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Mary Auclair

Autor de Venomous Craving

7 Obras 26 Miembros 2 Reseñas


Obras de Mary Auclair


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[b:Venomous Craving|36411959|Venomous Craving (Eok Warriors, #1)|Mary Auclair||58107230] by [a:Mary Auclair|15469519|Mary Auclair|]
Genre: Adult, Romance, Sci-fi, Suspense
1.5 Stars

1⭐ for the Cover

I admit it.
I couldn't take it any longer.
I finally just skipped to the end.

Have you ever heard of a 'Shaggy Dog' story?
It's a story that goes on and on, repeating itself with no end.
That's what this story felt like.

On that note.... I don't like Shaggy Dog stories, so this is a big 'No' for me.
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bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
I wasn't 100% sure what I was getting into when I picked this one up, but the fact that I liked the heroine's name really helped make my decision towards getting it, and I hoped that I would enjoy it. And I did. There's a lot that is going on in the book, and a lot to keep my attention, but not so much that I was overwhelmed trying to track everything down.

Endora's daughter Tallie is dying and she doesn't have the money to get the treatment that she needs. So she decides that she will take her compatibility report to the Delraden and the Draekon and sign the contract with her genetic match. That way she'll be able to send some money to her daughter so that she can get the treatment that she needs to have. Off she goes and shows the officials her report, and is sent off to her match, Aldric, who isn't just a Draekon Lord, he's THE Draekon Lord, the high lord for her territory. And mating him turns her into the highest ranking and most powerful woman there.

When Aldric sees Endora walk into his throne room, he's really attracted to her. But when his dragon Rhyll lets her touch him, Aldric knows that she is so much more than what he thought. She isn't just his genetic match, she's his Dragon Mate.

I am really hoping to see more of Aldric and Endora because I am so invested in their story. I need to know what comes next. If I can't get them, I would at least like more in the same world because I'm really interested in finding out what comes next. We weren't really left on a cliffhanger, but maybe more on top of a small hill we could roll down. I'd like to find out what happens on the other side of that hill.
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tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |


½ 3.4