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Series Info/Source: This is a stand alone book. I got this on ebook through Netgalley to review.

Thoughts: I ended up really enjoying this. The premise is that an area of "other" that is deadly to humans has developed in the tundra between China and Russia. Walls were built to protect humanity but the only way to traverse this wilderness is the Train which is owned by The Company. However, the last journey of the train went wrong and people don't remember what happened. The Company must thrive though, so the Train must keep running.

Yes, you do spend most of the time on this mysterious train traveling through the Wastelands. However, that is the point of the story...this is a bunch of humans stuck in a very stressful situation traveling through a dangerous region with only the walls of the train to protect them.

The story does spend a lot of time dealing with the passengers and their secrets. The POV rotates between three main passengers: a young woman trying to find the truth behind her father's prosecution, a young woman known as "the child of the train" who was born on the train, and an older professor who is looking for his next big scientific finding.

The Wastelands themselves are fascinating but never fully explained. We see them mostly through the glass of the train, just like our protagonists. It is when the truth of the Wastelands and the train begins to be revealed that things get really interesting.

The story is more slow burn than action packed. However the constant tension of the danger outside the thin train walls, the mystery of the truths behind the train, and the intriguing characters on the train really kept me engaged in the story.

The story has very Lovecraftian vibes to it. You have the theme of an otherness, a darkness, a madness taking over this portion of the land. I love stories that explore this mythos.

The written is beautifully done and very lyrical. I loved the world-building, the intriguing characters, and the constant mysterious tension. I also thought the ending of the book was absolutely fantastic and completely fitting with the rest of the story.

My Summary (5/5) :Overall I thought this was fantastic. I believe this is debut novel for Brooks and I am eager to see what she comes up with next. This was incredibly creative and very engaging. It does move at more of a slow, mysterious burn. This is not an action packed adventure. However, the intriguing characters and landscape, coupled with the tension of constant danger really pulled me in to the story.
krau0098 | May 31, 2024 |
Cholesterol: Natural Remedies To Lower Cholesterol - Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally Without Drugs! by Sarah Brooks
Table of contents where chapters are broken up into a solution that will help your body get rid of the cholesterol rather than taking drugs.
Intro talks about how HBP can lead to diabetes also and how you can rely on drugs to handle the high cholesterol.
What the author states in this book seems worth a try as it sounds so much like common sense. Even though it could be in your genes the items they want you to substitute for are natural foods, not chemicals.
There are charts throughout showing examples of healthy food choices.
Can't wait to try some coconut oil with our meals.
There are just 2 recipes that are listed in table format along with directions.
It's a start and I hope it works for us.½
jbarr5 | Dec 5, 2020 |
I absolutely love this ebook, which I got as part of last Fall's Ultimate Bundles Genius Blogger's Toolkit. It discusses everything from actually setting up your blog (love the chapter on useful plugins) to monetizing your blog to blog growth.

Ms. Brooks manages to be brief (the book clocks in at a mere 30 pages) while still providing a ton of useful information. When you're starting a new blog there are so many tasks competing for your attention and so many things to learn. This book helps me stay focused on doing the necessary steps one at a time, keeping overwhelm at bay.
tiasreads | Dec 11, 2019 |
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