Interesting stuff. If you had enough storage space this would also be ideal if you followed what was growing and made use of gluts during the year.
wyvernfriend | otra reseña | Mar 15, 2009 |
An excellent reference book which we have used for a number of years now and always found the advice and guidance clear and effective. The explanation of what is meant by 'organic gardening' dispels the myths surrounding this subject most effectively.
robertgriffen | Jan 8, 2009 |
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