Poetry slam! Crambo's word rhymes with "haiku"


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Poetry slam! Crambo's word rhymes with "haiku"

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mayo 28, 2012, 10:40 pm

You all know I love verse Crambo, but everyone likes different forms, and some folks are reluctant rhymers. So this round is a poetry slam, where guesses and answers can be in any form or style: haiku, limerick, Ogden Nash, heroic couplets, mock-heroic odes, the sky's the limit. Or to put it more succinctly:

It rhymes with "haiku"
For this round's poetry slam.
All forms are welcome!

Editado: mayo 29, 2012, 8:25 am

'Mid walls and tow'rs,
Forests ancient as the hills,
Which side roam'd Kubla?

Editado: mayo 29, 2012, 2:55 pm

Large cotton white clouds sail on high
Summoned to show off in the sky
On a happy day in July
I'm in Mumbai. I'm in Mumbai.

Some Hindus on the crowded streets
Sell handmade fabrics dyed with beets.
Out of the__, cows with three feet
Die from the heat. Die from the heat.

Editado: mayo 29, 2012, 9:49 am

Author Yukio
Mishima died by himself
this samurai way.

mayo 29, 2012, 10:57 am

2 - Sunny pleasure domes
And caves of ice: let's visit
Wondrous Xanadu.

3 - The seven islands burst with light,
Batiks for sale in colors bright.
Cows out of moo, hence out of might?
Could that be right? Could that be right?

4 - After seppuku,
A posthumous beheading
Sealed Mishima's fate.

Not: moo, seppuku, Xanadu

mayo 29, 2012, 12:59 pm

Sumer is icumen in,
Lhude sing _____!
Groweþ sed and bloweþ med
And springþ þe wde nu,

I accept no credit for this Middle English lyric, poetic though it might be.

mayo 29, 2012, 1:46 pm

__ __ __ __ can mean "killed" (past verb, not part-
-iciple). Maybe I should start
with its noun-possibil-
ity and weʻre far from "kill";
Weʻre talking quantity thatʻs great.
The guess, at least, you now can state.

mayo 29, 2012, 1:55 pm

The sky is without why;
It azures 'cause it azures,
So I assures.

If it ceruleans,
Call the Houlihans.

mayo 29, 2012, 2:01 pm

thank you mitchell joe.
You poo in my backyard and I eat you.
I poo
in your front yard, and
one day
the magpies will eat me too
and poo.
O ________.

mayo 30, 2012, 1:11 am

6 - Though it was dissed by Harry Lime,
I think the cuckoo clock's sublime;
Each hourly visit
Feels bright and exquisite,
And--oh, yes--it also tells time.

7 - A slew conveys a multitude,
Yet there's another sense construed;
For Samson might, behind the scenes,
Have talked of slews of Philistines,
And Alexander cast aspersions
When he counted slews of Persians.
So thus beware of people who
Count you and others in a slew.

8 - I wish today I had the leisure
To stare up at the skies of azure,
Ivory isles in a lapis sea,
That blue would drive the blues from me.

9 - Those magpies must had a snack
Upon my brain; they hearken back
Through houses of of the zodiac,
To Amazonian macaws
Whose bourgeois caws
Might give me pause,
As they hoist up their oriflammes,
To formicate, and snack on yams,
Their sonic lament of calls and becks
Is skilled and trilled and retroflex.
As we embark to find romance,
The magpies snack on swarming ants,
Like upstart crows on second glance,
And yet I haven't got a clue
What goes with magpies eating you.

Not: Xanadu, moo, seppuku, cuckoo, slew, blue, you, poo, too

Alpha not: blue, cuckoo, moo, poo, seppuku, slew, too, Xanadu, you

mayo 30, 2012, 1:35 am

"I had my eye on the Northfield Bank,
When Brother Bob* did say,
ʻCole, if you under to take the job
Youʻll always __ __ __ the day!ʻ "

*Bob Younger, brother of Cole Younger, bandit,
(anti?)-hero of a 18th c. folk ballad.

mayo 30, 2012, 3:45 am

11 - Ophelia gave the Queen an herbal treat,
Perhaps acquired on a Paris street.
That herb with many meanings was imbued;
The audience could guess what Queen Gert rued.

Not: Xanadu, moo, seppuku, cuckoo, slew, blue, you, poo, too, rue

Alpha not: blue, cuckoo, moo, poo, rue, seppuku, slew, too, Xanadu, you

mayo 30, 2012, 4:12 am

Doesn't do the mambo.
It is rarely essential,
That a clue be self-referrential.

mayo 30, 2012, 6:18 am

13 - Rodneyvc
Is insightful, we see.
He's read so intently
He knows Edmund Bentley.

As Rodney apparently knew,
In Buck rounds the theme is a clue.
When verse forms abound
As the theme for a round,
Then "haiku" might suggest "clerihew."

Well done, Rodney, though I'd hoped the poetry slam might last a bit longer. Back over to you.

mayo 30, 2012, 9:06 am

I was enjoying the creativity of my fellow Crambologists. Sorry to dampen the poetic flames.

The new round is here.

mayo 30, 2012, 12:53 pm

#9 was Ode to a Kangaroo by Mitchell Joe, the last line of which is "O kangaroo".

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