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Horribly unfunny satire of Pokemon and Tamagotchi wherein the writer dispenses with sense and, even with dozens of iterations of Ricks, Mortys, Beths, and Jerrys running around, basically limits character personality to the repeated shouting of "Wubba lubba dub dub!"

p.s., Oh, I just found out this is comic miniseries is actually based on a licensed videogame/app merchandised off the Rick and Morty TV show. Having three different companies involved and being two generations removed from the show may explain a lot of why it is so bad.
1 vota
villemezbrown | Jul 7, 2019 |
Tom Fowler comes on board as the writer and creates a couple stories worthy of the show. I especially enjoyed the roasting of sports, sports fandom and gambling in the final tale.
villemezbrown | otra reseña | May 10, 2019 |
A really good one, with the bonus shorts being four episodes of a bigger story.
cwebb | Nov 12, 2018 |
Another awesome and fun read!
cwebb | otra reseña | Nov 5, 2018 |
cwebb | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 1, 2018 |
cwebb | otra reseña | Oct 28, 2018 |
"If I'm being too vague, I'm talking about your penis here."

Are you missing Rick and Morty? Can you believe it has been 1 year, 4 months, and 9 days since the cliffhanger of Season 2? Can you believe we still have a month to wait for Season 3?

Well this collection of short adventures will tide you over. So many of these stories feel like lost episodes that we missed out on. It's a Ricklicious fix. Rick and Morty fans will enjoy this collection no end.

I received a digital copy of this collection ahead of release in exchange for an honest review, focussed on science.
TysonAdams | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 20, 2017 |
If you watch Adult Swim's Rick & Morty, you will love this comic as well! The storylines were hilarious and fun to read. I also liked the shorts at the end. They were really cute. And the comic is a good reread or two. Rick and Morty are a blast! It was a great read!
BonnieKernene | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 17, 2017 |
This is the second graphic novel, following Love the Way You Love Side A, about Tristan and Isobel. This story takes place right after the first, and involves some of the things you might do for love. Isobel considers going back to her ex-fiancee so that Tristan’s band will be able to be successful (her ex-fiancee is a record producer). Tristan also spends some time with an old girl friend, and Isobel sees them together, but ultimately believes Tristan when he tells her he is done with the old friend. This novel also goes into more of the Tristan and Isolde legend, drawing comparisons between the legend and the current lovers. I think this is a two-book series, because at the end they leave happy and in love, and there are only two sides to a record…right? I did enjoy this book, and I think it takes a deeper, more mature look at love than teens are used to. Interesting that this is written and drawn by men, but it is still romantic enough to appeal to girls looking for their Tristan.
59Square | Oct 22, 2010 |
Merideth says: Tristan is the Morrisey-esque singer of LA Band Like A Dog. Just returning from an impromptu overseas trip, he plays the gig that could send Like a Dog into the stratosphere -- and sees the perfect girl out in the audience. Isobel, the girl, is instantly drawn to Tristan as well, but is already engaged to Marcus. Marcus is a record company exec who wants to sign Tristan's band. The machinations of this unusual love triangle make up the first volume of this series.

While the setup might feel contrived, this unabashedly romantic graphic novel will pull you right in. Rich is a master of GN romance, and he manages to make the instant connection between Isobel and Tristan feel organic and believable. Marcus is a bit of a one note character, although you can see Rich attempting to flesh him out. Isobel's best friend Brendan is a kick though, as is Tristan's little brother.

My main criticism with this book has to do with the art work. Ellerby's work is an acquired taste, and I have to say that it doesn’t speak to me. Visually similar to Brian Lee O'Malley with spare lines and few grey tones, but lacking O'Malley's exuberance and expression, I can't help but feel that this would be a stronger book with a different illustrator. The covers gallery, featuring work by the amazing Chynna Clugston, adds weight to that supposition.

Susan says - This is a good graphic novel about love and where and when you find it or it finds you. Tristan has just broken up with his girlfriend when he sees someone through the crowd – first at the airport and then at his band’s concert that night. It seems like fate, only she is involved with another man, a record executive who wants to sign his band. This book has some funny moments and funny characters, but it is mostly about finding yourself and what love means to each person. To the record exec, his fiancée is someone who looks good with him, and he tends to either treat her like a jerk or like a queen. Tristan and his aptly named Isobel have an instant connection that they believe will unite them forever. Aah, young love. This is the first in a series – the combination of the music scene and the romance make me want to keep reading.
59Square | Feb 4, 2009 |
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