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Great. Not too in depth but a general introduction to the topic with bits of history like honey in smuggling or in the revolutionary war
cspiwak | 19 reseñas más. | Mar 6, 2024 |
This is a poorly written book about a commercial beekeeper. It was recommended at our first beekeeping class. I was very disappointed.
KittyCunningham | 19 reseñas más. | Apr 26, 2021 |
This is a poorly written book about a commercial beekeeper. It was recommended at our first beekeeping class. I was very disappointed.
Kitty.Cunningham | 19 reseñas más. | Jul 19, 2017 |
From Amazon: “Bishop — beekeeper, writer, and honey aficionado — apprentices herself to Donald Smiley, a professional beekeeper who harvests tupelo honey in the Florida panhandle. She intersperses the lively lore and science of honey with lyrical reflections on her own and Smiley’s beekeeping experiences. . . . Part history, part love letter”

Both beekeeper Smiley and Bishop are highly likeable and I greatly enjoyed this peek into making a living from honey, bottled yourself, before colony collapse syndrome.

Read this if: you’ve ever wanted to keep bees. 4 stars
ParadisePorch | 19 reseñas más. | Aug 23, 2016 |
One of the most fascinating books I have ever read, I turned back to page one and started over. I had promised my copy to a friend and (regretfully) relinquished it on Monday, I will have to finish my second reading at a later date. I knew a lot of basic information about bees: their basic social structure, the “dancing”, how they make honey… but the historical aspects were the most interesting. I kept regaling friends with “bee facts”, including that my name means honeybee… several expressed interest in learning more, but maybe they were just humoring me.

I really would have loved it if the author had included more pictures and illustrations.
memccauley6 | 19 reseñas más. | May 3, 2016 |
I didn't finish this, I perused it.... It was long, informative & boring.... Full of history of beekeeping.

Very dry
Auntie-Nanuuq | 19 reseñas más. | Jan 18, 2016 |
This book is full of interesting stuff about bees, but it is assembled in such a journalistic way that I could not bring myself to read a whole chapter, much less the entire book.
themulhern | 19 reseñas más. | Jun 23, 2015 |
Very interesting look at the Florida tupelo honey business and history. Some slow moments, but good overall. Had to go get some tupelo honey. Wonderful flavor, quite unique. Gave to Mama and Tim.
njcur | 19 reseñas más. | Feb 13, 2014 |
I loved this book. I learned so much! For instance, beeswax- where do you think it comes from? Besides from bees, I mean. They secrete little flakes of beeswax, eight at a time, from their wax glands after a debauch on nectar and a nice long rest. The whole book was full of fun and fascinating information about bees and bee-keeping. Bishop's voice is warm and approachable but not the least bit blog-like. I enjoyed meeting the beekeepers to whom she introduced me.

The only real problem with this book is that it was impossible for me to read without eating a LOT of honey during the reading. And today I bought some bee pollen. Of course I did.

Highly recommended. 4.5 stars.
satyridae | 19 reseñas más. | Apr 5, 2013 |
Holley Bishop’s rural porn Robbing the Bees is especially seductive, because it’s the sub-genre wherein the author acts out the reader’s fantasies by flinging themselves inexpertly into a rustic pursuit (chickens, sheep, oranges); in this case, bees. It’s three stories in one: a cheerful romp through the history of beekeeping, a year in the life of a Florida tupelo-honey producer—quirky, rustic, passionate—and the author’s account of becoming a beekeeper herself, making all the mistakes you would expect. The reader can easily picture themselves doing the same—tending their hives, harvesting honey—except the actual life of an apiarist that Bishop describes punctures the fantasy by being hot, hard, and occasionally painful work, a note of realism cutting through the Arcadian hum.
adzebill | 19 reseñas más. | Nov 17, 2012 |
My dad kept bees when I was a child, and I have nostalgic memories of summer hours spent sitting by the hive, watching the workers coming and going. This book gave me a fascinating look at the history of man's relationship with bees. It discusses bee research, beekeeping, ancient and modern uses for honey and wax, bee behavior, etc., in the framework of narrative of one year with a "typical" beekeeper in Florida.

I kept blurting out fascinating facts I had learned to my family, until my daughter finally told me I need to "get a life." But what better life than reading great books and learning?! I highly recommend this book!
1 vota
glade1 | 19 reseñas más. | Jul 12, 2012 |
This is not a book about raising bees, but a history of bees and beekeeping throughout history. A few years after Holley Bishop started keeping bees, she decided she wanted to write a book as a sort of tribute to bees. Because she considered herself only a hobbyist, she tried to find a professional who had more experience than she did. Of the 20 people she asked, only one was willing to have her visit and take time away from his work to explain and show her various aspects of beekeeping. That along with what must have been a massive amount of research has produced a very readable, detailed book about bees. She intersperses information about how a present day beekeeping operation works with historical information/stories.
1 vota
dudes22 | 19 reseñas más. | Jan 27, 2012 |
All through history, we find references to our industrious bees, as military weapons, as nature's first aid box, as the world's first sweetener and as pollinators of plants.

Providing in-depth information about how to build your own apiary and keep your bees happy and healthy through the seasons, we follow one particular bee-keeper in Florida as he moves his hives from feeding ground to feeding ground, smokes his bees to remove the honey, repairs or builds new hives during the winter when the bees rest, and learn of his concern about the African bees are aggressively destroying the more docile European bees who produce better honey in the US.

We learn of the role of bees and their honey through history across countries. We're taken on a bee's journey through life, how the drones are made to leave the hive, how queens leave their hives just to mate and return to continuous egg-laying, and how the worker bees are all females. Through their labor to keep their combs filled with food, they pollinate flowers and plants.

Entertainingly written while providing great information on the science and history of bee-keeping and honey production and use.
2 vota
cameling | 19 reseñas más. | Oct 25, 2011 |
A gorgeous book written by a woman under the spell of her bees. In order to show all sides of beekeeping Bishop writes partially from her own experience as a domestic keeper, but predominantly through a fascinating two years shadowing Donald Smiley, a commercial beekeeper in Florida.

The book is split into sections to cover every aspect of the history of honey and beekeeping, from the design of domestic hives and the mechanics of a bee's stinger, to the uses of honey in cosmetics and medicine and the importance of other bee products such as wax and royal jelly. Through each of these chapters weaves the year in the life of Donald Smiley, as he moves his bees from place to place, harvesting and marketing each type of pure honey in a neverending cycle of physical labour and sweet reward. At the end of the book Bishop also includes several honey-rich recipes, from ancient (probably unpalatable) meals to modern marinades.

Scrumptious, lyrical and well worth a read.½
3 vota
elliepotten | 19 reseñas más. | Jun 14, 2009 |
Bishop’s delightful tour through the history of honey and honeybees is quite illuminating. I never knew there were so many people involved in the study of apiaries (including two Nobel Prize winners). Her tales include the personal and the grandiose, making her narrative quick yet informative. She also includes for the reader many recipes whose main ingredient is honey.½
NielsenGW | 19 reseñas más. | Jul 20, 2008 |
What a delightful book. I learned more than I ever imagined beforehand about bees, honey and the practice of beekeeping. Really enjoyed the historical aspect, how humans have long interacted with and benefited from bees. I will have now add a little honey to my everyday meals, among other tips.
amarie | 19 reseñas más. | Mar 19, 2008 |
You know, when I picked up this book, I had no idea I would enjoy it so much. I am researching for down the line when I buy a house, considering some minor beekeeping in my future and this was recommended to me by my local librarian (yea librarians!). I'm not sorry I picked this's written in such an unabashed loving way that one cannot help but be as exited as Bishop and Smiley about bee's and beekeeping. I was also quite pleased to find an extensive history of bees; beekeeping, honey, and wax were a part of the book. I thoroughly enjoyed the way the story was divided between following Bishop as she discovered her own love of beekeeping, her interviews and following of Smiley on his beekeeping farm in Florida (following his rounds and seasons was very fascinating and who know it was such hard work), and finally the sections on the history. These were woven together quite well and as a whole provide the reader with a solid foundation that is also filled with love and enthusiasm for bees and their honey. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in doing a little beekeeping of their own (not as a how to, rather as a first step in becoming more familiar with the process and history of it)...heck, if you like honey, you'll probably like this book! I'll be adding a copy to my permanent library very soon!!
the_hag | 19 reseñas más. | Jan 19, 2008 |
I loved this book. Really learned a lot!
Bedste | 19 reseñas más. | Oct 4, 2007 |
Fascinating and full of information, interestingly presented. The weakest part I thought was the portrait of the modern beekeeper, but the historical aspects and the explanations of bees and bee life were eminently readable.
ursula | 19 reseñas más. | Oct 5, 2005 |
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