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C. J. BoxReseñas

Autor de Open Season

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Another fine book starring Joe Pickett.The characters and setting of the book is fantastic.This book really takes the reader into the wild outdoors of Wyoming.
dano35ie | 9 reseñas más. | May 29, 2024 |
Excellent story. Joe is now able to go home, but he first wants to investigate the report from some hunters who said they shot an elk that once they located their kill it had already been butchered. This is also the area where a marathon runner was last known to have been running prior to her disappearance 4 yrs earlier. Joe happens upon a man fishing in a stream who is not dressed like a normal sportsman would be attired. Joe asks to see the man's fishing license. He says it must be at his campsite where his brother is located. Thus begins a harrowing fight for survival for Joe when both his horses and himself are hit with arrows. He comes upon a cabin and in taken in and nursed back to health by a woman who Joe believes is the missing runner. Joe is able to walk out of the mountains to safety and taken to a hospital where he relays his misadventure. A large group of law enforcement look for these brothers but can find no trace of them, the cabin (which was burned) or the horses he lost. They do not , then, believe his story. Joe is healing at home when the mother and father of the missing runner come to him and ask him to look for her. Relucantly, he and his friend, Nate, set off. Nate knows that the only was to end the hunt is by killing these two men. Joe and Nate locate the brothers, have a stand off, sit and chat about their next steps, Each side steps away, but Joe cannot leave without taking these men into custody. Nate has walked off and the brothers return to the site, along with Joe. Joe shoots one of the brothers and then Nate shoots both of brothers again. It turns out that the brothers had unloaded their weapons when they stepped away. Joe and Nate load the dead bodies on horses and the missing runner rides out with them. She ends up riding off with Nate to be introduced to the underground, where she will find others like herself who want to be left alone. Joe rides to his starting place where a calvary of law enforcement have converged to get the brothers and to take the runner home.
bentstoker | 22 reseñas más. | May 7, 2024 |
An enjoyable installment - with a few twists and turns.
infjsarah | 17 reseñas más. | Apr 24, 2024 |
That late into a series, you either like the setting and characters or you had bailed out (or you somehow picked a very late novel in a series and proceed to get lost in old references and unexplained connections). This one was a lot better than the previous one - mainly because Box stepped back from the tangent he had been going into (more politics than nature) and came back to a more balanced entry. Politics had always been a part of this series and I do not expect that to change but when they take the front seat (as in the previous installment), things just do not work as well - not for a book about Joe anyway.

Joe Pickett is out chasing an wounded elk and to exactly noone's surprise, he manages to stumble onto a body - of the human variety. With a heavy storm closing in and everyone seemingly wanting to ignore and forget the dead man (whose body also somehow disappears at one point), it comes down to our game warden to somehow stumble into the truth. Meanwhile, Nate's pursuit of the man who stole his falcons and wounded his wife continues. Before long the stories will of course end up meeting - and with a heavy dose of familiar characters showing up again, the novel fits into the series. Maybe don't read it when it is cold outside though - the whole novel relies on the cold and the snow to make things even more oppressive. Which works - but leaves a very oppressive aftertaste.
AnnieMod | 13 reseñas más. | Apr 23, 2024 |
The series is intriguing but I keep thinking that Joe is a TSTL character. I don't read romances with TSTL characters, so why am I giving a pass to this author?
klandring | 83 reseñas más. | Apr 17, 2024 |
A rogue grizzly bear has killed two people. Now Joe Pickett must track down the bear before there are more deaths. Added to this is Dallas Cates has been released from prison. He has a hit list of six people he blames for things going south on him and sending him away and Joe Picket is at the top of his list. In my opinion this is the best Joe Pickett book in this outstanding series.
lewilliams | 7 reseñas más. | Apr 17, 2024 |
Book on CD read by David Chandler

Book number seven in the mystery series featuring Wyoming Game Warden Joe Pickett.

Recently fired from his job as a game warden, Joe is working on his father-in-law’s ranch when he’s asked by the Governor to investigate an unusual crime that occurred in Yellowstone National Park. An attorney, Clay McCann confessed to killing four campers, claiming self-defense. But he did so in a tiny corner of the park that is actually in Idaho, and a loophole in the law gets him off completely. The Governor wants to know what’s really going on.

Gosh but I love Joe Pickett. He’s an astute observer, keeps his cards close to the chest, doesn’t take unnecessary changes, but doesn’t hesitate to go into dangerous situations when it’s called for. He calls on his friend (and somewhat of an outlaw), Nate Romanowski, for back-up. This is a guy you definitely want to have on YOUR side!

Joe quickly discovers that not everyone comes to Yellowstone for the spectacular natural scenery. There are some hidden agendas regarding ecoterrorism, deals cut with major bioengineering firms, and possible drug dealing. Can he sort it out and discover the “real” culprit before a natural disaster occurs to wipe out all evidence?

I’ve yet to visit Yellowstone, but this book really increases my desire to do so. That’s just a bonus.

David Chandler does a good job of narrating the audiobook. He sets a good pace and I like the way he interprets Joe and Nate.
BookConcierge | 23 reseñas más. | Apr 16, 2024 |
Storm Watch starts out with Joe Pickett chasing a wounded elk. Only to stumble upon a dead body and someone taking pot shots at him. The story gets quite tense with the reader not knowing who to trust. Finally an ending that brings all of the loose pieces together. Four stars were given to this book. It has a beginning, middle and end as well as believable characters and settings. Enjoy!
lbswiener | 13 reseñas más. | Apr 10, 2024 |
Shadows Reel is a good Joe Pickett story. This time a Nazis photograph book is a main character, Mary Beth, Joe Pickett's wife, has an important role, Nate, Joe's close friend is an important character and finally Thanksgiving is mentioned. Four stars were given in this review as it is difficult, looking at the the aforementioned characters, to tie all of them into a coherent story. Enjoy.
lbswiener | 12 reseñas más. | Apr 7, 2024 |
Dark Sky is a good Joe Pickett novel. Joe gets into a seriously dangerous situation while trying to protect a young man from the Silicon Valley. The settings are vividly described and quite scary. This is a well researched book that is highly recommended. Four stars were given in this review.
lbswiener | 9 reseñas más. | Apr 5, 2024 |
A grizzly bear killing has everyone on edge. Add in a bent-on-revenge ex-con, and you have the recipe for gruesome, multiple killings. Dallas Cates is out of prison, and has a list of people he wants to kill. The bear is also out to kill, and is not exhibiting normal bear behavior. And Joe is caught up in the middle of it all. It’s an action-packed story, thrilling and suspenseful. Some secondary storylines remain unanswered, and the end will leave other major threads up in the air, probably to be resolved in later books. Those who love this series will undoubted enjoy this adventure. New readers may be put off by all the violence, and innocent people being killed.
Maydacat | 7 reseñas más. | Apr 5, 2024 |
Treasure State is a good book. There is a beginning, middle and end. All of the characters are believable in that the good guys are good and bad guys are really bad. The various conflicts were all neatly tied up in the end. Four stars were given in this review.
lbswiener | 10 reseñas más. | Apr 4, 2024 |
Kirkus: Wyoming Game and Fish Warden Joe Pickett (Free Fire, 2007, etc.), once again at the governor’s behest, stalks the wraithlike figure who’s targeting elk hunters for death.

Frank Urman was taken down by a single rifle shot, field-dressed, beheaded and hung upside-down to bleed out. (You won’t believe where his head eventually turns up.) The poker chip found near his body confirms that he’s the third victim of the Wolverine, a killer whose animus against hunters is evidently being whipped up by anti-hunting activist Klamath Moore. The potential effects on the state’s hunting revenues are so calamitous that Governor Spencer Rulon pulls out all the stops, and Pickett is forced to work directly with Wyoming Game and Fish Director Randy Pope, the boss who fired him from his regular job in Saddlestring District. Three more victims will die in rapid succession before Joe is given a more congenial colleague: Nate Romanowski, the outlaw falconer who pledged to protect Joe’s family before he was taken into federal custody. As usual in this acclaimed series, the mystery is slight and its solution eminently guessable long before it’s confirmed by testimony from an unlikely source. But the people and scenes and enduring conflicts that lead up to that solution will stick with you for a long time.

More of a western than a mystery, like most of Joe’s adventures, and all the better for the open physical clashes that periodically release the tension between the scheming adversaries.
bentstoker | 24 reseñas más. | Mar 24, 2024 |
This was my least favorite of a series I usually like very much. The violence level was off the charts, random and nonstop, leaving the cast of characters decimated, and me with bad memories and fears for the future of the series.½
1 vota
terran | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 23, 2024 |
Three-Inch Teeth is a thrilling story about bears. The book was narrated by David Chandler. Mr. Chandler has a casual attitude in that it seems like he is just talking to people not reading anything. He makes the Joe Pickett books good. The book received four stars in this review. It is a good book and highly recommended.
lbswiener | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 21, 2024 |
This book is #24 in the Joe Pickett series and it's a winner. There's a grizzly bear on the rampage as well as a convict and the excitement mounts as Joe, Mary Beth and Sheridan are featured. Nate also plays a role and has life changing events. Outstanding book Mr Box.
buffalogr | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 8, 2024 |
A Grizzly bear is on a rampage. It has killed quite a few people and Joe pulls out all stops to find the bear. But, these attacks are weird. They are not staying in the same location. Joe is a bit baffled. But when he finds out Dallas Cates has been released from prison, he knows he is in danger and Joe knows how Cates is exacting his revenge.

I am in the minority on this one. Now, as I always say…read this yourself and form your own opinion. I have only read a couple in this series and enjoyed them. But this one…I don’t know, it just did not hit me like the others. I am sure it was just me. I have read quite a few thrillers back to back and I think I just need a break from this genre. Read it and let me know. It has some high star reviews. So, most likely, it is me!

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.
fredreeca | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 6, 2024 |
It is a beautiful Wyoming mid-October day as Three-Inch Teeth: A Joe Pickett Novel by C.J. Box by begins. It had been beautiful, until it was marred by tragedy. Clay Hutmacher JR., who had planned to ask Sheridan Pickett to marry him that night, was violently killed by a grizzly bear. It came after him in the river he was fishing in and attacked him without provocation. Not only was the attack savage, there are not supposed to be grizzly bears in this part of Wyoming. It will take 24 hours before his dad finds what is left of his body in the waters and bank of the Twelve Sleep River as it cuts through the Double Diamond Ranch.

In response to a devastated phone call from the dad, Wyoming Game Warden Joe Pickett comes to Clay Hutmacher out at the ranch and sees the same horrible scene. No father should ever have found his son the way he did. It is also clear to Joe that a grizzly is responsible. Even though there are not supposed to be any grizzlies in the Bighorn Mountains of North Central Wyoming.

Joe Pickett starts calling in folks and activating resources. That includes “The Predator Attack Team.” Even though Joe is an auxiliary member, he is onsite, so he will be fully involved. This is a designated team of game wardens that have specialized training to deal with large carnivore attacks. Their mission will be to hunt down the bear and kill it.

First it has to be found. That proves to me far harder than it would be in a normal situation.

What follows is a complicated and fast-moving tale as a succession of what seems to be random bear attacks occur locally as well as across the region. Is it really a grizzly bear? Or, is it something else and far worse? Could it be both?

That is up to readers to discover in Three-Inch Teeth: A Joe Pickett Novel by C. J. Box. Not only is the latest installment of the series a good one, politics are minimized in this read. Unlike the last novel, Storm Watch, the read here returns to the roots that made this series so good from the first book. The focus in Three-Inch Teeth: A Joe Pickett Novel is on apex predators and staying alive in a read that only partially ties everything up. It is a good one and well worth your time.

My reading copy came from the publisher, G.P. Putnam's Sons (Penguin Putnam Group), through NetGalley with no expectation of a review.

Kevin R. Tipple © 2024
kevinrtipple | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 3, 2024 |
Thank you to Minotaur Books and St. Martin's Press for the chance to read this ARC. Book publishes on August 13, 2019.

This is the first book I've read by this author and I was not disappointed. It is the 4th book in a series about a female private investigator, Cassie Dewell. (I will have to add the first 3 books to my TBR list).

Cassie is hired by an attorney to look into the arrest of a man named Blake Kleinsasser. Blake is accused of assaulting his niece on the family ranch. Cassie heads into the Bitterroot mountains where a fire is raging to get more information about the incident, while leaving her son, Ben, behind with Isabel Cassie's mother. While she is investigating she has to determine who she can trust and who she cannot trust. Also, a mysterious black Peterbilt 18-wheeler has taken to mysteriously appearing near her (apparently, this is a tie to an earlier Cassie Dewell book) and she needs to determine how this applies to this case, if at all.

Overall, the book is very well-written and quite engaging. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will be reading the other books in this series.
Cathie_Dyer | 21 reseñas más. | Feb 29, 2024 |
BooksInMirror | 38 reseñas más. | Feb 19, 2024 |
"Mature grizzlies tend to have two- to four-inch claws and up to three-inch teeth."

Three-Inch Teeth by C. J. Box has Wyoming game warden Joe Pickett facing a rampaging bear and enraged human. It is a very highly recommended procedural/mystery and 24th addition to the popular, long running series.

When a grizzly kills Clay Hutmacher Jr., Sheridan Pickett's boyfriend, while he was out fly-fishing, Clay Sr. finds his son's body and immediately calls game warden Joe Pickett. It is clear what happened to Clay Jr. so Joe summons the Predator Attack Team. Normally they are successful in tracking and eliminating large predators who have attacked a human, but this time one of the team is attacked. As attacks begin to happen across the area, Joe is concerned that this bear is eluding everyone looking for it.

What Joe doesn't know is that Dallas Cates, a man he helped lock up years ago, has been released from prison. Cates has a list of six people that he plans to eliminate. Both Joe and Nate Romanowski are on the list of people he blames for the death of his family and he wants revenge.

The writing is excellent, as expected, and the pages just flew by in this tension packed installment of the series. I was actually surprised at the page count because it went by so fast. Fans of the series will know all the characters and their backstories but those new to the series will still be able to appreciate the finely tuned, fast-paced plot while meeting the characters. Once you read this you will want to read more books in the series.

The narrative alternates between Joe and Cates, which helps build suspense and a sense of urgency. Readers will begin to put clues together long before Joe, and Marybeth, his wife, begin to have an inkling of what may be happening. Sheridan also makes a surprising discovery when out on a job. Three-Inch Teeth is un-put-downable and will keep you engrossed right to the surprising and shocking ending. I can't wait for the next Joe Pickett novel! Thanks to G.P. Putnam's Sons for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.
SheTreadsSoftly | 7 reseñas más. | Feb 18, 2024 |
Book 6 in Joe pickett series. This book finds Joe trying to find out who is so intent on harming him and his family. We learn that the father of April Keeley, who died along with her mother in a fire, has been released from prison and blames Joe for his loss. Quite an adventure, with people being killed and Joe being hurt, losing his job, and in the end, killing an injured Keeley. Kirkus: After an eventful trip to Jackson Hole (Out of Range, 2005), Wyoming Fish and Game Warden Joe Pickett is back in Twelve Sleep County for a homecoming that?s anything but homey.Trouble starts when fishing guide Tommy Wayman tosses Opal Scarlett, matriarch of the Thunderhead Ranch, into the river over a long-simmering feud. Assuming that Opal?s too mean to die, Tommy isn?t worried when he doesn?t see her climb out. But her disappearanceneither she nor her corpse has turned up anywhere since then¥leaves her three sons free to battle it out with shovels over ownership of the ranch. That?s the opening scene Joe interrupts, accompanied by his daughter Sheridan, 14, and her best friend, Hank Scarlett?s daughter Julie. Soon enough, both Joe and Sheridan will be haunted by spectral sightings of Opal, grinning over her sons? fratricidal strife. By that time, though, Joe will have bigger troubles of his own. Fresh from his murder of convicted killer Wacey Hedeman, J.W. Keeley is on his way to Twelve Sleep County, eager to destroy Joe, whom he blames for the slaughter of his family (Winterkill, 2003). If you think Joe can expect help from the law-enforcement community, you don?t know this series, and it?s high time you started.Despite an encore roster of perps and felonies that plays like a Greatest Hits list from Joe?s first five adventures, Box continues to write the sharpest suspensers west of the Pecos.
bentstoker | 22 reseñas más. | Jan 26, 2024 |