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This is one of those graphic novels that really captures psychedelic moods, but at the expense of story and characters. I never really connected with the main character, Palmer, because he seemed easily manipulated by conspiracy theorists and didn't seem to grow as a character. Also, there was a lot of toxic masculinity/sexist and racist behavior by pretty much all of the characters but nothing really came of it. I'll probably forget this book quickly because I didn't really understand it, if there even are things I am suppose to understand after reading this.
TAndrewH | Dec 15, 2020 |
As I often do, I picked up this graphic novel at random. The name intrigued me, as it implied AD&D gaming sessions, and also the figurine on the cover, which did not fit the name at all. It seemed more Pre-Columbian, Toltec maybe, except for that very big Brainiac head.

The head in question belongs to the titular character, Millennial Boy, who, being bored one day, decides on the spur of the moment to go on a quest, eliciting friends and collecting supplies and equipment on the way. His adventures have a Gen-X, slacker vibe, mixing the fantastic and the mundane. Instead of dungeons and feral wilderness Millennial Boy and his companions trek through vacant lots and back alleys, encountering petty thugs and Molelocs (a cross between orcs and moles.) It’s haphazard and good-natured in the way of underground comic artist R. Crumb. Millennial Boy is snarky and cynical — at times I expected him to betray or take advantage of his companions in pursuit of his own goals — but he’s actually a stauncher companion than you’d think, and someone whom you’d want along on a mythical quest, even if he is too assured that he knows the best for everyone else.

The artwork I found enjoyable. There is some nudity, chiefly penises, but it’s employed in service of the story. For example, Lash Penis, who serves as the generic Fighter of the group, is wounded and enters a Pool of Healing where he encounters a oneness with the universe. I was expecting, given the snarky tone of the story, some ironic punchline for this episode, but it was played straight, and oddly affecting because of it.

I’ll continue to follow these characters on their odd yet endearing quest.
Cobalt-Jade | 4 reseñas más. | Sep 25, 2017 |
In Joe Dalys «The Red Monkey Double Happiness Book» folgen wir den aberwitzigen Abenteuern des Illustratoren Dave in Kapstadt und Umgebung.

Es ist Dalys zweiter Band beim hervorragenden amerikanischen Comic-Verlag Fantagraphics. Wie für sein erstes Werk «Scrublands» hat er sich scheinbar von der New Age-Bewegung inspirieren lassen. Charaktere wie Daves bester Freund Paul, ein Hippie mit Vollbart und Didgeridoo scheinen auf diesem Trip hängengeblieben zu sein.

In der Geschichte «The leaking Cello case» geht der vom Schicksal gebeutelte Comiczeichner Dave um seiner langweiligen bezahlten Arbeit zu entfliehen der Quelle des unerträglichen Geräusches in der Wohnung über ihm nach.

In der zweiten, längeren Geschichte, jagen Dave und Paul ein entlaufenes Capybara (auch Wasserschwein genannt) in den Feuchtgebieten um Kapstadt. Das an sich schon abenteurliche Unterfangen «Grossmeerschweinjagd» entwickelt sich - frei von den Zwängen kausaler Logik - zu einer wilden Story mit vermeintlichen Aliens, skrupellosen Immobilienhaien und einem Kampfaffen.

Dalys Figuren haben eine schöne holzschnittartige Qualität. Der Band bietet uns die Gelegenheit zu sehen, wie sehr die Kolorierung die Gesamtwirkung eines Comics verändern kann. Die erste Geschichte ist in leuchtenden Farben und mit vielen Verläufen ausgeführt, während die zweite flächig, mit warmen, eher erdigen Farben gestaltet ist. Besonders gut gefallen mir die nächtlichen Szenen, eigentliche Grisaillen die in der Druckerei wohl für Schweissperlen auf der Stirn gesorgt haben dürften.

Mindestens ebenso sehr wie von den Bildern lebt der Comic aber von den absolut schrägen Dialogen, vor allem jenen zwischen Dave und Paul. Wer die «Freak Brothers» und «The Big Lebowski» mag, sollte sich diesen Comic unbedingt anschauen.
wasacrisp | Jan 25, 2014 |
Dungeon Quest is one tripped-out mamajama of weirdo Dungeons & Dragon’s reverence and mockery.

This review is for all three volumes in the series.

The story starts out odd and gets odder and odder as it goes. And odder. I’m gonna say it’s like Dungeons & Dragons meets Twin Peaks meets Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure meets soft gay porn while stoned out of its mind. You’d think such a thing wouldn’t have an audience. Would you? Okay, maybe it has an obvious audience. Well, obviously me, because I think it is wicked awesome and revelatory in its freakitude and brings back great memories. Of playing D&D in Twin Peaks with my bros Bill & Ted while high and watching gay porn. What? Just kidding about everything except the D&D part.

The black & white illustrations are beautiful with detailed backgrounds, dramatic lighting, and excellent form, movement, and facial expressions. Daly also has an excellent grasp of pacing and storytelling. If you like strange comic books and tend to the bizarro, you can’t go wrong with this series, which is being released as entire graphic novels and not individual issues. Three books out so far, can’t wait for the next one.

David_David_Katzman | Nov 26, 2013 |
Dungeon Quest is one tripped-out mamajama of weirdo Dungeons & Dragon’s reverence and mockery.

This review is for all three volumes in the series.

The story starts out odd and gets odder and odder as it goes. And odder. I’m gonna say it’s like Dungeons & Dragons meets Twin Peaks meets Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure meets soft gay porn while stoned out of its mind. You’d think such a thing wouldn’t have an audience. Would you? Okay, maybe it has an obvious audience. Well, obviously me, because I think it is wicked awesome and revelatory in its freakitude and brings back great memories. Of playing D&D in Twin Peaks with my bros Bill & Ted while high and watching gay porn. What? Just kidding about everything except the D&D part.

The black & white illustrations are beautiful with detailed backgrounds, dramatic lighting, and excellent form, movement, and facial expressions. Daly also has an excellent grasp of pacing and storytelling. If you like strange comic books and tend to the bizarro, you can’t go wrong with this series, which is being released as entire graphic novels and not individual issues. Three books out so far, can’t wait for the next one.

David_David_Katzman | 4 reseñas más. | Nov 26, 2013 |
Dungeon Quest is one tripped-out mamajama of weirdo Dungeons & Dragon’s reverence and mockery.

This review is for all three volumes in the series.

The story starts out odd and gets odder and odder as it goes. And odder. I’m gonna say it’s like Dungeons & Dragons meets Twin Peaks meets Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure meets soft gay porn while stoned out of its mind. You’d think such a thing wouldn’t have an audience. Would you? Okay, maybe it has an obvious audience. Well, obviously me, because I think it is wicked awesome and revelatory in its freakitude and brings back great memories. Of playing D&D in Twin Peaks with my bros Bill & Ted while high and watching gay porn. What? Just kidding about everything except the D&D part.

The black & white illustrations are beautiful with detailed backgrounds, dramatic lighting, and excellent form, movement, and facial expressions. Daly also has an excellent grasp of pacing and storytelling. If you like strange comic books and tend to the bizarro, you can’t go wrong with this series, which is being released as entire graphic novels and not individual issues. Three books out so far, can’t wait for the next one.

David_David_Katzman | otra reseña | Nov 26, 2013 |
Millennium Boy, Steve, Lash and Nerdgirl continue their quest for the Atlantean Resonator Guitar in this volume which picks up immediately after book one. What can I say...more bizarre, trippy fun as before. Now I have to track down book 3 to see where the story goes from here.
JJbooklvr | otra reseña | Aug 9, 2012 |
A fun homage for D&D fans. Millennium Boy is bored with his life in Glendale so decides to go on an adventure. He recruits Steve, Penis Lash and Nerdgirl the Archer to go with him. What happens next you will have to read to find out.

If you have ever played D&D or other adventure games you will get the humor and references. Just a fun graphic novel for fans of a certain age. This was volume 1 so you can bet I will be reading volume 2 next to see where the adventures take our motley band next.
JJbooklvr | 4 reseñas más. | Aug 2, 2012 |
Savez-vous ce qu’est un Hack'n Slash ? Avez-vous, dans votre jeunesse, tourné avec angoisse les pages d’un "livre dont vous êtes le héros" ? Attendez-vous avec fébrilité la sortie du dernier Diablo ? Savez-vous que certaines personnes — des adultes pour la plupart — jouent ensemble à des jeux de rôles dans lesquels ils incarnent des personnages un peu à la manière d’acteurs ? Si vous êtes en train de vous dire "mais qu’est-ce qu’il raconte, qu’est-ce que c’est que ce charabia" alors vous allez avoir du mal à tout saisir dans ce Dungeon Quest.
En effet, l’auteur a construit sa BD comme le récit d'une quête qui est l’élément fondateur de tout bon jeu de rôle — Dungeon Quest est d'ailleurs le nom d'un jeu de rôle. Ainsi, chaque personnage se voit attribuer des points pour ses principales caractéristiques: Vitalité, Force, Mana, etc. Par contre, l’univers et les personnages — au moins au début du livre — ne cadrent pas vraiment avec les canons du genre. Les protagonistes ne sont pas des cruels barbares, des élégants elfes ou des vaillants nains mais des ados glandeurs et très geeks habitant un coin paumé des Etats-Unis. Ce sont ces héros d’un autre genre qui vont se lancer dans la grande aventure.
Vous êtes en train de vous demander comment une chose aussi improbable peut avoir un quelconque intérêt.
Pour l’intérêt, c’est indéniable elle en a, j’ai vraiment passé un très bon moment à suivre ces aventures pleines d’humour, d’originalité — je crois que j’ai déjà assez insisté là dessus — et, oui disons-le, d'érudition. Perdues au milieu des dialogues façon ado — d’ailleurs parfaitement adaptés en français — se trouvent quelques pépites.
Pour le comment, je me pose encore la question. La seule réponse qui me vient à l’esprit est certainement à trouver du côté de la gamification — qui est un néologisme désignant une "science" qui consiste grossièrement à se demander ce qui nous attire tant dans les jeux, puis d’en extraire les recettes fondamentales afin de les appliquer hors du cadre ludique.
Enfin, un mot sur le graphisme que j’ai trouvé à l’image du reste : un peu simpliste au premier abord puis, plus élaboré lorsque l’histoire progresse et que l’on s’attarde sur certains décors ou certaines perspectives. En conclusion, une très bonne série — elle comptera trois tomes — dont l’originalité n’est pas le seul atout mais qui est cependant à réserver aux initiés.
yokai | 4 reseñas más. | Sep 4, 2011 |
A freakishly big-headed young man strolling through the streets of his suburban home finds a map to the larger world outside. What to do? Take an AD&D-styled quest, of course! Chock full of anatomy jokes and bums waving their penis around (which led to my favorite exchange, swapping a bottle of "cheap wine of refuge" for the "heretic spellbook of the damned") this is a title readily understood and enjoyed by inveterate gamers.
mikewick | 4 reseñas más. | Apr 16, 2011 |
Les aventures loufoques de deux slackers sud-africains. Amusant.½
aipotu | Aug 14, 2010 |
Slice of life comics about slackers mix with fantastic realism in this borderline offensive set of comics from South American artist Daly.

Using hazy tones of red, orange and yellow, Daly creates a cast of characters who, in sub-Pekar interludes, make art, shop, complain and have fantastical adventures. Women appear only rarely, and usually only to set up a sight gag involving their genitalia. The centerpiece of this collection, "Prebaby" is a wordless piece about birth, which although beautifully drawn, again manages to mostly avoid any female involvement. I found this collection distasteful, and wouldn't want to know any of the characters featured here.
MeriJenBen | May 16, 2008 |
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