Imagen del autor

Eva Etzioni-Halevy

Autor de The Song of Hannah

11 Obras 484 Miembros 34 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Eva Etzioni-Halevy is professor of political sociology, at Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

Obras de Eva Etzioni-Halevy


Conocimiento común

Fecha de nacimiento
Austria (birth)
Lugar de nacimiento
Vienna, Austria
Lugares de residencia
Tel Aviv, Israel
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tel Aviv University (PhD)
political sociologist
Bar-Ilan University
Biografía breve
Eva Etzioni-Halevy was born in Vienna, Austria and hid from the invading Germans as a baby. The family managed to escape to Italy, where they spent most of the years of World War II, partly in an Italian concentration camp and partly in hiding. They emigrated to the British Mandate of Palestine in 1945. She attended a religious boarding school, and then studied sociology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and at Tel Aviv University, where she was awarded a PhD degree. Eva spent time in the USA and Australia
before returning to Israel and joining the faculty of Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv as a professor of political sociology. She published 14 academic books and numerous scholarly articles in both Hebrew and English before turning to fiction writing. Her first novel was The Song of Hannah, which drew inspiration from the Bible and the unusual family described in the First Book of Samuel. She is married and has three grown children.



Captivating re-telling of the story of ancient Israel during the time of prophets and judges.

Provides imagined details of Deborah's life as a prophet and judge as well as those of the Israeli warrior Barack and his wives. Describes the ongoing wars between the Jews and the Canaanites, and their eventual peace.

Bookish59 | 23 reseñas más. | Sep 25, 2023 |
3.5 stars

Osnath has come to Bethlehem at 15-years old and falls for two brothers, Eliab and David. While there, she is intrigued by the mystery surrounding Eliab and David’s ancestor (and I think, also in some way, her own ancestor), Ruth. It takes her a while to uncover Ruth’s story, while she is torn between the two men.

So, this is about the Biblical Ruth, and how her story may have come to be written. Actually, the first half of the book mostly focuses on Osnath, and the second half on Ruth. I don’t know the Bible – even less the Old Testament – but I did recognize a few names: Ruth; Samuel, a prophet; David (though I didn’t recognize him until Goliath was mentioned!). There were probably a few others. I didn’t remember it, but Osnath’s grandmother, Pninah, is one of the main characters in The Song of Hannah, also written by Etzioni-Halevy.

Anyway, I thought this was good, both women’s stories. A lot of jumping in between men’s beds (for both Osnath and Ruth!), though not in detail, but the story was still interesting. As always, I appreciate the historical note that was added in at the end.
… (más)
LibraryCin | 6 reseñas más. | Sep 29, 2019 |
3.5 stars

Asherah and Nogah are half-sisters. Deborah is an esteemed judge in her community. Asherah and Nogah are Canaanite, while Deborah is Israelite. They are at war. Barak is a warrior for the Israelites and brings Asherah and Nogah home with him, as well as other women and children, when Israel wins the war. Barak wants the beautiful Asherah as his wife, but Nogah falls in love with him. Deborah has also fallen in love with Barak.

I liked it. Not quite as much as The Song of Hannah, but it was still good. Deborah is more of a secondary character, despite the title of the book, and that was o.k. because I found Nogah and Asherah much more interesting. I was less interested while the war was happening and more interested in their personal lives and what was happening there.… (más)
LibraryCin | 23 reseñas más. | May 16, 2019 |
Two parallel stories unfold in this novel, neither of which held my interest. I felt that the characters were superficial and poorly drawn, the dialogue (possibly in an attempt to suggest the formal language of the Bible) was stilted and then unexpectedly and inappropriately veered into contemporary informality. The dynamic between the characters was unrealistic in terms of time, place and circumstance and the book was simply not very interesting.
turtlesleap | 6 reseñas más. | May 28, 2017 |


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