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Mia the Magnificent is the third book in The Mia Fullerton Series by Eileen Boggess. Having not read the two previous books. Mia the Meek and Mia the Melodramatic, I feared that it would be hard to get into this one. This was not the case. This could easily be read and enjoyed without having read the previous books.

Mia is a sophomore at St. Hilary's. She has a couple ex boyfriends to deal with, a best friend getting over a break up, the school musical and driver's ed. She manages her way through it all with a good sense of humour and faith that all will turn out well in the end.

Eileen Boggess has written a very good series for teens with all the drama of high school minus the drugs, drinking and sex that parents might not want their children reading about. If you are looking for an entertaining, more innocent look at high school (Catholic Private School) this is a good choice.
maribs | otra reseña | Jan 24, 2010 |
Reviewed by Dianna Geers for

Mia and her brother, Chris, continue to have a love-hate relationship. They love to act like they hate each other. That's why, with Mia's best friend and boyfriend gone for the summer, Mia reluctantly takes a summer job. It's only working as a stage crew member for a children's theater group but it gets her out of the house every day. How bad could that be?

If only she knew...

First of all, there are the unusual people that she must work with at this job--definitely not her choice of people to spend days with. On top of that, the more she works there, the more her job transforms into less than just being a stage hand. Might she have to perform? Wear a costume? Mia certainly hopes not. And ugh! Working for a children's theater group actually means working with--children.

In addition to her busy days, she wonders why her boyfriend isn't sending her emails. What's wrong with him? Was he having too much fun without her? And when she does hear from him, her fears could possibly be true.

Her summer is spent with countless disasters, annoying pranks from her brother, many doubts, and accomplishments. Mia may even realize that sometimes not getting what you want can be a good thing, people aren't always what you originally thought, and sometimes the things you dread aren't so bad after all.

Join Mia during her very dramatic summer.
GeniusJen | otra reseña | Oct 12, 2009 |
This sequel to MIA THE MEEK is as funny as the original with several new characters. Mia joins a summer children's theater company with hilarious results.
janetirene | otra reseña | Aug 8, 2009 |
MIA THE MEEK is a hilarious book about a teenage girl's attempt to reinvent herself. It's great fun that will keep readers laughing from cover to cover!
janetirene | otra reseña | Aug 8, 2009 |
Reviewed by Dianna Geers for

After her summer immersed in acting while she worked at a children's theater group (in the previous book MIA THE MELODRAMATIC), Mia is psyched to try acting in plays at school. It doesn't hurt that her best friend is the student director. Or does it? Trying a small part in a play is way different than having the lead.

Of course, there is never just one problem in Mia's life. Never.

There's the ex-boyfriend who is a being a negative influence on her already-corrupt little brother, her other boy crush, the fact that Mia wants to be independent from boys, attempting to get her driver's license, and the confusion when the ex-boyfriend tries wooing Mia as well as two other girls and she doesn't know what to do.

About any of the problems.

Mia tries to make good decisions and bravely (sometimes) struggles to do the right thing. Such is Mia's dramatic life. As you read you will relate to the overwhelming feelings of adolescence and the absurdity of how one attempt to solve a problem can lead to another.

And just when Mia thinks she has everything figured out, just as in life, time moves on and changes everything. That's when it's magnificent to know who you really are. Hopefully, Mia has herself figured out.

This is the third book in the series featuring Mia Fullerton, but it can also be read independently.
GeniusJen | otra reseña | May 21, 2010 |
Reviewed by Dianna Geers for

In MIA THE MEEK, Mia is determined to no longer be known as meek. Especially when she is about to begin high school. High school is her new chance to shed her old meek self and to blossom as someone outgoing. Someone fun. Someone not meek.

Readers are aware of the fact that Mia has the potential for non-meekness. She can certainly show snippy behavior towards her mother and her little brother. "You're not really going to wear that, are you?" and "If your brain was chocolate, it wouldn't fill an M&M" are a few or Mia's not-so-meek comments that make you wonder why she has such a problem standing up for herself with anyone outside of her family.

Perhaps her snippiness at home is a result of the verbal abuse she takes at school. Cassie and her friends are not afraid to tell her she is "so ugly she'd make blind kids cry," and seem to love to let Mia know when she has done anything not meeting their approval. In spite of the way they treat her, Mia still trusts enough to share some of her deepest secrets with people who use them against her. She fails to recognize that when Cassie asks her if she's wearing make-up that she should ignore them or say something smart. Instead Mia lets them know that she's not allowed to wear make-up. Her heartfelt answers let you know that she is ever hopeful of others.

Of course being non-meek is not as easy as Mia hopes. Then there's the fact that her mother is her teacher, that incident involving wearing a suit of armor, class president elections, crushes, and all of those other potentially embarrassing, potentially strength-building events in teenagers' lives.

Mia's situations are presented with quirky humor so you are able to feel her pain, but are also able to laugh at the absurdity of adolescence. She is a witty heroine that readers will enjoy bonding with.

MIA THE MEEK is the first novel for Eileen Boggess and is the beginning of the Mia Fullerton series.
1 vota |
GeniusJen | otra reseña | Oct 12, 2009 |
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