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I was very kindly given a copy of this book in return for an honest review. . . sorry if it is too honest.

An interesting paranormal mystery/love story, this book manages to cover numerous eras throughout history, all the way back to the ice ages and maybe further.

Kellyn is a young widow with a three year old and three months pregnant. Shortly after the death of her husband Michael she gets a strange call from a law firm, claiming to represent Michael's parents will. This is strange to Kellyn because Michael had always told her that he had also grown up an orphan, not knowing any family and longing for family and a place to call their own. Now, with his death, Kellyn wonders if anything her dead husband had ever told her was true. She mourns his passing, her loss, and is angered by what she feels to be his betrayal.

The lawyers say that for her son to inherit the family estate & fortune, Kellyn must agree to move just outside of Jackson and living in the family house until he reaches his majority. That is the only way that Scott will get the urgently needed funds. And Kellyn refuses to allow her kids to grow up anywhere near the way she did. She will give them a stable home, food, clothing, and love, for their entire lives.

Upon her arrival in the strange new town Kellyn discovers what she pictured as a charming Victorian is, well, not. Larger than anticipated, the house is not what it seems. Surprisingly Kellyn quickly meets a few people in town that almost instantly become her closest friends ever, which is challenging for Kellyn since she'd always been shy.

The four of them soon discover they have more in common than anticipated. Even the mother of Kellyn's new best friend Connie becomes involved in this mystery they must unravel. Luckily for them, Leanore is not only Connie's mother, she is also a spiritualist who may be able to assist them before time runs out for all of them . . . Again.

Decent character building in this book, and some very well crafted visual imagery. The plot begins a bit slow, but once the characters are established the story really takes off from there. The energy builds to a fever-pitch near the end of the book. . .

Unfortunately, like another of Ms. Carroll's books, I felt cheated by the end. Too much was left unfinished. It is almost as if the book(s) will become the first in two different series - there is that much important material left unexplained. Possibly intentionally? But as of this review I am unaware of a second book in the works for this, or Gemini Rising. Maybe I'll create my own reality in which all my questions get answered either in the original books or in sequels. Until then I then I suppose I will need to make do with the rather somewhat harsh concept that the ending was published while still in draft form.
Isisunit | Jan 15, 2013 |
Gemini Rising - Louann Carroll

A fascinating take on one possible future, and past, for Earth and her inhabitants. This story explains the reason(s) for the repeated demise of cultures that seemed to be at the pinnacle, only to suddenly be snuffed out, for no known reason. Some were explained by the different Ice Ages, but couldn't explain what caused such radical atmospheric shifts as to create an Ice Age.

The story follows three main characters. A mother, Kate, and her 13 year old son Ryan, and finally Noah. Initially they meet Noah as a semi colleague of Kate's husband, Jason. Unbeknownst to one another, Kate & Noah experience overwhelmingly intense physical attraction to the other each time they so much as brush up against the other. A simple hand shake is mind-altering - and while Noah is confused he appreciates it. Kate feels intense guilt, seeing as she is a married woman. Kate's reaction gives the reader some insight into her character, as most adults don't experience overwhelming guilt over even strong sexual attraction to someone other than their spouse - unless they intend to act on it. And Kate has no such intentions. However her response demonstrates just how poorly her marriage to Jason is doing.

To avoid spoiling the book for others this will be a very vague review in many ways. Something happens that impacts the entire world, and it just so happens that Kate, Ryan, and Noah are in the thick of the action. Each responds differently to the experiences they undergo, and learn from those experiences and the responses of those closest to them. Even the character with the most knowledge of what is to come, what does come, and what is supposed to happen after 'the event' has much to learn. And surprisingly to them, they learn a great deal of it from those they came to assist.

Rules are broken, factions formed, plans altered without going through necessary channels, and much hardship is endured by all. Yet it almost seems that the breaking of the rules was part of a higher plan.

The ending of the book is disappointing if this is not the first in a series. Too many questions go unanswered and are just left dangling, which would be tolerable if a sequel is planned - but if there is no sequel then the book ends to abruptly, almost like the author had an assignment to write a story of a specific length and upon reaching that magical number they simply stopped writing and called it the end.
Isisunit | Jan 15, 2013 |
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