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Pinky Promise A Book About Telling The Truth is an absolute must-have!! This book is GREAT for young kids in elementary school. This book is about two little girls who are bestfriends. The girls make their own piece of jewelry using beads from Madison's room. After the bestfriends make them, they want to take a picture. While the mother is putting away laundry, the girls do something that they know will cause them to be in trouble. Instead of telling the truth about what happened to the camera, Madison lies about it. You can tell Madison does not lie about anything because of how the way she feels when she lied to her mom in this book. Honesty Bear tells Madison that she should tell the truth because that is the right thing to do no matter what the consequences are. Does Madison decide to tell her mother what happened to the camera? Read the book to find out!! I think this is a great book to teach children how important it is to be honest with everyone and to always tell the truth. It is important to teach children at a young age how important honesty is and how it isn't good to lie about anything. I would definitely use this book in my classroom.
jlcrews | Sep 30, 2019 |