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Incluye el nombre: Phillip E. DeVol

Obras de Philip E. DeVol


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I didn't learn anything from this book. It was recommend for me to read since we're going to hear one of the authors speak about this book. I may be well educated but this book was way over my head and referred to too many sources.
Martha.Louise.Owen | 3 reseñas más. | Apr 23, 2018 |
Through the help of this book, workbook and workshop one can better understand what those in poverty are up against and how we can change our polices and procedures and have a deeper understanding of their daily challenges.
SABC | 3 reseñas más. | Jul 29, 2017 |
This book is a collection of papers published by Phillip E. DeVol containing clear examples and proven best practices of how communities can come together to sustain prosperity for all stakeholders.
Emporia | Apr 30, 2010 |
A book that describes the reality of poverty and its attendant worldview lucidly. It helps for those in middle and wealthy classes understand why those in poverty think and act as they do. The book does not justify or condemn them, but strives to provide ways of understanding and cooperation to assist people in poverty get beyond their present circumstances.

It takes one until the appendix, however, to see an appreciation for the "rules of poverty" as the means by which those in poverty have managed to survive, and the concept that the best way forward for those in poverty is to "add" to these rules those of the middle class to achieve. The work recognizes the need to cut off relationships in order to achieve, and gets a bit bloodless about it. Middle-class values are honored a bit too uncritically; there's much that the middle class could learn from the poor about the value of community and one another.

Nevertheless, to understand more about the rules of poverty and the middle class, a good resource.
… (más)
deusvitae | 3 reseñas más. | Jul 19, 2008 |

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