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Title: Flesh of Innocents
Author: J.A. Dennam
Publisher: J.A.D.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Flesh of Innocents" by J. A. Dennam

My Rationalization:

This was one interesting read "Flesh of Innocent' where Olivia Rose was on one mission and that was to 'save the lives of four small children who have been chosen as sacrifices for an ancient ritual.' However, it seeking out to save the fourth child Olivia will run into her horrible sister who will present trouble for her. Along with this the child's father Eddie Garrett will be brought into play as he will be accused of kidnapping and 'then Olivia will claim that the Native American Tribe has painted a target on his daughter.' This story will get to be very intense because for a minute Eddie didn't know whether to believe all that Olivia was claiming to whether this was true or not. The story was definitely will be a 'journey of danger, passion, and crippling discovery.' What really got me about this story was the hatred that Olivia's sister, Sylvia had for her. This is definitely a story 'that not everything is what it seems and certainly when in the wrong hands, the past can be much scarier than an uncertain future.' I will say this is one of those reads you will have to pick up and see how well this author gives the reader that will keep your attention turning the pages to see what was coming next.
arlenadean | Mar 25, 2019 |
I had a difficult time with this book in the very beginning. I thought this was going to be your typical present-day Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story kind of book. Then the book’s true plot entered.
Danny will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She is strong, smart, fast-tongued, witty, hard-working… you get the point. She is the total package, and she can hang with the big guys! She is more than just strong-willed, she is determined.
Austin isn’t your typical salvage yard owner. He is caring and giving… except where Danny is concerned. He vows to not let her infiltrate his business. He thinks she is a spy from his family’s enemies. It takes him a while to realize that she truly wants to work for him. Although he tricks her in to having to stay employed at his yard, she toughs it out and proves herself.
Then the fun begins. Not only does Danny form bonds with her co-workers, but she just may show Austin up in his own world. She also throws him through some loops in the process. Then the fun begins. Things go awry, accidents ensue, people are getting hurt. Fingers get pointed back and forth from both families. The century-old feud has taken control of everyone. No one trusts one another. Austin and Danny can’t seem to trust each other even though they have connected in so many ways that should be off limits.
As lives are at stake, it is up to this cast to figure out just who is trying to hurt and kill who. No one knows what danger lurks around each corner. The biggest test of all is love. Can love survive the feud? Or will love take the lives of those around them? I can’t give away anymore of the story. Although you are probably scratching your head right now. You should be. I was for a moment or two. I got whiplash from the bouncing ball in the second half of this book.
This story is well-written. It will leave you hanging for the next book in the series. Which, by the way I have read also… My oh my… This is the beginning of a wonderful, suspenseful story of two families coming together to save each others’ lives. The bond these families find is unbreakable, or is it? This is a series that you should definitely read!
AmberGoleb | 3 reseñas más. | Mar 13, 2018 |
Well… where to start. First off, this book is nothing like the first book. This one is teetering on the edge of sci-fi. And that isn’t a bad thing. This isn’t a mushy, happy ending type of book. It is raw and will keep you on the edge of your seat.
So, I am struggling to give you what I want to give you without being a spoiler. Secrets are reveals. Plot twists ensue around every corner. Like in the first book, no one knows who to trust… Only things are much more serious this time around. There is more danger than ever before. The ones you didn’t like in the first book may just become your wanna be ally.
Everyone has played a part in hiding things from those close to them. Now everything is coming out, one secret at a time. The more secrets that are revealed, the more danger all of the characters are in. This book is a race against time. If things aren’t handled right, many people will lose their lives. Again, both families must continue to work side-by-side to save the lives of those they love.
This story with have you back and forth all of the way through. On the edge of your seat, you won’t know truth from lies. You will question who is the enemy and who is not. I couldn’t put this book down. I wanted the happy ending that I thought would happen. I was left satiated but ready for the next book! Hold on tight with this book! It is one big bumpy ride!!

To enter the tour giveaway, follow this link ---->
AmberGoleb | 3 reseñas más. | Mar 13, 2018 |
I had a difficult time with this book in the very beginning. I thought this was going to be your typical present-day Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story kind of book. Then the book’s true plot entered.
Danny will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She is strong, smart, fast-tongued, witty, hard-working… you get the point. She is the total package, and she can hang with the big guys! She is more than just strong-willed, she is determined.
Austin isn’t your typical salvage yard owner. He is caring and giving… except where Danny is concerned. He vows to not let her infiltrate his business. He thinks she is a spy from his family’s enemies. It takes him a while to realize that she truly wants to work for him. Although he tricks her in to having to stay employed at his yard, she toughs it out and proves herself.
Then the fun begins. Not only does Danny form bonds with her co-workers, but she just may show Austin up in his own world. She also throws him through some loops in the process. Then the fun begins. Things go awry, accidents ensue, people are getting hurt. Fingers get pointed back and forth from both families. The century-old feud has taken control of everyone. No one trusts one another. Austin and Danny can’t seem to trust each other even though they have connected in so many ways that should be off limits.
As lives are at stake, it is up to this cast to figure out just who is trying to hurt and kill who. No one knows what danger lurks around each corner. The biggest test of all is love. Can love survive the feud? Or will love take the lives of those around them? I can’t give away anymore of the story. Although you are probably scratching your head right now. You should be. I was for a moment or two. I got whiplash from the bouncing ball in the second half of this book.
This story is well-written. It will leave you hanging for the next book in the series. Which, by the way I have read also… My oh my… This is the beginning of a wonderful, suspenseful story of two families coming together to save each others’ lives. The bond these families find is unbreakable, or is it? This is a series that you should definitely read!
UANBookAddict | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 3, 2015 |
Well… where to start. First off, this book is nothing like the first book. This one is teetering on the edge of sci-fi. And that isn’t a bad thing. This isn’t a mushy, happy ending type of book. It is raw and will keep you on the edge of your seat.
So, I am struggling to give you what I want to give you without being a spoiler. Secrets are reveals. Plot twists ensue around every corner. Like in the first book, no one knows who to trust… Only things are much more serious this time around. There is more danger than ever before. The ones you didn’t like in the first book may just become your wanna be ally.
Everyone has played a part in hiding things from those close to them. Now everything is coming out, one secret at a time. The more secrets that are revealed, the more danger all of the characters are in. This book is a race against time. If things aren’t handled right, many people will lose their lives. Again, both families must continue to work side-by-side to save the lives of those they love.
This story with have you back and forth all of the way through. On the edge of your seat, you won’t know truth from lies. You will question who is the enemy and who is not. I couldn’t put this book down. I wanted the happy ending that I thought would happen. I was left satiated but ready for the next book! Hold on tight with this book! It is one big bumpy ride!!

To enter the tour giveaway, follow this link ---->
UANBookAddict | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 3, 2015 |
3.5 Stars
I liked Between Faith and Fear, but compared to the first book in this series, it's missing something. I think for me, the first book was more of an angsty-contemporary romance with a plot twist at the ending. This book was more of a suspense, sci-fi and really wasn't believable. Though, there were some super hot smexy scenes that I quite enjoyed! Don't get me wrong, it was exciting to read, it was a one sitting read for me! I really love the Hero/love interest a lot! Dennam is a talented writer, the flow of the story and the POV's were great! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! I gotta know what happens to this cast of characters and who's book it'll be! Thus far, the series is great!

ARC provided in exchange for honest review!
asgwilli | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 2, 2013 |
This was a good angsty, mysterious read! I like the MC, Danny she was a kick-ass heroine that didn't take anyone's crap. I also liked the love interest Austin and how their relationship evolved (?). It was definitely a rocky path. There's an extreme plot twist at the ending, that I totally didn't expect. All-over a great read!
asgwilli | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 2, 2013 |
By: J.A. Dennam
Published By: J.A.D.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: Captive Series #2

"Between Faith and Fear" by J.A. Dennam was some good read. I would suggest you read this authors' first novel 'Truth and Humility' first before reading this will make it somewhat clearer for you to understand just what has gone on earlier in the series leading into this one: "Between Faith and Fear." All I can say is what a thrill of a ride this novel lead me on. I thought it was a awesome read. This author really knows how to connect all of the dots so you will just have to read it finding it such a smooth ride. There was so much going on in this ready for so many twist and turns that will have you saying I didn't see that coming! The first series was of Austin and Danny and for this series was of Mel and Derek. Yes, Derek! Be ready for 'secrets, plots and a lots of danger in every turn up to very end. As the secrets are revealed there will be even more danger added to the characters. Will they be able to live or will their be lives loss? One great thing I did like was the way the families came together 'working side by side to save the lives of those they loved.' "Between Faith and Fear" their will be parts of the novel will jump back and forth but it will be easy to keep up with. At times you will not know who the enemy is but by continuing your read you will find out in the end and oh what a ending! Be prepared for a long read but it will be worth it in the end because this author really give its to her readers a awesome read that will only have you looking for this author's the next series.
arlenadean | 3 reseñas más. | Sep 8, 2013 |
Author: J.A. Dennam
Published by: J.A.D.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


"Truth and Humility" By J.A. Dennam was a wonderful romance, powerful mystery and suspenseful novel that simply one I could not put down. It truly has it all: drama, suspense, mystery, romance, action, murder, secrets and a lots of emotion and passion that will have you taking you on so many twist and turns, not knowing where this author was taking you next. However, you would definitely arrive at the right time! It was one of those novels hard to find out just who was the bad person is until the end. This was very well done with its smoothness of it all. We have two families (Bennett's and the Cahill's) that had been feuding for generation since the 1800's over MONEY and PROPERTY. This can only leave you saying OMG! Will this ever end? Also, later it seems like after a 'secretly formed close friendship during teens (between Derek and Austin) even had fallen apart due to a murder that took place. Now as the story moves on we find Danielle (Danny) Bennett who was the youngest of nine and only girl, now twenty one needs money to go to college but her father refuses so Danny set out to make her own money. So, she take the best paying job at the 'Cahill Salvage.' They won't know her...Wrong! Isn't this the enemy territory? Well, this is where I say you must pick up "Truth and Humility" to find out what the author has instore for the reader.You may think that this feud is all about revenge but as you get into the read you will see how its unfolds becoming more tragic as the truths come out in the open and you will find the epilogue will bring the stories twist and turns all the way around giving the reader a well written novel. The characters from Danny, Derek, Austin, Mel, to Mac were all well developed and intriguing. I loved how the author was able to pull you into the novel making you even to feel what each character felt. Be ready for a 'family duel, a thirst for vengeance, and a forbidden love' making this one romantic suspenseful story and I really enjoyed the author presenting this to us in third person.

If you are in for a suspenseful, mystery, romance contemporary read the "Truth and Humility" would be recommended to you.
arlenadean | 3 reseñas más. | Mar 26, 2013 |
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