Imagen del autor

Charles J. Finger (1869–1941)

Autor de Tales From Silver Lands

52+ Obras 660 Miembros 9 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Obras de Charles J. Finger

Tales From Silver Lands (1924) 536 copias, 8 reseñas
Courageous Companions (2012) 10 copias
A Dog at His Heel (1936) 9 copias
Frontier Ballads (1927) 8 copias
Lost Civilizations (2006) 8 copias
Romantic rascals (1969) 4 copias
The Affair at the Inn (1937) 4 copias
Seven horizons (1930) 4 copias
Cape Horn Snorter (1939) 3 copias
Heroes from Hakluyt (1928) 2 copias
Bushrangers 2 copias
Tales worth telling, (1927) 1 copia
Mahomet 1 copia
Give a Man a Horse (1938) 1 copia
Ozark Fantasia (1927) 1 copia

Obras relacionadas

The New Junior Classics Volume 02: Stories of Wonder and Magic (1938) — Contribuidor — 211 copias, 3 reseñas
The Young Folks Shelf of Books, Volume 02: Once Upon a Time (1962) — Contribuidor — 182 copias, 1 reseña
The New Junior Classics Volume 09: Sport and Adventure (1938) — Contribuidor — 177 copias, 2 reseñas
A Newbery Halloween (1991) — Contribuidor — 156 copias, 2 reseñas
Great Stories for Young Readers (1969) — Contribuidor — 92 copias
The Kingfisher Treasury of Witch and Wizard Stories (1996) — Contribuidor — 70 copias
A Golden Land (1958) — Contribuidor — 43 copias
Nine Witch Tales (1973) — Contribuidor — 42 copias, 1 reseña
Ghost and Goblins: Stories for Halloween (1936) — Contribuidor — 34 copias, 1 reseña
Witches, Witches, Witches (1958) — Contribuidor — 32 copias


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As far as a collection of fairy-esque tales go, it was pretty charming. The stories get a little redundant (evil witch! enchanted animal!) if you read them in bulk, but the writing is easy to go with. Some tales stuck with me stronger than others, but most are fun to retell -just because of their level of absurdity. Even with a few boring bits, I think the cute pieces can pull the weight without too much trouble.
Allyoopsi | 7 reseñas más. | Jun 22, 2022 |
I love these stories. They are so different from the fairy tales and legends that were local to my youth, they felt almost completely alien, which is a rather delicious feeling, and one that is hard to recapture as you get older and more experienced in the world.
Snukes | 7 reseñas más. | Jun 14, 2013 |
I enjoyed the tales that Finger collected, but I would have been more comfortable with more formal source notes as a supplement to Finger's occasional brief explanations that would open a tale explaining how he came across it. I know this was published before source notes were a standard practice, but it really does muddy the waters as to what parts really happened to the author and what he created for the purpose of the tale. I also thought the tales could have been better organized within the book - the trio of tales about the three giants was split up and I didn't understand why at all. This could be used as a source for storytellers looking for multicultural tales, but I think most kids won't be interested in reading it anymore. The only audiences I see are kids who are obsessed with fairy tales and folktales (read all of Andrew Lang's stuff and want more like it, for example) or those obsessed with the Newbery.… (más)
1 vota
JenJ. | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 31, 2013 |
Not a book you'd read all at once, but not bad for read alouds a chapter at a time. Some stories are better than others. Harmless.
mebrock | 7 reseñas más. | Feb 3, 2011 |



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