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I was thinking this was a 3 star but the ending was just so exciting it warrants the 5 star rating.

Honestly, I can’t understand why I like these books so much. Why does this couple work? Kathleen is deeply religious and her husband is always plotting how to steal money or kill people who get in his way. She’s convinced herself that she’s reining him in but she’s really an enabler.

This time they’re after money launders (Acton wants some), art forgers, Russian bad guys and murderers who get in they way. Everyone is there . . . Munuz, Thomas, the Butler, Savoire, Mary, Callie, and the children.
Kathy89 | otra reseña | Mar 6, 2024 |
I have come to realize that I really like reading books with quirky characters – even when those quirks might not be ‘lovable’ quirks. Go figure. This series is filled with quirky characters – some lovable quirks – some not. If you like quirky adventures, this book and this series might be for you.

Doyle and the newly promoted Munoz have been called to the scene of what would appear to be a cut-and-dried suicide. Except, there is a strange item at the scene and the housekeeper insists the victim would never, ever take her own life. So, is there more to it than meets the eye? Hmmm. They decide to leave it open for the moment and will try to gather a bit more information before they close the case.

With further investigation, they discover another suicide with the same item left at the scene – and that victim had a tie-in with a highly publicized public-servant scandal. Could this new case also have a tie-in? Are there more public-servants left who were involved in the scandal, but didn’t get rooted out? Could it be revenge someone is after?

The tension steps up when there is yet another murder and then more when Doyle, her family, and several friends, including children, are all put in harm's way. How can they all escape – or can they? You’ll just have to read this fun, entertaining book to see what everyone is up to this time.
BarbaraRogers | otra reseña | Feb 27, 2024 |
I won this book in a goodreads giveaway. After reading reviews of it I wasn't sure I would like it but once I started reading it I couldn't put it down--stayed up all night to find out what happened. I get that some people would be put off by the stalker angle but I thought it made the character so interesting, and his love interest was very likable and funny. It's really worth a read, I think it could be a terrific new series.
dhenn31 | 17 reseñas más. | Jan 24, 2024 |
I don’t know why I enjoy this series so much. Acton is really more like a mafia don than an aristocratic chief superintendent with Scotland Yard. Doyle, believes she’s good for him by tamping his murdering tendencies for justice in the name of the Acton history but really is an enabler.

Acton, Doyle, their two sons, butler, nanny, and security are in Dublin for a ceremonial groundbreaking for a science lab at Doyle’s old catholic girls’ school. A body is discovered to be centuries old and this sets of a very confusing chain of events. Doyle’s having bizarre dreams with a ancient Viking trying to tell her something. There’s a lawyer from a high-profile case in London, Melinda the mother of Acton’s half-sister all converge for a dinner party. There’s a murder, how did Acton know it would all work out to his advantage
Kathy89 | otra reseña | Oct 17, 2023 |
I am totally bewitched by this quirky series with such flawed, yet endearing characters. The strait-laced, fey, Irish Roman Catholic, Doyle is tasked with keeping her brilliant, scorched-earth, vigilante husband, Acton, under control by tempering his edges and keeping him on the straight-and-narrow. You’ll never meet a more mismatched pair, yet they work perfectly together.

Acton, Doyle, the children, their security, and staff are all in Dublin for the groundbreaking ceremony of a science lab they are donating to the school Doyle attended when growing up – St. Brigid’s School for Girls. This was all Acton’s idea and Doyle knows he’s up to something – she just has to figure out what that is – and put a stop to it. Whatever it is surely won’t be good – donating the science lab is good, but the ulterior motive won’t be.

At first, Doyle is sure Acton’s plot must have something to do with Sir Stephen, Acton’s distant cousin. Acton knows Sir Stephen plotted the death of a priest in order to gain control of the man’s family money – but – Acton is steering well away from all of that and allowing justice to take its course properly. That is so unlike him! Yet, while she’s sure there is a plot, she absolutely cannot find any evidence of one. She even employs her fey powers of being able to tell when someone is lying – and he’s not lying. So – what can he be up to?

When they discover a body beneath a tree where Doyle is giving her speech during the groundbreaking ceremony, Doyle wonders if this relates to whatever Acton is up to. No, he’s as surprised as everyone else is – and the body turns out to have been in the ground for a really long time.

If not Sir Stephen, and not the dead body, then what is Acton up to? Perhaps he really isn’t up to anything at all other than trying to give back to a place that means a lot to his wife. Perhaps it relates to their last ill-fated trip to Dublin. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. You’ll just have to read this very entertaining fast-paced story to find out if Acton is up to something – and if he is, can Doyle put a wrench in the works?

I can recommend this book, this series, and this author, and I hope you’ll enjoy this book as much as I did should you choose to read it. Happy Reading!
BarbaraRogers | otra reseña | Sep 29, 2023 |
I always enjoy a new Acton and Doyle story. I did found this one very confusing and I’m still not sure what was behind the death of the woman that started the investigation lead by Munoz and Doyle.

All the characters are there. Munoz, Gabriel, Mary, Williams, Lizzie, McConigal, Savoie and Reynolds to help Kathleen unravel the tangled blackmail and coverup.
Kathy89 | Mar 24, 2023 |
A New Scotland Yard Mystery Book 1
SueJBeard | 17 reseñas más. | Jan 8, 2023 |
Doyle has had her baby, Tommy, and she and Acton have gone on a holiday to the seaside leaving behind their nanny, butler and bodyguard. Acton is brooding and not sleeping and getting up during the night and going for long walks and Doyle is being visited in her dreams by a new ghost who tells her that Acton’s got it all wrong and she needs to fix things. In true Doyle fashion she stumbles around asking questions and tries to get Acton to open up and confide in her without any luck. She does save the day at the very end in an unusual and surprising finish with some ghostly help.
Kathy89 | otra reseña | Oct 19, 2022 |
Oh! My! Goodness! This may be the most exciting book of the series so far. The trial for those accused of murdering MP Nigel Howard is rapidly approaching. Acton knows that the person who is really responsible has escaped justice, and he fully intends to deliver justice – Acton style. He’s already put his plans in motion – can they be stopped by Doyle? You should close this review and start reading the book right now so you can find out!

Doyle knows Acton is up to something – he’s restless and distracted. She’s never seen him quite this way even in the middle of his most diabolical plans. He’s also brought them to the shore on vacation and neither of them are vacation people. What is with that? Whatever is bothering him is eating him alive and she has to find out what it is and stop it before Acton brings them all down.

Poor Doyle! She’s just delivered a beautiful, healthy baby boy and now, between breastfeeding and caring for two children, she has to manage to unravel and stop her husband’s plans. Ah, but never fear, the intrepid Doyle will, as always, put a spanner in the works – or will she manage it this time? Discovering the plan is one thing – managing to put a stop to it is another when Acton so truly believes he is bringing justice against the correct person – the person who escaped the justice system.

Doyle follows obscure hints and pumps her friends and fellow workers to get to the bottom of the mystery. When she gets there, she is shocked beyond belief. How could Acton possibly be planning what she’s discovered? OMGoodness! She’s discovered the what and the how – just in the nick of time – but can she bring it to a screeching halt at this point? Acton has never gotten it wrong before – how can he be so very, very wrong this time?

I loved this latest addition to the series. It was so exciting, I couldn’t put it down and read straight through the night until I finished it. I love that Doyle always shines even though she considers herself a ‘dim bulb’. Academically she might not be the sharpest tack in the pack because she disliked school – but – she reads people and motives like a book. She knows the good ones from the bad ones almost immediately and she uses those skills to keep Acton in line and put a halt to his schemes.

There were a couple of characters I was thoroughly and completely disappointed in – one can possibly be rehabilitated, but the other – for me, I just don’t see how. First, there is Williams who is now married to Lizzie – but he’s still been out for drinks, etc. with other women. Hopefully, the author will let him have an epiphany and he and Lizzy can become a true love match – after all – she’s helping raise his illegitimate child. Then, there is Mary – sweet, naïve Mary – who has now done the unforgivable in my eyes. I’m a romantic through and through and Mary is now marrying another man almost as soon as her husband is buried. Her husband (Nigel Howard) was supposedly the love of her life, yet she almost immediately takes up with another man. No! Just NO! No matter what the author does with Mary now, I will never look at her the same and that is sad. I don’t think Mary needs to stay alone forever – but I’d have liked to see a fair amount of time pass before she walks on his grave. I like Mary’s new pairing – I just don’t like the timing.

I definitely recommend this book and this series and should you decide to read it, I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.
BarbaraRogers | otra reseña | Oct 13, 2022 |
I’m not sure why I am addicted to this series, but I am. The male lead – Acton – is flawed (big time) and I honestly don’t care. The female lead (Doyle) is a bit over the top with the uneducated Irish vernacular – still, I honestly don’t care. The plots are convoluted and you really need to have read the whole series in order to understand what is going on – and yet I still don’t care. It just all works for me – all of it – from the fey, angelic Doyle, to the scheming Acton and all of the cohorts who support him. You’d think Acton would have learned by now – Doyle will always figure out what plot he has going and she’ll throw a wrench in the works – for his own good of course.

There is a LOT going on in this book, and I’m still not sure I followed all of it – at least not to the appropriate conclusion. We have murders being staged so that police would think they were open and shut cases – but they aren’t. We have Acton’s half-sister being deceived by a con artist even though Acton specifically warned her. We have those involved in the money-skimming plot from the last book trying to scramble and cover their rears. We have Acton and Savoie at odds with each other (aren’t they always?) Goodness – it keeps your head spinning and your fingers flippin’ pages so you can see what happens next. In the end, two people were supposed to die. One did die but the other was still alive and well when the book ended. The ending HINTED their impending demise – but – did it really happen? I guess we’ll learn in the next book.

If you love quirky characters, twisted mysteries, and an obsessive romance, this is the book and series for you. Frankly, I didn’t think I was the kind who would love those things in a book, but – I’ve found I LOVE them, but only in this series. It is really well written and well delivered. I hope you’ll give the series a try and that you’ll love it as much as I have. Remember though, if you start in the middle of the series, you’ll only end up confused and not liking it. Happy Reading!
BarbaraRogers | otra reseña | May 28, 2022 |
I always enjoy and look forward to a new installment in the Acton and Doyle series. Doyle is expecting her second child any day and is trying to unravel the trouble that is bothering Acton. There’s an imposter aunt trying to work her way into their lives for whatever reason and who is she working with and of course the dead ghost haunting Doyle’s dreams. The regulars are all there for a fun read with a couple of surprises. Looking forward to the next one.
Kathy89 | otra reseña | Mar 27, 2022 |
Acton and Doyle are taking some R & R at Trestles. Doyle is meeting with women prisoners at Wexton prison at her husband’s suggestion and figures out that there’s some kind of a financial crime going on there and her husband knows it. She’s being visited by Trestles ghosts in her dreams and is having trouble figuring out what the message is. .An exciting ending with the help of their trusty butler, Reynolds, and master criminal, Savoie. Looking forward to the next one and wondering if Edward will have Doyle’s fey characteristics or being a master strategist like Acton.

I had the feeling while reading this book that it was out of order. It seemed to me like it should have been before the last one.½
Kathy89 | otra reseña | Oct 13, 2021 |
I have read and loved every book in this delightfully quirky series. I love that the happy, open, honest, straight-forward Doyle always manages to throw a wrench into whatever plot the secretive Acton has in the works. Yes, the delightful duo of Doyle and Acton are here again, and it is wonderfully entertaining. The writing is always good and the mysteries are well-plotted and delivered. You could jump into the series at this point and enjoy the read, but I believe you really need to read at least the first couple of books to get a foundation for the characters – especially Acton and Doyle and their relationship. As I mentioned, the characters are quirky, and to understand them, you will probably want more background.

Doyle has never been comfortable at Trestles, Acton’s estate outside London, so she is anxious to return to their home in London. The overprotective Acton has had her cooped up so she can rest and recover from their last case. Acton knows he has to keep her occupied so she’ll stay and rest as long as possible, so he gets her to volunteer to teach a bible studies class at the local prison. Doyle is grateful but is very surprised by the action because Acton usually wouldn’t want her anywhere near the place.

While she’s sure Acton is up to something, she cannot figure out what it might be. Then, one of the inmates in the class mentions something that sets Doyle’s curiosity off. When she starts questioning it she learns there is a lot going on inside the prison – and she suspects Acton might know what it is, but he won’t share with her. Is he protecting someone? She knows he isn’t involved in it – but – he knows – he knows. Some of the people in that prison – and even in her bible class – are there because of her and Acton. Are they planning something? Is Acton’s life in danger?

I thoroughly enjoyed the story and I am already looking forward to the next book in the series.
BarbaraRogers | otra reseña | Sep 30, 2021 |
In 2013, when the first book of this series came out, I thought it was a wonderful, entertaining, and quirky book, but I thought it might not have longevity because not everybody appreciates quirky as much as I do. Eight years and thirteen books have proven me very, very wrong on that front. This latest addition to the series just adds more and more to the wonderfully quirky Doyle and Acton duo. I think it would be hard to jump into the middle of the series and really appreciate it for what it is. If you haven’t read any of the previous books, I’d suggest reading at least the first one or two books so you can better understand both Acton and Doyle. However, realistically I think you should read the entire series in order because each book builds on the previous book in character development, case backgrounds, etc.

If you read the last book, Murder in Revelation, you will remember that Doyle ended up in a fight for her life as well as their son’s – in their own home. Thanks to Acton, their home is better guarded and fortified than the palace, but still, their security was breached. Although she doesn’t realize it, Doyle is suffering a bit of PTSD from that earlier altercation and she has a good bit of pregnancy brain-fog. Those two things make her a bit slower to pick up on the clues about what is going on – especially what Acton is up to.

Acton is being hyper-vigilant in assuring his wife is safe and snug while she’s carrying their second child. You see, Acton absolutely adores Doyle and will go to any lengths to assure her comfort and safety – even if she isn’t exactly thrilled with his machinations. Somehow, she manages to stumble onto a case that will cause them nothing but trouble even though he’s tried to keep her assigned to the most benign things. As soon as she is at the crime scene, her Spidey-senses begin to tingle and they continue until she has all of the answers and manages to curb Acton’s revenge plot as well.

The case to which Doyle is called is the murder of the office manager at a medical clinic. The only reason Doyle is there is to see if this murder relates to the events in a previous case – Doyle thinks it might – but the perpetrator is quickly arrested and it turns out to be unrelated. Or is it? The office manager was a cooperating witness in that previous case and Doyle learns, by accident, that yet another cooperating witness in that same case has also been recently murdered.

While Doyle is quietly investigating all of that, she learns that Lady Abby, who has appeared as a not-so-nice person previously, is in London and she was trying to harass Mary who is the nanny to Edward, Doyle and Acton’s small son. When Lady Abby is found drowned in the Thames, was it an accident, suicide, or murder?

Acton is his usual enigmatic, manipulative self, but Doyle knows he is up to something and she knows she needs to figure it all out fast and put a stop to it.

All of our favorite characters make an appearance and we learn some surprising things about some of them. What will that portend for future books? Who knows? We’ll only find out with each entrancing book in the series is released. We do get a nice hint about the subject for the next book in the series. Can’t wait.

I definitely recommend this book if you love quirky, flawed characters and an excellent mystery.
BarbaraRogers | otra reseña | Mar 20, 2021 |
I enjoy this series and look forward to the next one too. However, these are not nice people and justify their actions because of their love for one another.

The storyline picks up after the last book with Acton seeking revenge for the break-in at his home and terrorizing Doyle with attempted kidnapping of their son. Doyle’s hiding her injured hand from him and he’s hiding his drinking and plotting revenge from her. However, she’s having dreams again helping her figure out what her husband is planning.
It was nice to see all the familiar characters in this one.
Kathy89 | otra reseña | Mar 20, 2021 |
Plot and characters; this story does it well. The perpetrators may not be believable in real life, but make for a good tale. Quite the group of lovelorn cutthroats to be working together in a detective bureau.½
MM_Jones | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 20, 2021 |
The case itself was quite interesting, but I almost put the book away in disgust in the beginning at the subservience of the Doyle character; instead of seeing herself as intelligent or skilled, she wonderingly refers to a gift. But perhaps that was a red herring.
Overall I enjoyed the story and looked forward to watching it unfold.
MM_Jones | 17 reseñas más. | Mar 12, 2021 |
I love this series and I don’t know why. These are not nice people and yet I was up past midnight reading to finish this book. There are several plots going on – the most interesting one centers around young Gemma. The case at the clinic that Doyle is working is a complicated and confusing one and ties in with another from the past. Meanwhile, there’s a trip to Trestles and a visit with Dowager, and Reynolds the butler is up to something, Missing in this book was Doyle’s friend, Munoz, who was recently married and off to Ireland to meet the in-laws.
Kathy89 | otra reseña | Sep 17, 2020 |
This is my second time reading this book and it's still a solid 5 star read for me. It definitely won't be for everyone, so be forewarned. But, even though it deals with some fairly dark topic matter it has beautiful character development, a solid mystery component and a steady sense of humor that had me laughing out loud numerous times. In spite of the taboo romance, it's done in such an endearing way that you can't help but cheer for a 'happily ever after'. So twisted, but oh so good :)

Highly recommend for those who are looking for something different and are wanting a book that will mess with your head a bit :)
Zeejane | 17 reseñas más. | Sep 7, 2020 |
I always look forward to the next Doyle & Acton mystery because they are always exciting, interesting, and you just never know what Acton has been up to. Then, it is always fun to watch Doyle figure out his latest plot and foil it. If you’ve ever thought of opposites attracting, this is the poster child for it – they are as different as night and day. Doyle is straight-laced, introverted, religious – and just a tad fey. Acton is handsome, smart, diabolical, plays by his own set of rules, he doesn’t mind bending the laws if it suits him to do so, and he is absolutely obsessed with Doyle.

Doyle is expecting their second child and Acton has become hyper-vigilant in assuring she is taking care of herself. Yet, she still manages to stumble into an investigation with strange vibes. A volunteer doctor at a charity clinic is attacked – and she has a strange tale to tale to tell. She keeps telling Doyle “the evil ones are eating the souls of the children.” Oh! My! Is the woman a nut or is something more sinister afoot?

We don’t have new villains in this book, so you’ll have to figure out which of the previous villains are committing the crime(s) – and who might be victims. With multiple unrelated victims, you’ll have a good time figuring out if any are related and whodunit. You’ll remember Martina Betancourt and her wayward husband Antonio, as well as Mr. Javid from previous books. What a motley crew of villains to untangle along with all of Acton’s behind-the-scenes machinations.

I’m not sure what it is about this series that intrigues me – I certainly shouldn’t like the characters, but I do. If I read Acton in any other book, I’d cringe – but – there is something endearing about him in this series and I just love him. With Doyle, I’d just disbelieve that anyone with her upbringing and beliefs could have any respect for or love for someone like Acton – but again – with this series – I can see her loving him. I’d say it is a testament to the excellent writing.

I thoroughly enjoyed this excellent read and I hope you will as well. If you enjoy unusual characters and pairings, this series will be right down your alley. I love it.
BarbaraRogers | otra reseña | Sep 5, 2020 |
Big fan of Acton & Doyle, however, I'm not a soccer fan and didn't understand any of the sports jargon in Doyle's ghost's investigation hints. The friends were all in this one, although, they only played small parts in a complicated crime that starts in St Michael's Church when a famous soccer player is found murdered. As they investigate through dinner parties, museum visits, wedding receptions and to tea to try and figure out what is going on, Doyle is always one step behind her husband until at the end she manages to save the day.
Kathy89 | otra reseña | Mar 11, 2020 |
I just love it when this author dusts off her ‘twisted murder mystery’ brain and sets it to writing another book in the Doyle and Acton series. This story was particularly fun because the omnipotent Acton was actually caught off guard. Usually, he has his finger on the pulse of anyone who is even thinking about committing a crime – much less actually having done so.

A murder, disguised as a suicide, has occurred at St. Michaels Church. The victim is the most famous football (soccer) player there is and everyone is mourning his loss – and wanting answers.

As the investigation goes along, there are more questions than answers, suspects galore, and a motive that nobody can find. The investigation points to an ongoing money laundering scheme – but – that makes no sense because the murder shines the light onto a scheme that wasn’t even on the police radar.

As always, Kathleen Doyle has to puzzle out what her husband, Detective Chief Inspector Acton is up to and either help him or stop him – whichever turns out to be appropriate.

The resolution will surprise you – and leave you wondering what is going to happen next. We had some surprise relationship changes, some exciting news, an exciting, interesting investigation, and a good read.

If you like a murder mystery with a twist, this is a good series to read. I always love each new addition to the series.
BarbaraRogers | otra reseña | Mar 6, 2020 |
I received this book in a Goodreads giveaway.

I enjoyed the story and the characters. I agree with some reviewers that the relationship between the two main characters was a little strange but I like them both, which made it possible to look beyond the obsession of the DCI.

I will definitely read more books in the series.
kendallone | 17 reseñas más. | Dec 3, 2019 |
I enjoy series and Acton/Doyle and their regulars more than the mystery or crimes. This particular story was really convoluted. I guessed the meaning of Doyle’s dream right away and was surprised that she didn’t but when we moved onto the Health Council murders and the pecking order of the aristocracy and who is murdering who and who is being protected and why, it was too confusing. Of course Kathleen manages to sort it out in time and there’s a new friendship with Hudson and Reynolds.½
Kathy89 | otra reseña | Sep 18, 2019 |
I always look forward to each new release in this series. It has captured me even though it is totally different than anything else I prefer to read. Once I get a new book, I can’t put it down until I am done. Acton is a dark force with which to be reckoned. He is a peer of the realm, and a high ranking member of Scotland Yard – he’s also not above manipulation and a bit of lawbreaking himself when it comes to seeing his version of justice done. Meaning, he’s a bit of a vigilante. He’s incredibly smart and very, very cunning. So, it is always a delight when the ‘dull’ but ‘fey’ Doyle thwarts his best-laid plans. There are usually a couple of ‘mysteries’ going on in each book – one a police case and one involving some machination that Acton has cooked up. Sometimes the two are related and sometimes they are not.

The fallout from the last case is still impacting the Metropolitan Police Force. They are grossly short-handed because of all of the corrupt members of the force that have been removed and everyone is carrying a double workload. So, imagine the surprise of Williams and Doyle when Acton shows up at the scene of a murder they’ve been assigned to investigate. Then, Acton interviews the witnesses/suspects and he’s – gasp – polite and subservient to them.

As the investigation continues and they learn more and more about the case, they determine that the murder is connected to a series of vengeance murders stemming from the last big case. Somebody is pulling the strings, but it cannot be the one that it so obviously appears to be. So, if not him – who – and more importantly – why! The case takes many twists and turns before all is finally revealed and the real mastermind is identified and the reason revealed.

At the same time, Doyle has become more and more convinced that Acton has something else going on and she has to figure out what it is – and stop it – before something worse happens. This time it is a doozie – and Acton is actually relieved to have Doyle discover his plot so he doesn’t have to carry it out – but it was a near thing.

As I said above, I love this series, but I will suggest that you not read this book as a standalone. At least read the first book or the first couple of books to learn about Doyle and her ‘gift’, Acton’s obsession and protectiveness, and their relationship. Understanding those things will really help you appreciate how far they have come – and will help you understand some of the nuances in this book.

I thoroughly enjoyed the read and hope you will as well!
BarbaraRogers | otra reseña | Sep 14, 2019 |