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ANGEL'S DESTINY: A Novel Story of Poems & Illustrations by new writer/artist April Martin Chartrand. This is a poignant collection of thematic poems and illustrations which touch on an array of four emotional subjects that transport the reader into the life of a multi-cultural woman living in the United States who is attempting to overcome violent adversities and finally embraces self-love. Chartrand weaves emotion filled stories/poems, each delving deeper into one's life's challenges, revealing masks of life's Illusions, exploding with raw demonic Anger, flying towards insightful angelic Awareness, and ultimately triumphing in the discovery of the musical and magical kisses of Love.
---I SBN-13: 978-0615302515 - Pages: 152 / Illustrations 48

Check out the video reel on You Tube:

Available on
angelsdestiny2009 | May 26, 2010 |