Cath's 2011 challenge

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Cath's 2011 challenge

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Ene 9, 2011, 3:21 pm

So this should be interesting...
I just happened to start the year with an book which started by an A... Let's see where it takes us

*I don't think I will be doing this in order, but since I read 26 book last year...*

Ene 12, 2011, 8:23 pm

So here we go for the first one
A - Abandoned - Cody McFadyen
Good thriller. Good twist at the end. I enjoyed reading it

Ene 13, 2011, 4:16 am

Welcome to the challenge. It's a good way of attacking those tbr's and even better when you start off with a good one.

I have the first of that series, Shadow Man, on the shelf waiting for me to get to. Have you read the previous books or was that your first?

Ene 13, 2011, 4:53 pm

That was my first, I probably will put the rest on my tbr pile, but a little at the time. It seems to me that it would be to much to read the series back to back. It would kind of destroy the mood he sets.

On that note, here is the second book I read, quick and quirky I just finish reading in a few hours:
B - B is for beer - Tom Robbins

Ene 27, 2011, 10:08 pm

so here I go and skip a few letters and I come to
L - lamb:the gospel according to biff, Christ's childhood pal - Christopher Moore
Funny book, an interesting twist on a well know story.

Feb 20, 2011, 6:57 pm

U -The Ultimate Book of Top Ten Lists: A Mind-Boggling Collection of Fun, Fascinating and Bizarre Facts on Movies, Music, Sports, Crime, Celebrities, History, Trivia and More - lists, lists, lists lists.... a lot of information fun to read!

Feb 23, 2011, 5:21 pm

N - No reservation: around the world on an empty stomach - Anthony Bourdain
The book was sensationnal, the picture beautiful. . I would love to be able to tag along with him to eat around the world.

Mar 7, 2011, 7:43 pm

M - Moonlight mile - Dennis Lehane
An interesting follow up of the gone baby gone story. It was interesting to see where the character are 12 years after the return of Amanda McCready. As Patrick and Angie, now new parents, start looking for Amanda who as disappeared again. They slowly start to realize that everything is not what meets the eye.

Abr 2, 2011, 11:00 am

A rather late welcome to the challenge. Good Luck!

Editado: Abr 14, 2011, 9:00 pm

T- the book with no name - Anonymous
Not bad of a book. A very Quentin Tarantinian style. A lot of characters and also a lot of different story that culminate to a final event. interesting enough

And thank you for the welcome

Abr 4, 2011, 9:32 pm

F - Full dark, no stars - Stephen King
A collection of "short" story by the master of horror. In this book he goes and dwell in the darkess depth of the human soul.

Abr 14, 2011, 8:59 pm

P - Pirate latitude - Michael Crichton
Not bad of a story about pirate (or privateer) and there raid on an impregnable fortress.

mayo 11, 2011, 12:37 pm

F - the fall: the strain trilogy - Guillermo del Toro
Entertaining but very dark, can't wait to read the next installment.

So I've been checking up on my reading and realize that I have so far read 2 of the B and 2 of the F. Here is a little reminder of my alphabet so far:

A - Abandoned - Cody McFadyen
B - B is for beer - Tom Robbins
F - Full dark, no stars - Stephen King
F - the fall: the strain trilogy - Guillermo del Toro
L - lamb:the gospel according to biff, Christ's childhood pal - Christopher Moore
M - Moonlight mile - Dennis Lehane
N - No reservation: around the world on an empty stomach - Anthony Bourdain
P - Pirate latitude - Michael Crichton
T- the book with no name - Anonymous
U -The Ultimate Book of Top Ten Lists: A Mind-Boggling Collection of Fun, Fascinating and Bizarre Facts on Movies, Music, Sports, Crime, Celebrities, History, Trivia and More

mayo 29, 2011, 3:58 pm

I - In the woods - Tana French -
I was not in the mood to read that specific book when I picked it up. But I'm very happy that I finally got around to it. It as been on my TBR pile since 2009 and I kept pushing it to the bottom.
The story follows the life of detective Rob (Adam) Ryan through out a case that brings him extremely close to a tragedy that happened during is childhood.

Jun 5, 2011, 10:44 am

G - Gideon's Sword - Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
I liked this book, it was fast pace and entertaining. A friend of mine actually mentionned it made her thing of the bourne identity... I can see why. Gideon Crew is a man of all trade, that gets enrolled to find mysterious plans from a Chinese scentist. Things obviously don't go so smoothly when the Chinese scientist gets killed in a car accident and a mysterious assassins start chasing Crew.

Jun 22, 2011, 12:50 pm

So I realize that I'm not so good in keeping with the alphabet since I reread a few letter but, the idea is to try no?
So here I go for M again:
M - madman's tale - John Katzenbach
A very interesting novel, following a murder investigation in a Mental Hospital where everything can happen and the unusual is there everyday life.

Jul 26, 2011, 8:09 pm

P- The Price by Alexandra Sokoloff
I had previously read another book of Alexandra Sokoloff and I had loved it. This one was entertaining, but not as scary as the other one. I thought everything was happening a bit too quickly for the setting of the book.

Jul 26, 2011, 8:20 pm

t - Tyrannosaur Canyon - DouGlas Preston:
Again, A very entertaing book by Douglas Preston. It is a fast paced thriller that keeps you turning the pages.

Ago 9, 2011, 12:01 pm

N- Next - Michael Crichton
So again, I think I suck at this challenge... I'm reading but not the letters I need....
Very interesting book. A fiction that touches bio-engineering and its consequences.

Sep 1, 2011, 1:21 pm

O -Once - James Herbert
A kids fairytale with added part to make it for adult.

Sep 19, 2011, 9:59 am

K - kitchen confidential - Anthony Bourdain
An interesting look at the world of cooks. Anthony Bourdain is an interesting character. I loved the way he describe his life and the world of kitchen. I loved his description of food and became somewhat envious of all the cooks. I would have like to be able to work in such a depraved environment (funny isn't it)