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“In the sequel, Volume II, Marsha and her lawyer boyfriend Barry start getting closer with some interesting ‘hanky panky.’ For some reason, St. Patrick’s day has brought out a unique avenue to romance. What started out as a sort of ‘pranky’ four leaf clover lingerie, ends in a very passionate encounter.

Meanwhile, Francesca and Sasha try to avoid more questioning from the police while the body count continues to rise.
RaquelZepFitz | Jan 28, 2018 |
Three clever women who were once pegged the "UN TRIO" because of their diversity start their very own employment agency. Marsha is Irish Italian, Sasha is African-American, and Francesca is Hispanic.

Never did they foresee that mean bosses would have such an impact on their business. You see, if an employee leaves before a certain time frame, they lose their finder's fee.

These women try their best to keep people from walking off their jobs. When even a support group starts failing, they come up with a truly brilliant idea. This when DEAD BOSS CEMETERY DOT COM is born.

They create a website where employees can fantasize about executing their bosses. It's working so well that they're even making extra money on it. Then there's a fly in the soup - some bosses actually start dropping dead! This is a fun and very entertaining read ending in a cliff hanger.
RaquelZepFitz | Jan 28, 2018 |
In this story, MISOGYNY DIES. A seemingly quiet and gentle woman stumbles upon a powerful amulet that morphs her into something else. When Detective Marilyn Jennings is assigned to the case, she was happy to delve into one of Hollywood’s darkest secret vortex into the occult.”
RaquelZepFitz | Jan 28, 2018 |
In 1992, I learned that someone had stolen my business plan for a cosmetics line and used it to sell a copy cat version at one of America’s largest department stores, JC PENNY. They even used a fake version of my name and one of my modeling photos!
RaquelZepFitz | Jan 28, 2018 |
Cecily is an actress living in Hollywood, Califonra. She gets the call she’s been waiting for - her talent agent needs someone with her look. She only has one problem. She no longer looks like her photos because she’s gained thirty pounds. Until her gay BFF tells her about a ‘bruja’ that can literally cast a weight loss spell, Cecile relaxes. That’s when the story gets a little crazy and very funny.
RaquelZepFitz | Jan 28, 2018 |
This story is about a woman who keeps the neighbors guessing. She keeps strange hours and has a secret garden along with a very busy basement. She even seems to change her accent from plain American to Australian.

The oddest part of this story is figuring out what she really fears and her weird food cravings. At one point, you wonder if she's a cannibal. I won't tell. This is truly a psychological thriller.
RaquelZepFitz | Jan 28, 2018 |
The Second Coming (Osiris Trilogy Mystery Series)

Osiris is the second book in the series, with The Eye of Osiris being the book number one. Don't worry, if you haven't read the first book in the series, the second book has a informative introduction that will catch you up pretty quickly.

The first book sets place in San Francisco during the late eighties. Mariah, Veronica, and Luis go through life changing experiences that have a way of connecting the three together.

Both books have a supernatural mystery theme, that instantly drew my attention in. There are ritualistic type murders that San Francisco authorities are hoping is an act by one person alone. If more than one murderer is suspected, the only reason will be supernatural.

It's this exact supernatural event that brings Moriah closer to understanding herself just a little bit more. All in all, you'll learn a great amount of information about the beliefs of Egyptology. The cover portrays the theme in an adequate fashion. Overall I would rate this book as a 5/5.
lizasarusrex | Sep 1, 2014 |
In Volume III, gun violence is addressed and presents a very interesting scenario: What if guns backfired on criminals and the people who are placing more guns in the public’s hands?

Another very comical hypothetical is presented to a criminologist about the Dead Boss serial killer. What if this killer were to capture the U.S. President in his Florida residence? He suggests that the Dead Boss killer would execute the president five times per the methods on the website. Then bury the president’s body parts separately. This would make the current US President ‘THE MOST MURDERED PRESIDENT IN THE WORLD, ever; ultimately making him posthumously happy because this president wants to be the most of everything. Here's a visual of that:

Meanwhile, Francesca, Marsha, and Sasha are finding love in several places.

Finally, just when the detectives think the serial killer is winding down, a few more bodies appear.
RaquelZepFitz | Jun 10, 2018 |
“A This is a fast-paced mystery about seven days in the life of a woman that will forever change her.

Cindy, a divorced woman looking for love thinks she’s found it. Her inner battle is that deep down inside, she knows he’s going to hurt her.

Every morning she awakens with this feeling of doom. Until the day arrives when she snaps and can no longer wait for love. Within her inner battle, only one part of her survives.

When push comes to shove, she turns to her best friends who guide her through the seven worse days of her life; uncovering the twisted plot against her.

If you believe in karmic justice and like irony intertwined with dark humor, you will love this fast-paced read.”
RaquelZepFitz | Jan 28, 2018 |
Thrillers and mysteries are by far my favorite kinds of books to read, and this story is one of the best I’ve read in a long time. The suspense and intrigue kept me glued to the pages, and I just kept reading well into the night because I just had to find out what happens next. I don’t give spoilers in my reviews, but let me just say that there is nothing predictable in this story, and the twists and turns are logical without giving too much away. I also really liked this author’s writing style, the descriptions were vivid, and I had no trouble picturing the story unfold before my eyes. Recommended to all fans of the genre!
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RaquelZepFitz | Dec 14, 2017 |
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