Andrew 2024

Charlas75 Books Challenge for 2024

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Andrew 2024

Dic 29, 2023, 1:37 pm

Hi Everyone!

I am excited to start a new year of life and reading. This year I am going to make a list and set aside these books that I have meant to read or interest me that I haven't read and see if I can get them read this year. I am a good "List maker" and not always a good "List finisher." I generally let my reading lead me to new topics and books but Non-Fiction is my mainstay.

I am pleased to be here for another year and seeing what everyone else is reading. Although I don't interact much in the chat feature, I love this group and the platform is a place of refuge as a reader and book lover where I can record what I have read and what books I own. I suggest LibraryThing to anyone who wants to talk books.

I live in the Pacific Northwest of the USA in Oregon at the base of the Cascade Mountains. I love the outdoors and do my best to get outside and hike and explore as much as possible. I work in the tech industry and am blessed to work from home, so I am in my office surrounded by my books every day.

It is a pleasure to be back starting my reading journey for 2024!

Wishing all the best the new year can bring for everyone, Happy New Year and Happy Reading!


Dic 30, 2023, 8:17 pm

Welcome back, Andrew!

Dic 30, 2023, 8:55 pm

From another Oregonian -- Happy Reading!

Ene 1, 8:44 pm

>3 Berly: Thank You Berly, Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

Ene 2, 5:01 am

Happy reading in 2024, Andrew!

Editado: Feb 21, 7:17 pm


1. Devils Knot The true story of the West Memphis Three
By Mara Leveritt

2. Jim Bridger: Mountain Man
By Stanley Vestal

3. The Passenger
by Cormac McCarthy

4. Down from the mountain: The life and death of a grizzly bear
by Bryce Andrews

5 Fatal Vision
by Joe McGinniss

6. Unwarranted: Policing without permission
by Barry Friedman
January Non-Fiction Prizewinner- I read this based on seeing someone else reading it and it is something that interests me and was a great book. If only more people really understood what protections we have from the constitution and how they are being trampled on in many ways and by many means.

Ene 9, 5:08 pm

Can't remember if I told you about this, but there's an OR meetup coming soon....!

Ene 10, 3:21 pm

>7 Berly: I will look at my calendar!

Mar 8, 3:17 pm

Slow reading year so for this year for me but just plugging along. Finally some sunshine and melting snow!!!

Mar 24, 1:27 am

Progress! ; )

Abr 8, 1:10 pm

>12 Berly: Thank you. The year is flying by and I am ready for warmer weather and time reading in a hammock in the evenings!

Editado: Abr 29, 11:48 am


21. When we cease to Understand the World
By Benjamin Labatut

22. Contempt of Court The turn of the century Lynching that launched a hundred years of Federalism
By Mark Curriden and Leroy Phillips Jr.

23. My Life among the Serial Killers
By Helen Morrison M. D.

24. Demon Copperfield
By Barbara Kingsolver

25 UR
By Stephen King

26 Educated
By Tara Westover

27 The Road
By Cormac McCarthy

28. Table for Two
By Amor Towles

29. Cathedrals: the story of its construction
By David Macauley

30. Across the Olympic Mountains The Press Expedition 1889-1890
By Robert L. Wood

31 Among the Bros A Fraternity Crime Story
By Max Marshall

Editado: mayo 6, 11:26 am


32. The Last Wilderness
By Murray Morgan

33. What an owl knows
By Jennifer Ackerman

34. Man's search for meaning
By Viktor Frankl

mayo 3, 1:44 pm

A good friend just sent me a copy of The Power Broker and I am excited to start reading it. It may slow down my progress for the month of May.

Editado: mayo 6, 9:09 pm

I started the Power Broker and it reminds me of reading about J. Edgar Hoover and how he started with the FBI.

I listened to 2 books while hiking in the rain this weekend. (#33 and #34) Sometimes being out in the weather on the trail with almost no one else is as good any other day. With the rain, wet, and wind the forest is a different kind of peaceful.

mayo 15, 9:54 pm

Love hiking in the woods around here! Going on one this weekend. : )