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This book does what it says on the tin: it talks about the history of the subway system that Glaswegians refer to as "the Clockwork Orange" and the features that make it unique, such as its method of propulsion and the fact that it has become pretty much restricted to the single circular route. The author's enthusiasm for the subject is undeniable, especially given that some of the subway station photos from the 1980s were taken from his collection. However, the editor's enthusiasm may not have been quite so high; about halfway through, spelling errors creep in and more run-on sentences appear.

Despite the shortness of this book, the focus and details make it better suited to more keen transport enthusiasts than casual readers.
rabbitprincess | Mar 5, 2017 |
I am not particularly into trains and railways. My father worked for British Rail all his working life but never managed to turn me into a trainspotter.

There is something magnificent about locomotives and trains though. Up close you appreciate just how huge and powerful they are and the scale of the engineering involved. My reason for enjoying these books (full disclosure: apart from the fact that I know the author) is the quality of the photographs. In most books of this type I have ever looked through the photography is poor, as though it is of secondary importance to the text and, perhaps more importantly, the facts.

Verden Andersons photographs are stunning, with rich colour and taken with an eye for composition and drama. These are landscape photographs that happen to include trains rather than books about trains.
Craiglea | Nov 11, 2010 |
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