Series de libros para leviatano

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de leviatano

Resumen: 140 Serie

Abruzzo Trilogy

The Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Alice's Adventures

All and Everything

Aristotle detective

Asimov's guide to science

Asimov's Universe

Auschwitz Trilogy


Bastei-Lübbe Exklusiv

La biblioteca di Repubblica: La storia [La Repubblica]

Blade Runner

Canetti's Memoirs

Captain Nemo

Captain Nemo Trilogy

Cato Isaksen

Charles Latimer

Christmas Number

Ciclo dei Vinti

Civilizations Rise and Fall

Click / Manara

Colección Arte, serie Cine

Commissario Melis

Commissario Montalbano

Darby McCormick

The Divine Comedy

Doctors of Death

Du côté de chez Swann

Duca Lamberti

Elk of the Yard

Ellery Queen

Emecé Editores Buenos Aires

Empires of The Ancient Near East

Ensaio sobre a cegueira

Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka

The Extraordinary Voyages

The Factory Series

Fall of Night

Father Brown

Fifty Shades


Foundation Expanded Universe

Four Just Men

Galactic Empire

George Smiley

Giuseppe Bergman

Good Soldier Svejk

La grande cucina regionale / F. Guatteri [Corriere della sera]

Grazia Negro

Green Town

The Gulag Archipelago

Hannibal Lecter Series

Harry Potter

Havana Quartet

Histoire de la vie privée

A History of Western Philosophy (Russell)

Homer's Epic Cycle

The Human Comedy

In Search of Lost Time

Inspector Barlach

Inspector Rebus

International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction

Into the Whirlwind

J. G. Reeder

The Jealousies of a Country Town


Kate Shugak

Kathryn Dance

Kay Scarpetta

Keepsake Tales

Kingsbridge {Chronological Order}

Kingsbridge {Publication Order}

L.A. Quartet

Life Trilogy




The Man Without Qualities

Manara Werkausgabe


Mario Conde

Melville's Polynesian Novels

Memoires van Casanova

Memory of Fire




Nero Wolfe

Nicolas Eymerich


Noon Universe

The Novel of Ferrara


Our Ancestors

A People's History

Pepe Carvalho

Philo Vance

Reflections in Natural History

Remembrance of Things Past

Robert Langdon

Le Rouge et le Noir

Les Rougon-Macquart


Scenes from Parisian Life

Scenes from Provincial Life


La seconda guerra mondiale: i grandi protagonisti [Fabbri]

Seminar Studies in History

The Silent War



State of the World

Storia da cancellare [Einaudi]

Storia del Partito Comunista Italiano / P. Spriano [ed. Einaudi, 7 vol.]

Storia del Partito Comunista Italiano / P. Spriano [ed. Unità, 8 vol.]

The Story of O

The Story of O Graphic Novel

Studies of Manners

Tales of the Unexpected [Dahl]


Teatro completo di William Shakespeare [Mondadori]

Tetralogia di Casa Maironi

Thames and Hudson World of Art

The Theoretical Minimum

Three Men

Tom Ripley

The Trilogy of Rome

Tutti i racconti di Lovecraft

Twilight Saga

Twisted: Collected Stories


Universal History [International Collaboration]

The University of Michigan History of the Modern World


VALIS Trilogy

Victory in Defeat, Defeat in Victory

War and Peace

Waverley Novels

Waverley Novels, publication