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This book had me all kinds of curious, it starts with Easton's father selling off their family company and no one knows why or why they weren't involved. From there the mysteries of the company and Easton's family keep piling up. So from the get go this had me intrigued I wanted to know what Easton wanted to know as well as Mulaney who has worked for the company just as long as he has. The relationship between Easton and Mulaney is very tense, they have chemistry and attraction but Mulaney has closed herself off from that especially with Easton the boy she grew up with and works with. She is jaded from a past that has kind of traumatized her from future relationships even if she wants Easton. Easton wants Mulaney, he wants a life with her and wants all that comes with it but he doesn't let anything like her resistance throw him off his objective which is to have her finally be his. There is a lot of push and pull between these two especially since they are trying to navigate a new situation they are in with the company. There are so many twists and turns in the story it keeps you on your toes and guessing what in the world is happening with this company?! Some times Mulaney got a little annoying just because she would not give Easton any chance at all then she would say something mean to him, but other than that I loved these two together and was glad to see how it ended and was a little sad to see the cause of all the drama was heartbreaking.
readonreader | 3 reseñas más. | Jan 24, 2024 |
This book had me all kinds of curious, it starts with Easton's father selling off their family company and no one knows why or why they weren't involved. From there the mysteries of the company and Easton's family keep piling up. So from the get go this had me intrigued I wanted to know what Easton wanted to know as well as Mulaney who has worked for the company just as long as he has. The relationship between Easton and Mulaney is very tense, they have chemistry and attraction but Mulaney has closed herself off from that especially with Easton the boy she grew up with and works with. She is jaded from a past that has kind of traumatized her from future relationships even if she wants Easton. Easton wants Mulaney, he wants a life with her and wants all that comes with it but he doesn't let anything like her resistance throw him off his objective which is to have her finally be his. There is a lot of push and pull between these two especially since they are trying to navigate a new situation they are in with the company. There are so many twists and turns in the story it keeps you on your toes and guessing what in the world is happening with this company?! Some times Mulaney got a little annoying just because she would not give Easton any chance at all then she would say something mean to him, but other than that I loved these two together and was glad to see how it ended and was a little sad to see the cause of all the drama was heartbreaking.
readonreader | 3 reseñas más. | Jan 5, 2024 |
Such a great read. Daniel was full of surprises and secrets. I hated how he thought he had to break Vivian’s heart to protect her but she was a strong character she wasn’t buying into his crap. At times I wanted to forge ahead because I was dying to know the why behind Daniel’s actions and when it would flashback I wanted to hurry back to the present but other than that it’s a great read.
readonreader | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 5, 2024 |
This story follows Lincoln and Lexie, Lincoln is Beau’s brother and Lexie is Beau’s best friend. These two did not start out on the right foot as Lexie just thought he was too arrogant and rude. Lincoln can’t help the attraction he feels towards Lexie, but also, he has a deep respect for her and has shown nothing but love towards her brother. Lexie is the soul provider for her special needs brother and they both run their own dog food business. All Lexie wants is the best for Eric and make sure he is always taken care of, at times she annoyed me because of how rude and judgmental she was towards Lincoln. From all I read Lincoln loved Eric, treated her with respect, but she just couldn’t help herself for treating him unkindly just because she thought he was rude?!? This was a great story and Eric stole the show because it was a slow burn for Lexie and Lincoln, but I enjoyed it and the ending blew me away. It does end of a cliffhanger, but it was a great read that I can’t wait for the next one.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
This book picks up where Rise left us and it was one heck of a cliffhanger, so I was dying to know what was in store for us. Lincoln and Lexie have this unique relationship where they love to get underneath each other’s skin, but now with Lexie facing a very difficult time will Lincoln help or walk away? They are both facing some serious problems but with the help of Lincoln’s family and Lexie’s friends they bond together to face it and help each other out. Although Lincoln likes to shoulder all his and his family problems on his own, he finally realizes that it’s ok and nice to have help occasionally. They both have horrible parents that they must endure but with this new change that Lexie has brought out in Lincoln he will do anything even if it means turning to his father for help to protect her and Eric. I don’t want to give too much away because it was such a beautiful read and seeing the transformation in Lincoln from where we first saw him to now was such a drastic change. He was still stoic but for Lexie and Eric he became this amazing human being who was learning how to love and be loved. That ending was beautiful yet shocking again and I can't wait to see what unfolds in Beau's story!!
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Holy Schnikes!! Ok let me digest what I just went through…….ok I’m back. Kane Zegas is the top lawyer ever to exist, he married someone he didn’t like, he is going through a horrific divorce, yet when his sister in law walks through the door asking for his help it is hard for him to deny. Kane and Jojo have this love hate relationship that the attraction and chemistry has always been there but they love/live to push each other’s buttons. After all these years Jojo is back asking for his help because her daughter is in trouble. The thing about Jojo is she has this beautiful soul where she wants to save the world but she isn’t all talk she is all action which goes against her wealthy family’s way. Kane is a cocky lawyer who knows he is the best, he is trying to get out of a situation he never wanted in but when Jojo comes back in his life he can’t deny how he feels. Let me say I HATED Alma from the first page we met her because as much as Jojo loves her, does anything for her, she is the most annoying selfish waste of space. Why Kane spent so much time with this horrific human blows my mind and made me hate her even more. Alma knew her sister would help in any way but when it came to Jojo’s daughter she better think twice. I love the connection between these two and that cliffhanger had me shocked
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
After the ending of book one I knew Jojo and Kane’s newly found truce was going to be fragile with the lies that come to light and throw in this attraction bubbling between them things are going to change everything. My heart hurt for Kane because once he realizes the truth his pain is so real and makes your heart bleed for him. I did feel sorry for Jojo because she was also lied to, but I didn’t feel as bad as I did for all Kane missed out on. With secrets still being hidden and truths coming to the light can they come together and stand against those that oppose them and want to hurt them or will they shatter themselves? I absolutely HATE Alma, their mother and all that the do. If anyone needs to be taken down its these two and their completely selfish and arrogant ways, but with the cliffhanger we are left with I have a feeling some things are going to happen to them, and I can’t wait for it. This story has me all emotional and dying to know what will happen next because once these two find a somewhat happy place it gets shattered repeatedly, I just want them to have their own happiness.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
In this book we get to see Marlow and her story, and I thought that I didn’t like her and wasn’t sure if she could redeem herself from her actions in the previous books. Marlow is brutally honest to the point that she comes off as if she doesn’t care and is a witch with a b. The thing about her is that she has been through a horribly tragic event that I know I wouldn’t be able to cope with, so this sends her brutal truth off in a bad way. I get why she acts this way because she thinks it is the only to be strong and not show others that inside, she is slowly dying. I felt so bad for the things she has endured but I did think she was too cruel to those around her that only wanted to see her happy. That being said I did feel as if her family were too caught up in their own happiness that they missed the sadness and hurt that Marlow was going through. I thought at times they were overly mean and didn’t try hard enough to be there for her, yes, she said some awful things, but did they honestly try to listen and be there for her? No, they didn’t in my opinion. The only person willing to listen and could see down to the true Marlow was Patrick. Patrick was this outstanding man that was loving, loyal, hardworking, and would do anything to help those he cared for. Patrick tried so hard to be there for Marlow and her son Blake, he was always listening and willing to try to help her. He also taught her that yes she was honest and she shouldn’t change who she is for anyone, but that she could change the tact in which she said things to make it easier for her family to tolerate her. These two go through a lot together and shouldn’t work at all but opposites do attract, and their chemistry is off the charts. Patrick falls hard not only for Marlow but Blake also, but can he compete with a dead person? Can Marlow let herself accept help and work things out with her family? At times I got so angry with the way she treated Patrick because he nothing short of amazing and treated her so well, but I have never lost someone like she did so I could sympathize that maybe I should give her a break. This book was so good and emotional, the twists and unexpected turns kept me glued to it. I can’t wait for more!
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Great way to start your holiday reading. The story of Audrey going to a quaint little town to purchase a B&B for her mean, nasty boss doesn’t go as expected. She gets in a car accident with Colin who is absolutely gorgeous. Colin is the perfect dad to his daughter Perry and the whole Bradford family is what Audey ever wanted. Audrey is unable to buy the B&B and while in the town of Winter Valley falls in love with the town, all its residents, and Colin and Perry. But she’s not sure it’s real and isn’t ready for Colin to tell her he loves her. A good-feeling romantic read.
brenczkowski | otra reseña | Nov 11, 2022 |
Cute, sweet and festive
4 stars

I love Christmas, I love romance novels and I love those sweet and cute Christmas movies. And that’s why I loved this book as it’s all three of those things wrapped in a big festive bow.

Audrey loves her job - it’s her horrible boss that she hates. When that horrible boss demands she head to the small town of Winter Valley in order to buy up the town’s B&B, Audrey can’t object. Even when the task seems futile due to an unknown, absent owner and a town seemingly determined to keep secrets.

Audrey was a great character. I liked her when she felt trapped in her job - even though she liked her work and was good at it; I loved her when she turned up to her flight in a unicorn onesie. I was all in with her when she had to have a business video call - and then got into a car accident - in her unicorn onesie. That’s my kind of girl with my kind of luck, right there!

Colin was the perfect hero for Audrey and for this story. He’s a single father doing all he can to do what’s best for his daughter - and that was endearing as all get out. He was also a kind man and a decent, loyal man. But it was the fact that he blushed that really hit me in the feels. You don’t get a lot of heroes that blush and it was so endearing. Every time he did it I melted a little.

Although their “meet cute” is in the form of a fender bender, from that first meeting, I loved Audrey and Colin together. They had chemistry and you could see they were falling fast and hard for each other. Audrey was the more tentative of the pair - but that’s okay, even if I did think she was overreacting when Colin finally explained everything. But all’s well that ends well.

I said that this book is sweet but I’m using the word ‘sweet’ in its literal sense. There is sex. Oh, it’s not the ‘melt your panties’ kind but neither is the bedroom door completely closed. It was exactly the right level for the book and story. Those Christmas films should take note - this is how to do a nice Christmas story with some naughtiness in the mix.

I debated really hard about what rating to give this book 4 or 5 stars. I did very much enjoy it - and I would recommend it to anyone who loves a small town, Christmas romance - I just felt it bordered on ‘too light’ at times. I certainly didn’t want full-on angst but perhaps it skimmed over some of the deeper emotions. I still feel mean though. I’d give it a solid 4 and a half stars if I could.

If you want to get yourself lost in a magical Christmas story then this is the book for you. I’m off to find out whether there are stories (published or planned) for Colin’s brothers and other residents of the town of Winter Valley. I’d read the hell out of them in a heartbeat.
joreadsromance | otra reseña | Dec 4, 2020 |
Hero pushing heroine away.
Gives the impression he has moved on with another woman to push her away.
No cheating.
No intimate scenes with anyone other than the Hero and heroine.
Secondary characters with breadcrumbs dropped for future book 2.
Dual POV.
Flashbacks every other chapter or so to reveal their history.
izzied | 2 reseñas más. | Oct 29, 2020 |
I couldn't get into this one.

The company stuff was just so boring.
izzied | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 29, 2020 |
I couldn't get into this one.

The company stuff was just so boring.
izzied | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 29, 2020 |
4.1 stars

This book was intense to say the least. There was a lot going on. I enjoyed the characters and the premise. There was something that was a bit off for me and stopped me from truly connecting. I'm not sure what that was other than so many flashbacks. I mainly wanted to get down to the mystery of this story and how they moved forward.

Still, a good premise and story.
MagicalRi | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 22, 2019 |
4.4 stars

I was drawn to Muriella in the first book. Her devotion and fiercely loyal characteristics were admirable. However, there was just something more to her that piqued my attention. I needed to know her story. Her background was heartbreaking. It made sense the reasons that she was the way she was.

I couldn't have picked a better guy for her than Stone. He was so patient in his pursuit of her. It was great seeing the original characters too.
MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |
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