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44+ Obras 3,960 Miembros 32 Reseñas 3 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Sally Clarkson is the beloved author of multiple bestselling books, including Awaking Wonder, The Lifegiving Home with her daughter Sarah, Mom Heart Moments, and Different with her son Nathan. As a ministry leader, inspirational speaker, and author of over 20 books, she has inspired countless mostrar más thousands of women through her conferences, her blog posts, and her popular podcast, At Home with Sally. She is best friends with her four adult children and husband of 40 years, Clay. You can find her online at mostrar menos

Incluye el nombre: Sally Clarkson

Créditos de la imagen: via author's Facebook

Obras de Sally Clarkson

Seasons of a Mother's Heart (1998) 381 copias, 2 reseñas
You are loved Bible Study (2015) 12 copias

Obras relacionadas


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Otros nombres
莎莉. 克拉克森
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Lugares de residencia
Monument, Colorado, USA
Clarkson, Sarah (daughter)
Clarkson, Joy (daughter)



There is no greater, nobler, or more fulfilling calling than that of motherhood. Every day, as they nurture their children, mothers influence eternal destiny as no one else can. Yet often women are drawn to seek fulfillment outside of God's design, despite their inherent desire to embrace motherhood with their whole hearts.

Today's culture minimizes the vital importance of a mother's role. By catching a vision of God's original design and allowing it to shape their lives, mothers can rediscover the joy and fulfillment to be found in the strategic role to which God has called them - for a purpose far greater than they can imagine.

In "The Mission of Motherhood", author, speaker, and mother Sally Clarkson closely examines this God-ordained plan for mothers, introduced in the book of Genesis and upheld throughout his Word. Using practical examples, her own personal anecdotes, a challenging vision, and sound scriptural support, Clarkson upholds the traditional, biblical view of God's plan for motherhood - giving mothers exactly the support they need to persevere in cultivating and sharing their hearts for God, for their children, and for their homes.
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PlumfieldCH | 2 reseñas más. | Sep 22, 2023 |
Because Motherhood Isn't Just a Job. It's a Calling.

A mother's day is packed with a multitude of tasks that require energy and time: preparing meals, washing clothes, straightening and cleaning the house, and caring for children. These jobs all are necessary and crucially important. But in the dailyness of providing for a child' s physical, emotional, and social needs, vital opportunities for spiritual nurture and training can be overlooked.

This doesn't have to be the case. You can focus your energy on what matters most.

Learn how you can:
- Make Life's Mundane and Nitty-Gritty Moments Work for You and Not Against You.
- Discover Ways to Make Character-Building a Natural Part of Live.
- Teach Your Child in the Same Way Jesus Taught the Disciples.
- Pass on Crucial Gifts that Will Serve Your Family for a Lifetime.

Using biblical wisdom and practical teachings, Sally Clarkson shows how you can make a lasting difference in your child's life by following the pattern Christ set with his own disciples-a model that will inspire and equip you to intentionally embrace the rewarding, desperately needed, and immeasurably valuable Ministry of Motherhood.
… (más)
PlumfieldCH | 3 reseñas más. | Sep 22, 2023 |
The first time I started reading this book I was encouraged to take my role as mom more seriously. However, something happened and the book sat on my shelf for a few years. My mom's group decided to read it over the summer and this time I finished.

The book lays a foundation upon which to build relationships with our children and stresses the importance of discipleship. She uses illustrations from her own life and imaginings of what Jesus's disciples may have thought to make her points.

I was encouraged to change the way I approach my kids and reminded of why they've been given to me in the first place.
… (más)
KellyCook | 3 reseñas más. | May 12, 2023 |
Children are taught to love themselves for who they are. Children are taught that no one is the same and the differences is what make us special and unique. Children are also taught that just because you are different doesn't make you any less valuable or loved.
Age: 3-6
Source: Amazon
Kashe22 | Mar 16, 2023 |


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