Imagen del autor
37 Obras 411 Miembros 2 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Obras de Fog City Press

Pasta (Little Guides) (1999) 38 copias
The Wonder of Horses (2013) 34 copias, 1 reseña
The Wonder of Dinosaurs (2013) 29 copias
The Wonder of Sharks (1724) 26 copias, 1 reseña
The Wonder of Baby Animals (2013) 24 copias
The Wonder of Puppies (2016) 15 copias
Safari Animals (Snapshot Picture Library Series) (2013) — Autor — 11 copias


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This informational book would get a lot of audience from the girls in the class, they seem to love horses during the elementary level. I think that I would have this book set out and let the students choose which book to read, I would not have the whole class read this one book about horses, though they would still have to read a book and do an assignment about it. I would have the students that read this book draw a picture of a horse and write some interesting facts that they learned about horses that they didn't already know.… (más)
AnnaTaylor | Apr 25, 2016 |
I enjoyed this book because I know many school aged children that are so fascinated with sharks and everything to do with sharks. I feel like students do not typically life to read informational books, but I think that this one in particular would interest them. There are so many different types and species of sharks mentioned in the book, like the Great White, or the Whaler shark and so many others. I would have my students read the book thoroughly and choose which type of shark is their favorite and I would have them write facts about that shark and why they like it better than the other types of sharks.… (más)
AnnaTaylor | Apr 25, 2016 |

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