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John Woodroffe, who wrote under the pseudonym of Arthur Avalon, was a Western scholar in the best traditions who brought important Hindu texts and teachings to the West. This includes the classic work on Kundalina yoga, The Serpent Power. In Shakti and Shakta, Woodroffe explores the teachings of the "Bharata Dharma," the common thread of tradition that links Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, as they relate to the divine feminine, expressed as "Shakti" or power in contrast to "Shiva" or unchanging consciousness.
MaSS.Library | otra reseña | Mar 3, 2024 |
Written by Arthur Avalon, pseudonym for John Woodroffe, a leading authority on Shaktic and Tantric thought, this book is considered the prime document for study and application of Kundalini yoga. It probes the philosophical and mythological nature of Kundalini; the esoteric anatomy associated with it; the study of mantras; the chakras, or psychic centers in the human body; the associated yoga and much, much more. Two important Tantric documents are included: The Description of the Six Chakras and Five-fold Footstool.
MaSS.Library | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 3, 2024 |
This is a fasciating book on tantra. It is highly technical (leaning towards the academic) and was written in 1919, so the language is very dated. If that doesn't faze you then I'd recommend giving this a read
Self-Study-Yoga | 5 reseñas más. | Feb 22, 2023 |
Including Tantrik Texts-Volume II, Edited by Arthur Avalon The Serpent Power is a description and explanation in full detail of Kundalini Shakti and the yoga effected through it, a subject occupying a pre-eminent place in the Tantra Shastra. It consists of a translation of two Sanskrit works 'Shat-Chakra Nirupana' (description of and investigatin intothe six bodily centres) and 'Paduka Panchaka' (Five-fold foot-stool of the Guru). This edition contains also the Sanskrit Texts of the works here translated and nine half-tone plates taken from life showing some positions in Kundalini Yoga besides eight original coloured plates of the Chakras. Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon) Jurist and Sanskrit Scholar A man of studious and retiring habits, he devoted his leisure from judicial duties in the main to Sanskrit and Hindu philosophy and specialised in the shakti system to an extent not equalled probably by any other British Orientalist. Early in his career, he published under the name of 'Arthur Avalon', studies in the Tantrik texts and works on Tantra. His last book under this name was Serpent Power, consisting of two works on Laya Yoga translated form the sanskrit with Introduction and Commentary. A second edition came out in 1924. It was under his own name that Woodroffe published among many other works, Shakti & Shakta being essays and addresses on the Shakta Tantra Shastra and in 1922, Garland of Letters being studies in the Mantra Shastra. (The Times, London, 18th Jan. 1936) Sir John Woodroffe was an emnent lawyer, a respected Judge and a profoundly sympathetic and understanding student of Indian culture. Few names are more honoured in the world of sanskrit scholarship than that of Arthur Avalon, who with the devoted aid of his wife, made it his life-work to spread abroad the grand truths enshrined in the Tantrik literature, divested of e cloud of ignorance and the cobwebs of prejudice...among those pioneers who awakened India to a sense of her own past greatness and a virlle self-respect, Sir John takes an honoured place (The Hindu, Madras, 18th Jan. 1936) Mr. Avalon in his publications insists on the greatness of the tantra and seeks to clear away by a dispassionate statement of the real facts the cloud of misconceptions which have obscured our view of this profound and powerful system... the work of translation has been admirably done. It is at once faithful, simple and graceful in style and rhythm. (Sri Aurobindo In Arya) Contents Pubishers' note to the fifth edition Preface to third edition Note to second edition Preface Introduction: I Introductory II Bodiless consciousness III Embodied consciousness (Jivatma) IV Mantra V The centres or lotuses (Chakra, padma) VI Practice (Yoga: Laya-Krama) VII Theoretical bases of this yoga Text (Translation): Description of the six centres (Shat-chakra Nirupana) The fivefold footstool (Padukapanchaka) Text (Sanskrit) Appendices (Sanskrit)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
> Babelio :
> Scribd : Bibliographie Du SHIVAÏSME DU CACHEMIRE

> Un livre d'une très grande précision, qui nous donne un aperçu précis des centres d'énergies (chakras) et qui fera découvrir milles beautés de cette architectures secrète du corps énergétique.
Cette étude nous apporte la possibilité d'entrer dans un vrai travail à long terme pour découvrir et comprendre par soi même la magie de nos énergies.
Danieljean (Babelio)
Joop-le-philosophe | 5 reseñas más. | Feb 22, 2021 |
> Tantrik Texts: Vol. III. -- Prapancha sara tantra, de Arthur AVALON, Taranatha VICLYARATNA
Se reporter au compte rendu de P. MASSON-OURSEL
In: Isis, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Jan., 1920), p. 81… ; (en ligne),
Joop-le-philosophe | Oct 2, 2020 |
> Works on Tantra, de Arthur AVALON, Ellen AVALON, Purnananda Svami
Se reporter au compte rendu de P. MASSON-OURSEL
In: Isis, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Jan., 1920), pp. 77-81… ; (en ligne),
Joop-le-philosophe | Oct 2, 2020 |
Le livre dont tout yogi parle mais dont peu ont eu la patience de lire jusqu'au bout. Une introduction par l'intérieur à la pratique du yoga tantrique. Accès très difficile par l'abus (voulu) d'une terminologie sanscrite précise. Manifestement, l'auteur veut décourage le chercheur tiède. L'aspect occulte du yoga révélé. Un livre de référence.
yogasantosha | 5 reseñas más. | May 24, 2018 |
Nachdem ich nun zum zweiten mal versucht habe das Buch zu lesen und beide male nach den ersten 20-30 Seiten keine Lust mehr hatte weiterzulesen, gebe ich auf. Die gedruckten Worte machen in meinen Augen einfach keinen Sinn und sind esoterisches Geschwafel. Hat mich an das Buch eines Soziologen erinnert, das ich mal versucht habe zu lesen. Oder ich bin einfach noch nicht bereit für diese Lehre.½
Tobias.Bruell | 5 reseñas más. | Apr 5, 2014 |
richardhobbs | Dec 19, 2010 |
I had thought this was a translation, but it's just "Readings" from the tantra with the Sanskrit original. I ordered the full translation by Ram Kumar Rai but it hasn't arrived yet (had to order from India).
yonderboy777 | otra reseña | Dec 13, 2009 |
Through his several books, Sir John Woodroffe was instrumental in removing many of the cobwebs of ignorance that had come to cluster round the Sakta philosophy and practice. The decent Indian mind that had developed a deep-seated prejudice against the Tantras became awake to their excellence after the pioneering work of this great foreigner. By editing the original Sanskrit texts, as also by publishing essays on the different aspects of Saktism, he showed that this cult had a profound philosophy behind it, and that there was nothing irrational or obscurantist about the technique of worship it recommends.

This work, Sakti and Sakta, considered a classic by both Indians and Westerners, provides an in-depth and objective account of the Tantric worship of Sakti, the Divine Power, and her action in the world.
1 vota
Saraswati_Library | otra reseña | Nov 12, 2008 |
Who is Kundalini, the Serpent Power? Mytholigically she is an aspect of the Shakti (power or energy) and consort of Shiva. Philosophically she is the creative energy that eventually forms mind and matter, and comes to rest in the lowest form of matter. She is consciousness: the power of matter to know itself. This book is the prime document for the study and application of Kundalini yoga.
1 vota
Saraswati_Library | 5 reseñas más. | Nov 12, 2008 |
This late tantra has informed the teachings of many modern Gurus. Practical and philosophical at the same time.
1 vota
Jaya_Kula_Books | Jul 12, 2006 |
Descriptive synopses of the chapters of this key tantra.
Jaya_Kula_Books | otra reseña | Jul 7, 2006 |
Sir John Woodroffe. Gayatri Mantra exposition
richardhobbs | Dec 19, 2010 |
richardhobbs | Dec 19, 2010 |
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