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Up, Up and Away: The Flight of Butterflies & Other Insects, by John Brackenbury, is a fascinating close-up look at insects in flight.

While I found his brief discussion on insects, flight, and the challenges of the photography interesting, I have to admit I was mostly captivated by the photographs. Even when we are able to look closely at insects we only really see so much. And even then rarely while they are in flight, well, with any detail. They become motion rather than a body in motion (hope that makes sense).

Seeing how the wings move, seeing how the bodies themselves move to help with being airborne, as well as just getting close looks at bodies we don't often see. These are pictures that reward both a quick flip through the book as well as time spent on each image examining these amazing creatures.

Highly recommended for photography buffs as well as nature buffs. Even if all you want to do is look at beautiful photographs, this book is for you.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.
pomo58 | Jul 19, 2022 |