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I had the privilege of being asked by Shannon to read and review this book . This is her Debut Novel.

This book was Hot, Suspenseful, You all need to Meet Blaze.

Brynn lives her life married to an abusive husband, all to hopefully give her sister a better life. At the age of 17 she agreed to marry Carl because he promised to provide food and pay the bills for her sister and mother. She lives a secluded life with Carl not allowed to see anyone or have any friends. Carl has been abusive to her since the beginning, but one day he takes things to far and Brynn Decides it is time to get her sister and escape.

I held my breathe through the entire escape, I kept thinking Carl was going to catch her and she would not get away. It was pretty intense.

Brynn sells off her jewelry and gets her sister Marie from school and board a plane to New York. once in New York they find a woman's shelter and they get the help they need to get an apartment, job, and get Marie into school.

Brynn meets Blaze at the local coffee shop and there is a spark there between them. Blaze has fallen and fallen fast for Brynn and he sets out to learn more about her.

Blaze was Hot, sexy, (after all he is a fireman). he was sweet, caring. slowly he builds trust with Brynn and their relationship starts to develop. It is not easy though, Brynn Does not trust men. She is afraid to get close to Blaze, but her body has other ideas.

Shannon did a great job with writing this story, she build up the characters at the same time built up the relationship between Brynn and Blaze. There is an Epilogue, There will be more from the other characters in the book in future books in this series. Marie will get her own Book as well as Lana. I can not wait to read more from Shannon.

Book Blurb:

For the last five years, Brynn Langley has lived her own version of Hell on Earth. Married to her abusive husband, Carl, in an attempt to give her sister a better life than the one she had, she’s finally reached her breaking point. Escaping is the only way to save her life. Can she find the freedom she’s dreamed of forever, or will everything go up in smoke?
Blaze Prescott, one of New York’s finest, falls hard and fast for Brynn, the beautiful brunette he meets in the coffee shop. He knows there’s more to her story than what she’s letting on, but can he handle Brynn’s past and give her hope for a brighter future, or is the heat too much for even this sexy firefighter to handle

Review requested by Author :)
Chris.BlogEmporium | May 6, 2014 |
Once again Shannon has not disappointed me with her writing. This was great. I am almost thinking that I like Weston better then Blaze and I love Blaze lol.

more of a review to come very soon

WOO HOO Just got a Nice email with my ARC in it YEAHHH !!!!!
Chris.BlogEmporium | May 6, 2014 |
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