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4.5 stars

I absolutely love how A H Cunningham incorporated kink and bdsm to her books. She does it in such a tasteful way. There’s so much care that goes into kink, and she’s very cognizant of that and I love it.

It has been a really long time since I’ve stayed up til 3 am reading. This book was so much fun! I gobbled it up so quickly and I didn’t want to put it down.

I loved the incorporation of some mystery in it.

I really hope they come out with an audiobook because, I want to listen to it.

Con- the reason this isn’t a 5 star read all the way, is because there were some scenes where you could tell that a conversation needed to happen between the two main characters, but instead they would distract themselves with sex. Did not like that.
Donnela | Apr 30, 2024 |