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[b:Scandalous|39081958|Scandalous (Alpha Bodyguard, #1)|Sybil Bartel||60647321] by [a:Sybil Bartel|7893521|Sybil Bartel|]
Genres: Adult, Humor/Comedy, Romance
4.5 Stars

I had a load of fun reading this one.
There were times I laughed and grinned so hard it made my cheeks and jaws hurt.

The story flowed smooth as silk. It was so easy to read I finished it in record time! I am a slow reader. This book flew by!
bodebeabay | otra reseña | Sep 25, 2022 |
3.75 stars

This was pretty solid until the ending. I was interested in finding more about River Ranch and how that would affect Shaila.

The ending was abrupt. Left on a cliffhanger. I didn't realize that the story continues with the same characters. I thought it would be single interconnected standalones.
MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
A great plot ruined by sub par characters. I really think the main characters needed to be re-written to make this book at all engaging or enjoyable. I finished this book but I did not really enjoy it.
KateKat11 | otra reseña | Sep 24, 2021 |

First time I've read anything by this author and can't wait to read more. It had a good story line and plenty of Alpha hotness.
StephanieVee888 | otra reseña | Dec 18, 2020 |
3.5 Stars
ARC received via Xpresso Book Tours.

I almost decided I wouldn't read this book after several of my reviewer friends gave lackluster reviews, but that cover just kept pulling me in. Can we say hot? So I gave in and read it anyway, turns out I am the opposite of some of my friends, because I really enjoyed this one!

Talon is a spin off of Sybil Bartel's Unchecked series, which I didn't read prior to reading Talon. Do I feel like I am probably missing something? Yes. However, it didn't take away from the story too much. Told from Talon's POV, this book is all alpha male all the time. He's possessive, bossy, and frankly very rude and crass, but he's protective and has a serious hero complex. Nicole, our damsel, is hard to read, I mean seriously hard to read. I almost wish I could've had her POV, because like Talon, I got really annoyed with not being able to follow her hot and cold attitude. The not-unique story line of ex-Military womanizer saving damsel in distress is done very well in this case. I loved the plot of Military versus motorcycle club, because there was a lot of action and suspense. While I normally don't say this, I really liked the instant connection between Talon and Nicole. Their personalities may clash, but his over-protectiveness and her need to get out of a bad situation causes them to lean on one another and hey, I happen to like when Talon get's all possessive and hot. On top of that, though it takes forever to happen, when the two start to open up it is like watching a flower bloom. Both have been holding onto some serious stuff for such a long time and seeing them really come out of their shells, and face some of their ghosts, makes for a really interesting read.

Unfortunately, it took a really long time for me to get into Talon. While it's a fast read, I didn't feel a connection to the characters until 45-50%. While Talon's off being rude, to everyone, Nicole is like a brick wall. Characters like this are just hard to understand, especially when we're missing important information, like what happened in their pasts, Talon's especially. There are a lot of secondary characters I would like to know about, because we're only given just glimpses of who they are and why and let's be real, I couldn't figure out why anyone would be Talon's friend until the very end. In this case, I think Talon would have been a lot better had I read the Unchecked series first.

If alpha males and action are your cup of tea, this is the book for you, add it to your TBR pile right now. There's no shortage of suspense in this book and the chemistry between Talon and Nicole just heats it up, plus there's some twists you won't see coming.
CarleneInspired | otra reseña | Jun 14, 2019 |
ARC provided by Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.

Neil is an action movie in book form, complete with bloodshed, smut, foul language, and a whole lot of suspense. Told from the POV of the heroine, Ariel, we are introduced to her struggling life as a single mother surrounded by controlling men in her workplace and the lack of help from her son's father. Her life has been a series of let downs, with the only bright spot being her son. She struggles to make ends meet, strips occasionally, and has no semblance of a life outside of motherhood. A man from her past reminds her of her womanhood and desires, but she'd never act on it even though he seems to force himself on her at every turn. His imposing ways are both annoying and helpful, but necessary when Ariel's ex takes their lives and turns it all upside down. When guns are drawn and threats are issued, Ariel has nothing to do but rely on the man who's emotions she can't read and leaves her desiring his touch despite his gruffness.

Ariel is the kind of heroine I usually hate actually, she easily gives in with no real prompting, but she had spunk and her perspective is an entertaining one. She's young, fighting for a good life for her son, and dealing with a life far more complicated than one needs at 21. I really liked how she was as a single parent, dealing with feelings she has for her ex, and really trying to do the best she can without taking hand outs. The way she felt about Neil, or Viking, is pretty apparent, even if the reader cannot grasp the feelings they seem to share. It's a push and pull situation that's hard to follow. They have an instant lust for one another that makes for some hot scenes, but otherwise it is very much a story of an older man alpha with a younger, disadvantaged woman.

I was really thrown off by Neil being told from only Ariel's perspective, having read Talon previously I expected to read from Neil's perspective or from both main character's POV. While it allows the reader to fully be immersed into Ariel's brain, to really get into the fear of the situation and see why she was so frustrated with his constant inability to be attached or show emotion, it also makes the story very one sided. I was unable to really connect with him or write off his volatile personality as Ariel was able to. He's an alpha to the core kind of character, the kind that takes without asking (because he just knows?) and is overly abrasive. Ariel's ability to get over his glaringly obvious controlling ways is quick after she learns of his past, but as a reader I never truly connected to them as better halves. Overall I really enjoyed the story, but Neil is a hard character to like and I think readers will find themselves either loving or hating him and his story.

It's not traditional romance by any means, but it is an entertaining story that I couldn't stop reading and a complete series that I'll be seeing through to the end. If you love your male characters alpha and your female characters snarky and independent, this is a series for you. I was never bored with the character dialogue, I loved the secondary character involvement, and the action notches it up another level as well.
CarleneInspired | otra reseña | Jun 14, 2019 |
Full review appeared on Reader's Edyn on 11/13/17

Kendall Reed (Decima Stephens) is on the run. She’s being hunted by her lunatic father. Escaped from the compound she was born and raised in, now they want her back, but she helped the FBI with information and she knows capture or return is a death sentence. She’s been hiding out with a biker friend, but he’s been compromised, so he’s turned her protection over to Andre. Kendall looks at the world a little differently because of her upbringing, but she knows she wants Andre. Problem is, she’s so screwed up in the head … and she knows she has an expiration date. It’s going to be soon because she can’t hide form her father forever. Too bad she can’t just hope for a while that Andre might actually be able to save her.

Andre Luna owns a private security company. He is former military as are all of his employees. They all have particular skill sets and he vets each of his clients before taking them on. He doesn’t like to deal with drama and potentially over dangerous cases and he won’t knowingly put his men in danger – not any more than comes with the job anyway. But Kendall gets thrown in his lap and as a favor he takes her on. He knows there is a hell of a lot more to her story than he’s getting, but he never dreamed it was as deep or serious as it actually is. He’s only got one choice now to save the woman he’s falling for … and it’s going to involve several of his combat friends. They’ve only got one chance and if they screw it up, Kendall is dead.

Full disclosure – this book contains a LOT of language. About half of it is cussing in Spanish, the rest is just bad words and graphic descriptions involving sex, lust, and death. Not saying I don’t read such books, but I felt this had more than “average”, so I wanted to mention it. At one point, even Kendall asks Andre if he thinks it’s any different cussing just because he’s doing it in Spanish. I’m sure it was meant as a joke or dig at Andre, but I was like, “I know, right?” 😊 I enjoyed this book, but had a difficult time because of the content. Andre is what I typically look for in an Alpha lead. His heritage comes out a lot in his dialogue, speaking Spanish rather frequently, but mostly in universal terms that anyone would recognize (at least in my opinion). His strong Alpha presence and Cuban heritage makes him a likeable, if not lovable character. He has skills, he knows it, and he uses them. And that’s hot! Kendall was a little different. Her mind is seriously warped. Almost to the point that I didn’t like her. I tried to be empathetic toward the character and found that I liked her a bit more when taking into consideration her circumstances and the crap she had dealt with. However, with the mental issues – you will notice it with some of the things she says – I revert back to “real life” and know that, as a couple, they would have one helluva long road ahead of them. But this is fiction, so it’s all sunshine and rainbows if we wish it, so OK. She’s also almost a contradiction of herself, exhibiting moments of extreme strength but cowering in fear at other times. I guess, in the end, I never really got a handle on her character and ultimately liked her, but didn’t love her.

I think I would read another book in this series because obviously the female leads won’t be the same character as Kendall, and I did very much enjoy Andre’s character. Additionally, Ms. Bartel did a good job with the secondary characters in the book. Both Andre’s team and Callan were developed to a point in which I’d like to read more about them. And I’d like to see where Ms. Bartel goes with other characters that don’t come from the same background as Kendall. Overall, I am always drawn to the romantic aspect of the story and for me, I was satisfied in that respect. I just regret not being able to connect with Kendall more. The story was somewhat harsh in both language and content and was just a bit too much for me. Maybe I am just too used to military reads glamorizing so much of the death and destruction. Others of you might read this book and react differently. Something like “hell yeah, finally, something I can sink my teeth in to”. But for me, I am fine with the romanticized versions. Despite my issues with this book, my strong like for Andre gives me pretty high hopes for the other books in the series. I’ll be sure to let you guys know what I think of them.

Kindle version provided by Expresso Book Tours/Author in exchange for an honest review.
GzNKz4evr | Dec 14, 2017 |
A story about a guy named Jared, who used to be part of marine and now working as a male escort, and a lady named Sienna, who hired Jared for a night so she can forget her break-up with her boyfriend.

This is another book that I’ve read this year that has some erotic scenes on it and so far, I like this one. Though, I admit that I’m just skipping those scenes as I’m more interested in the story of the characters.

The plot is well-written. The story is also not boring because there are scenes that will make you feel hot and curious about what’s happening between Jared and Sienna. The obstacles that they will face and how they will surpass it is exciting and thrilling. There might be times I’m irritated on the characters’ actions and decisions, but I think that’s a strength of this book because it just made me get into the story more.

Jared is handsome and well, just as what they say, rough. He doesn’t do a relationship, and he is the type of guy who always takes control.

Sienna is a preacher’s daughter. Aside from being innocent, I can say that she is stubborn. She also has this hidden nature that only Jared can show, and that’s what makes the story more interesting.

Everything is almost perfect aside from it being predictable for me.

Overall, this is a sizzling quick read for me. I am recommending this for adult readers who like romance novels.

Disclaimer: I received a readers copy from Xpresso Book Tours.
AlysinBookland | Apr 21, 2017 |
Thrust by Sybil Bartel

Hot, Wild, Wicked and Wonderful…did I mention HOT? This was a book that I could not put down once I started reading it.

As I read a few of the characters sounded familiar so I checked and found that I had read about them in the Uncompromising Series and wondered if this was another in the series or just a sidebar novel that needed to be told…whatever it is…it enthralled me. And, I can hardly wait to read whatever Sybil Bartel writes next.

Many romance novels that I have recently read have dealt with men who come home from war and their ability or inability to deal with what they have experienced. In this book the main character, Alex Vega, came up with his own way of taking control – he became a male escort – providing services for money. He had a five year plan and was doing well for himself until he met Olivia Toussaint. Yes, she turned his world upside down and made him rethink his life, his plans and a whole lot more. And Alex managed to shake Olivia’s life up, too.

Alex may seem cold and clinical in some ways but underneath it all he does seem to care about some of his clients and look out for them so when Olivia appears on the scene it is not totally surprising that he acts, reacts to, shares with and cares for her as he does. Olivia is a strong woman who thinks she knows who and what she needs but Alex makes her reassess and then make decisions that will have a huge impact on her and her plans.

There is a lot that happens in this book – in and out of the bedroom. This is a love story that was deeper than I expected it to be and one that I gladly recommend to others – unless they don’t like mature reading of an erotic nature. It made me think and feel and care and then want in more ways than one. Great characters, great story – just great!

Thank you to the author who through NetGalley gave me a copy of this splendid book to read. This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | otra reseña | Jan 12, 2017 |
Alex Vega is a male escort, but he's taken it to a new level. He's like a sex machine, he won't take you out to dinner or escort you to a function, he'll take you to bed and make you c*@me until you can barely walk. He can have maybe three clients a night, and he's not cheap, he's also gotten very cynical and arrogant, but he has this life planned out and it's made him very rich. But when he meets a woman who at an auction who doesn't show any in him, his plans goes out the window, and Alex can't help breaking all his rules and Oivia who is doing charity work with dogs for veterans with PTSD gets drawn in.

I loved the characters, and this is a very hot story. Alex had to decide where his road was leading. This is an enjoyable read.
JulieD2 | otra reseña | Dec 24, 2016 |
When Neil and Ariel meet the first time they are aware of one another but neither has a clue the impact that meeting a second time would eventually have on their lives.

Neil…definitely a man unwilling to compromise…ever! He is capable of anything at any time but also a man with a heart of gold that can charm or kill in the blink of an eye. Not a man of many words he is a man whose actions speak for themselves.

Ariel, born Ariella, is uncompromising in her love for her son, Conner, and in her relationships with men. She has fought hard to get where she is and works hard to maintain the status quo even if that means working in a strip club to make ends meet from time to time. Her baby-daddy screws up, again, and puts her and Connor in harm’s way so Neil, André (her boss), Tyler, Talon (from the first book in the series) and others are there for her when she needs them. What a team of alpha males André has working for him or that he can call in to assist from time to time…hopefully they will get books of their own in the future!

I have to say that this book sizzles. The chemistry is off the charts between gruff dominant Neil and sassy un-submissive Ariel but there are plenty of twists and turns that kept me wondering then hoping and finally happy and relieved that they both were able to finally achieve a happily ever after at the end.

Great story! I highly recommend it and want to thank the author who bequeathed me a copy through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I can’t wait to read André’s story in book three!
CathyGeha | otra reseña | Aug 20, 2016 |
Two people that seem to be one thing and are really a whole lot more are at the center of this first novel in the Uncompromising Series written by Sybil Bartel. At first glance Talon seems like a rather selfish hedonistic man who was once a medic in the military and is now a man-whore, beach bum, surfer dude with a savior complex. Nicole seems to be a battered woman without the strength or will to get herself away and into a better situation. As the story progresses it is revealed that both have experienced past events that have led them to be as they are when they meet and Talon nicknames Nicole “Siren” as he treats her wounds. From there the roller coaster ride begins with threats from a motorcycle club member backed by the club, involvement of a drug dealing Cartel and a whole lot more. Over time both Talon and Nic begin to show who they really are not only in the bedroom but outside of it. The only quibble I have is that with the wound Nic had on her leg it would probably need more than five stitches, slow her down more than it did and not do well with the stitches removed so soon after they were put in. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, look forward to reading the next book in the series and thank NetGalley for the ARC to read and review.
CathyGeha | otra reseña | Feb 28, 2016 |
Original review can be found at Tina,The Bookworm

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review, this does not affect my review in any shape or form.

Imagine, you are sixteen on the phone with your parents probably rolling your eyes at whatever they just said and then you hear it. A voice, a chilling voice some arguing, some gunshots and you scream. The voice comes back on the phone threatening you, say a word and you’re dead too. He owns you now and you don’t even know his real name.

You can run, but he’ll always find you. You can change your name, you can move, you can work dead end jobs all you want but he will find you. You’ll always have to look over your shoulder. You think you can have friends, a relationship? Ha! Not gonna happen! His flunkies will make sure of that, and they’ll ALWAYS be around. Everywhere you go they go. You’re on your own, this is a war you are fighting by yourself. But how long must the war go on? That my friends is the story of Layna Blair.

The Warrior
Layna is a strong character. She's been under the watchful eye of Miami for over three years she's never once received help she's dealt with everything by herself. But there was times throughout the story that she gave me whiplash. She was timid one moment then the next she was rude. I understood why her character was portrayed this way because she was use to handling everything by herself and didn't want to drag another person with her into this whole mess. She was a bit naive but when you look at her life from the age of sixteen to the age of nineteen you understand. That didn't stop me from rolling my eyes, or wanting to smack some good sense into her sometimes. Overall, I have read books where the character's behavior and the circumstances don't flow right but in Impossible Promise that was not the case. I felt that Sybil Cartel did an excellent job of writing Layna.

They say if you want to meet a good man go to church.
We meet Blaze while Layna's in church. Everything about him screams MARINE not that the tattoo gave it away or anything. Blaze can tell that Layna's in trouble and can't help but involve himself [think jump I jump remember?]. He has the sudden urge to protect her from whatever it is that has her running, he just doesn't know how bad it is. I really liked Blaze's character and it wasn't just because he's a marine,I swear. He's caring [he's on leave awaiting for his mother's passing], he's loyal, he's also very protective and can cut off his emotions in seconds like Marines are suppose to. There wasn't much Blaze throughout the book, he was often leaving to care for his mother it wasn't until the end that you really got to see what type of man he was. I did want to slap him though but you have to read it to find out why.He's also a man of his word which is extremely rare now at days and he promises Layna he will help her find a way out of the situation she's in and he promises he won't touch her because then he won't be able to concentrate at the task at hand.

Or you could just fall for his best friend...
Blaze takes Layna to Talon's house and warns her DO NOT FALL FOR HIM. Needless to say I was pretty interested in this guy, I had sense that maybe a girl of Blaze's had once fallen for Talon but my theory was never proven. Talon survived along side Blaze in the Marines but he's out of the Marines already. But he's what I like to call your friend in low places for life meaning he's the one that you call when you need death threats to be made and instant bail money, you know the one friend who'd do ANYTHING for you.I mean ANYTHING. He agrees to help Layna and Blaze and begins digging for dirt on exactly why Miami is keeping Layna alive. His character is so hard not to like. I mean he's flirtatious, he's good looking, he owns a business pretty much the opposite of Blaze. And this is where the damn love triangle happens.

He loves me, he loves me not...
The love triangle, I hate them. I find it so unfair to the third person like either way somebody loses. In this case, I kinda understood the love triangle. Let me explain, Blaze is gone a lot because his mother is dying from cancer, leaving Talon and Layna by themselves. They get to know each other and one thing leads to another and a kiss happens. Not to mention Talon flirts with just about all the female species. Anyway, Layna has been by herself all this time so develops feelings for both men however her feelings for Blaze are stronger...but the feelings for Talon are different. And in the end she's not sure what to do. Talon tries to explain to her that she shouldn't mistake gratitude with love. Is she really feeling just gratitude with attraction and love? You can't really blame the girl for having feelings for both men. They are total eye candy of course, and not to mention it's the first time she's ever had male attention so of course the girl is a bit overwhelmed with two hunks helping her out of a very sticky situation.

At the end of the book, I still couldn't tell you if I agreed with her choice. Because Sybil made it extremely difficult to not love both men and to make them so different. It was so not fair. I even stayed up all night trying to decide who I would pick but yeah I came up empty.

The Truth Will Set You Free
I really liked how Sybil was able to not focus the story so much on the love aspect but really on the truth behind why Miami had Layna under such a watchful eye. I loved how she was able to bring out the truth behind why her life had turned out the way it did. I thought it was well played out, some parts were a bit cliche but overall I thought the story worked out well. There were definitely twists I did not see coming. Towards the end, I was at the end of my seat wondering what was going to happen and how was it all going to play out.

The story was a page turner for sure, I spent all Sunday reading it. I was so captivated by the story I loved seeing where this was headed. I just could not get enough. What I would have like was maybe Blaze's point of view or Talon's point of view. I think that part of the story would have been interesting to see. Anyway, Impossible Promise is action packed, page turning, gripping the edge of your seat kinda story. I for one, cannot wait to see where this series is headed. August cannot come quick enough.
tina_thebookworm | otra reseña | Feb 12, 2016 |
Disclosure: I received a copy from the author/publisher, in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my review in any shape or form.

I've been hooked on the Unchecked Series since I was first approved to read Impossible Promise. The premise of the story is intriguing and leaves you on the edge of your seat. The first two books are told in Layna's point of view and Impossible End is told in Blaze's point of view. You do need to read the first two books in the series in order to read Impossible End.

I personally loved Blaze's point of view, I would love to read the whole series through his eyes. Impossible End picks up right where Impossible Choice leaves off which starts off with a bang. You can help but turn the page to see what is going to happen to everyone. It's short but it's action back and ends sweetly. It leaves you wanting more, needing more of Blaze and Layna's story.

The only complaints I had was I wanted more of Blaze. I want to see the whole series through his eyes. I also wanted more of Talon. I really missed him in this novella. However, it was a nice and sweet ending to a suspenseful series.
tina_thebookworm | Feb 12, 2016 |
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