Nube de autores para jwalser

J(1) Andrew Robert Abel(2) George L. Abernethy(1) M. H. Abrams(1) Joel Achenbach(3) Peter Ackroyd(1) Lord Acton(1) Amir D. Aczel(1) Cecil Adams(1) Henry Adams(1) Richard Adams(1) Walter Adams(1) A. W. H. Adkins(1) Bill Adler(1) Mortimer J. Adler(3) Aeschylus(3) Don E. Albrecht(1) Alchian(1) Armen Albert Alchian(2) Dante Alighieri(1) David Allen(1) R. G. D. Allen(1) Tim Allen(1) Brian Allison(1) Richard D. Altick(1) Bill Amend(8) Kingsley Amis(1) Chris Anderson(1) Fred Anderson(1) Lee G Anderson(1) Anonymous(1) Robert Newton Anthony(1) Aristophanes(2) Aristotle(2) David J. Armor(1) Karen Armstrong(1) Matthew Arnold(1) J. A. C. Fagginger Auer(1) Saint Augustine(1) Jane Austen(4) Author(1) No Author.(1) Avenel Books(1) Michael Ayers(1) Ian Ayres(1) Steven Bach(1) Roger E. Backhouse(2) Francis Bacon(1) Kenneth W. Bailey(1) Mark Baker(1) Nicholson Baker(1) Russell Baker(3) Richard Bales(1) J. G. Ballard(1) Jr. George W. Ball(1) Edward C. Banfield(2) World Bank(5) William J. Barber(1) Harold Barger(1) Joan C. Barker(1) George Barkin(1) Donald L. Barlett(1) Sylvan; Berman Barnet, Morton; Burto, William(1) Michael Barone(1) Charles M. Barrack(1) BARRON(1) John M. Barron(1) Robert J. Barro(1) Sydney Biddle Barrows(1) John M. Barry(1) Peter j. Barry(1) James R. Barth(1) John Barth(3) Karl Barth(1) William Theodore De Bary(3) Yoram Barzel(1) Jacques Barzun(2) George Basalla(1) Susan Wise Bauer(1) William J. Baumol(1) Calvin Beale(1) Lucy Beale(1) Mary R. & William Charles A. Beard(1) Gary S. Becker(2) Robert S. Becker(2) William E. Becker(1) Daniel Bell(1) Adam Bellow(1) Walden Bello(1) Saul Bellow(4) Shlomo Ben-Ami(1) Peter Benchley(1) Stephen Vincent Benét(1) David Bergamini(1) John Berger(1) Peter L. Berger(1) Hendrik van den Berg(1) David Berman(1) Ben S. Bernanke(2) Peter L. Bernstein(1) Theodore Menline Bernstein(1) David J. Berri(1) Brian J. L. Berry(1) W. I. B. Beveridge(1) Jagdish Bhagwati(1) Harold Bierman(1) James A. Bill(1) Nancy Birdsall(1) Geoffrey Blainey(1) Harold Bloom(1) Roy Blount, Jr.(7) Lawrence N. Blum(1) Enid Blyton(1) Walter Bodmer(1) Paul Boghossian(1) John T Boorman(1) Daniel Boorstin(6) Wayne C. Booth(2) Gabor S. Boritt(1) James Boswell(2) Alain de Botton(1) Jim Bouton(1) G. W. Bowersock(1) Peter J. Bowler(1) Samuel Bowles(1) Carl B. Boyer(1) Paul Boyer(1) William C. Brainard(1) Fernand Braudel(5) Lilian Jackson Braun(3) Richard A. Brealey(1) William Breit(2) Jacob Bronowski(1) David L. Brown(1) E. Janet Browne(1) Peter Robert Lamont Brown(1) Stuart Weems Bruchey(1) Pieter Bruegel(1) Borgna Brunner(1) William F. Buckley, Jr.(2) Pearl S. Buck(1) Vincent Bugliosi(1) Thomas Bulfinch(1) Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron Lytton(1) Mark Burnett(1) William S. Burroughs(2) Tony Buzan(1) Richard Evelyn Byrd(1) Phillip Cagan(1) Frances Cairncross(2) Tara Calishain(1) John Calvin(1) Colin F. Camerer(1) Rondo Cameron(1) Bernard G. Campbell(1) Joseph Campbell(2) Macy Campbell(1) Albert Camus(1) Luciano Canfora(1) Norman Cantor(1) Bryan Caplan(1) Theodore Caplow(1) Greg Carlisle(1) Dale Carnegie(1) Mark C. Carnes(1) John le Carré(1) Emmanuel Carrère(1) Glenn R. Carroll(1) Robin Borglum Carter(1) R. Cartledge(1) Curtis W. Casewit(1) Alburey Castell(1) Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza(2) Richard E. Caves(1) Thomas V. Cech(1) Benvenuto Cellini(1) Census Bureau (U.S.).(3) Alfred Dupont Chandler(2) Geoffrey Chaucer(1) Chaucer/lumiansky(1) Pierre Chaunu(1) Ron Chernow(2) Steven N. S. Cheung(1) Donald H. Chew(1) Alpha C. Chiang(1) Wu Jingzi(1) Ian R. Christie(1) Amy Chua(1) William Jackson(Tra Alfred John & Brodribb Church(1) William Farr Church(1) Carlo M. Cipolla(1) Judy Clamon(1) Tom Clancy(11) Ed Clark(1) G. Kitson Clark(1) Gregory Clark(1) Wahida Clark(1) John Cleland(1) A. L. Clements(1) Caroline Postelle Clotfelter(1) Daniel Clowes(2) Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth(1) Willard W. Cochrane(1) Thomas C. Cochran(1) Benjamin J. Cohen(1) Malcolm Cohen(1) William Colby(1) Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1) Keith Colquhoun(1) Pierre-Philippe Combes(1) Anatomical Chart Company(1) Jonathan B. Conant(1) Joseph Conrad(1) Frank Cook(1) James Fenimore Cooper(1) Lane Cooper(1) Thomas E. Copeland(1) Betty Cornfeld(1) John Cottingham(1) Richard A. Couto(1) Tyler Cowen(3) John Coyne(1) Lee A. Craig(1) Stephen Crane(1) Hubert; translator Creekmore(1) Betty Crocker(1) William Cronon(1) Aleister Crowley(1) Michael Crozier(1) Ann Marie Cunningham(1) Stephen H. Cutcliffe(1) Catherine Dain(4) David B. Danbom(1) George Dangerfield(1) Pete Davies(1) Osamu Dazai(1) John Dean(1) Daniel Defoe(1) Ellen DeGeneres(2) Bradford DeLong(2) William C. Dement(1) Edward F. Dennison(1) John Derbyshire(1) Michael L. Dertouzos(1) C. Maury Devine(1) Peter De Vries(3) Jared Diamond(1) Dickens(1) Charles Dickens(1) Thomas H Emily --Johnson Dickinson, intro.(1) Editors of * Dictionaries(1) David J. Dionisi(2) Denise DiPasquale(1) Eugene A. Diulio(1) Frank Dobbin(1) Donald B. Dodd(1) Pat Dorff(1) Rüdiger Dornbusch(3) Fyodor Dostoevsky(2) Christopher Dow(1) Edward T. Dowling(1) Anthony Downs(1) Robert B. Downs(1) Gardner Dozois(1) Theodore Dreiser(1) Richard Dreyfuss(1) John Drinkwater(1) John N. Drobak(1) Charles Duff(1) Allen Dulles(1) Ronald Duncan(1) Jerry Camarillo Dunn(1) Richard S. Dunn(2) Peter Duus(1) John C. Van Dyke(1) Terry Eagleton(1) Gregg Easterbrook(1) William Easterly(1) W. Gordon East(1) John Eatwell(1) Alan Ebenstein(1) Roger Ebert(2) The Economist(1) Edward F. Edinger(2) David Edmonds(1) Franklin R. Edwards(1) Jennifer Egan(1) Thrainn Eggertsson(1) John Ehrlichman(1) Paul R. Ehrlich(1) Barry Eichengreen(1) Kurt Eichenwald(1) Ronni Eisenberg(1) Kate Ronni; Kelly Eisenberg(1) Ivar Ekeland(1) George Eliot(1) T. S. Eliot(1) Michael Elliott(1) Havelock Ellis(1) Louis Engel(1) Friedrich Engels(1) Stanley L. Engerman(2) Robert Stowe England(2) Henry Engler(1) Gary D. Eppen(1) Lori Erickson(1) John F. Ermisch(1) John Erskine(1) M. C. Escher(1) Alfred Adolph Estermann(1) Joe Eszterhas(1) Euripides(4) Frank J. Fabozzi(1) Arnold M. Faden(1) Clifton Fadiman(1) John King Fairbank(1) Oriana Fallaci(1) Eugene F. Fama(1) J. G. Farrell(1) Wiliam Faulkner(1) William Faulkner(2) George Feiger(1) Andreas Feininger(1) Bruce Feirstein(1) David Feldman(1) Martin Feldstein(2) Jonathan Fenby(1) C.E. Ferguson(1) Lou Ferleger(1) Wilfred A Ferrell(1) Paul K. Feyerabend(2) Henry Fielding(1) Charles Fishman(1) Edward FitzGerald(1) Frances FitzGerald(1) Cleo Fitzsimmons(1) Gustave Flaubert(1) Belton M. Fleisher(1) Connie Fletcher(1) Royce Flippin(1) Cornelia Butler Flora(1) Michael J. Flynn(1) Robert William Fogel(4) Stanley L. Robert William & Engerman Fogel(1) Ken Follett(2) E. M. Forster(1) Frederick Forsyth(1) George Foster(1) Thomas C. Foster(1) Groundwater Foundation(2) Fowler(1) Dick Francis(2) Jeffrey A. Frankel(2) Benjamin Franklin(1) Robert Frank(1) Robert H. Frank(1) Jonathan Franzen(2) Charles Frazier(1) David Freedberg(1) Chris Freeman(1) Barbara Freese(1) Sigmund Freud(1) Bruce Jay Friedman(1) Milton Friedman(6) John B. Friend(1) David Fromkin(1) Glenn Victor Fuguitt(1) Yukichi Fukuzawa(2) Bill Funk(1) G. E. Fussell(1) Paul Fussell(3) Shimei Futabatei(1) Louis Galambos(1) David W. Galenson(2) Bruce L. Gardner(1) Gerald Gardner(1) Joel Garreau(1) Barbara Garson(1) Charles R. Geisst(1) David R. Gerhan(1) Neil Gershenfeld(1) Gian Carlo Ghirardi(1) Gibbon(1) Walter S. Gibson(1) William Gibson(1) Herbert Giersch(1) Gerd Gigerenzer(1) George Gilder(2) Hermann Giliomee(1) Jean Gimpel(1) Joe Girard(1) J. Price Gittinger(1) John Gittings(1) Stephen Glaister(1) Peter H. Gleick(1) Gregory J. P. Godek(1) Gail Godwin(2) M. Hirsh Goldberg(1) Peter Goldman(1) Oliver Goldsmith(1) Richard A. Goldthwaite(1) Ivan Goncharov(3) Larry Gonick(1) Justo L. González(1) Phyllis Pellman Good(1) Gene Gordon(1) Charles Henry Goren(1) Gottlieb(1) Anthon Gottlieb(1) Clyde V.; Whelpton Wilson H.; Kiser Grabill, Pasc(1) Benjamin Graham(1) Mark Granovetter(1) James Grant(2) Robert B. Grant(1) Ulysses S. Grant(1) J. Gray(1) Constance McLaughlin Green(1) Graham Greene(1) H. A. John Green(1) Steven A. Greenlaw(1) Alan Greenspan(1) Philippa Gregory(1) David Grigg(1) Earl L. Grinols(1) John Grisham(1) Matt Groenig(3) George Grossmith(1) Bernard Grun(1) Philip et al. Guedalla(1) Gottfried Haberler(1) P. M. S. Hacker(1) David Hagberg(1) Michael R. Haines(1) Oscar Halecki(1) Milton C. Hallberg(1) Christopher L. G. Hall(1) Alexander Hamilton(1) Edith Hamilton(1) Oswald Hanfling(1) Nancy Edmonds Hanson(1) Thomas Hardy(2) Editors Tamara K. And Maris A. Vinovskis Hareven(1) Mark Harman(1) Diana R. Harrington(1) Lawrence E. Harrison(1) Alden Hatch(1) Charles E. Hatch(1) Jean Hatzfeld(1) Stephen Hawking(1) Ellis W. Hawley(1) Raina Hawley(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(2) George Hayduke(1) F. A. Hayek(5) Brian Hayes(1) Ronald Hayman(1) William Lee Hays(1) Henry Hazlitt(1) Earl Orel Heady(1) Seamus Heaney(1) D. C. Heath(1) William Least Heat-Moon(2) Robert L. Heilbroner(1) Piet Hein(1) Joseph Heller(2) Peter G. Helmberger(1) Helprin(1) Ernest Hemingway(1) David Henderson(1) Jay Henderson(1) Herodotus(1) Herring(1) Michael Herr(1) Richard Herr(1) Herbert and Bernard Marlin Herskowitz(1) Thor Heyerdahl(1) Paul Heyne(1) Christopher Hibbert(1) Clifford B. Hicks(1) John Hicks(1) Hans J. Hillerbrand(1) William Hinton(1) Jack Hirshleifer(1) William F. Hixson(1) Thomas Hobbes(1) Eric Hobsbawm(5) J. A. Hobson(1) Andrew Hodges(1) Eric Hoffer(3) Abbie Hoffman(1) Robin M. Hogarth(1) Garry Hogg(1) Randall G. Holcombe(1) David S. Holland(1) John Holt(1) William V. Holtz(1) Homer(2) Zhu Hong(1) Sidney Hook(1) Edgar Malone Hoover(1) Peter Hopkirk(1) Charles T. Horngren(1) Susan Householder Van Horn(1) Loren N. Horton(1) Albert Hourani(1) Linda Howard(1) Michael Howard(1) R. Glenn Hubbard(1) Charles O. Hucker(1) John C. Hudson(1) Jonathan Hughes(1) Robert Hughes(1) Thomas Parke Hughes(1) Johan Huizinga(1) David Hume(1) Jr. Norris Hundley(1) Samuel P. Huntington(1) Irene Hunt(1) R. Douglas Hurt(2) Joris-Karl Huysmans(1) Saburō Ienaga(1) Merritt Ierley(2) Georges Ifrah(1) Editors of Sports Illustrated(1) Hammond Incorporated(1) Merlinda D. Ingco(1) Iowa State College.(1) Douglas A. Irwin(2) William Irwin(1) Jane Jacobs(2) Russell Jacoby(1) F. Cyril James(1) Lawrence James(2) Marquis James(1) Muriel James(1) William James(4) Kay Redfield Jamison(1) Morris Janowitz(3) Lisa Jardine(1) Robinson Jeffers(1) Katherine Jellison(1) Max Hastings & Simon Jenkins(1) Peter Jenkins(1) Oliver Ormerod Jensen(1) Aram K. Jerrehian(1) Marshall Jevons(1) Harley E Johansen(1) Donald C. Johanson(1) John Frank Page(1) Christo Johnson(1) David Gale Johnson(1) Diane Johnson(2) J. Johnston(1) Moira Johnston(1) Eric Lionel Jones(2) Eric Lionel Jones(1) Gerald Everett Jones(1) Erica Jong(1) Ben Jonson(1) Timothy Edward Josling(1) James Joyce(1) Robert E. Lucas Jr.(1) William S. Burroughs, Jr.(1) Rozanne Enerson Junker(1) Jurgensen(1) Pauline Kael(2) Franz Kafka(1) Donald Kagan(1) Daniel Kahneman(1) General & Madame. Chiang Kai-Shek(1) Lisa Kanarek(1) Justin Kaplan(1) Robert D. Kaplan(1) Wolfgang Kasper(1) Kenji Kawakami(2) John Keay(1) Garrison Keillor(3) David Keirsey(1) X. J. Kennedy(1) A. G. Kenwood(1) Jack Kerouac(1) Raymond Khoury(1) Charles P. Kindleberger(2) Maxine Hong Kingston(1) Jack Temple Kirby(1) Russell Kirk(2) Henry Kissinger(1) James M. Kittelson(1) Herbert S. Klein(1) Heinrich von Kleist(1) B. Kliban(1) Ronald R. Kline(1) Jan Kmenta(1) William J. Knaus(1) Brewster Kneen(1) Frank H. Knight(2) Stephen Knight(1) Robert Allen Kohl(1) Judith Kolberg(1) Gabriel Kolko(1) William Kornblum(1) Peter F. Korsching(1) R. M. Koster(1) Philip Kotler(1) Lawrence B. Krause(1) John Kremer(1) Leonard Krieger(1) Paul Krugman(2) Kevin M. Kruse(1) Erich Kästner(1) Thomas S. Kuhn(2) Milan Kundera(1) Charles Kuralt(1) Akira Kurosawa(1) Harvey Kurtzman(1) Allen Kurzweil(1) Simon Kuznets(1) Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie(1) Paul Lagassé(1) Olof Lagercrantz(1) David E. W Laidler(1) David S. Landes(3) Steven Landsburg(2) Langenscheidt Publishers(1) Thomas A Abernethy George L and Langford(1) Richard A. Lanham(1) Christopher Lasch(1) David Laskin(1) Peter Laslett(2) Richmond Lattimore(1) D. H. Lawrence(1) T. E. Lawrence(2) Halldór Laxness(2) Richard Layard(1) William Lazonick(1) Fran Lebowitz(2) William J. Lederer(1) C.F. Lee(1) Frances E. Lee(1) Frederic S. Lee(1) Harold Lee(1) Ronald D. Lee(1) Philippe Legrain(1) Nicholas Lemann(1) L. Jesse Lemisch(1) Woody Leonhard(1) Carolyn Leontos(1) Harriet Lerner(1) William H Lesser(1) Edward H. Levi(2) Maurice Levi(1) Ira Levin(1) Marc Levinson(1) Frank Levy(1) Romald Lewin(1) Cherry Lewis(1) C. S. Lewis(1) Meriwether Lewis(1) Robert W. Lewis(1) Sinclair Lewis(1) James Graham Leyburn(1) Nelson Lichtenstein(1) Lillian R. Lieber(1) Laura Lippman(1) Seymour Lipschutz(1) Massimo Livi Bacci(1) Mario Vargas Llosa(2) William Lockeretz(1) Bjørn Lomborg(1) John W. Longworth(1) Phillip Lopate(1) Lorraine Garkovich -(1) Arthur O. Lovejoy(1) Martin Luther(1) Lu Xun(1) Loretta Lynn(1) Peter Maas(1) Diarmaid MacCulloch(1) Betty MacDonald(1) Alan M. MacEachren(1) Niccolò Machiavelli(1) Charles Mackay(1) Norman MacLean(1) Diane J. Macunovich(1) Angus Maddison(4) Elaine Magee(1) Naguib Mahfouz(3) Norman Mailer(2) Geert Mak(1) Burton G. Malkiel(1) J. Mallorquí(1) André Malraux(1) William Manchester(2) Karl Mannheim(1) Richard Manning(1) Thomas Mann(1) Edwin Mansfield(1) Walter de la Mare(1) John Tepper Marlin(1) Suzanne Marrs(2) William H. Marshall(1) Judith Martin(3) Richard Martin(1) Martin E. Marty(2) Karl Marx(1) Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary(1) Robert K. Massie(1) Harold Mattingly(1) Martin Mayer(1) Micheline Maynard(1) Henry B. Mayo(1) Lawrence J. McCaffrey(1) Philip McCann(1) Dennis Michael Patrick McCarthy(1) Jack McClintock(1) Deirdre N. McCloskey(6) Mona McCormick(1) Alfred W. McCoy(1) Thomas K. McCraw(1) Paul McFedries(1) John Patrick McHenry(1) Roderick J. McIntosh(1) Richard B. McKenzie(2) Kenneth McLeish(1) Rand McNally(6) William H. McNeill(2) Copeland Estella M.(1) H. Anthony Medley(1) Eugene J. Meehan(1) Gerald M. Meier(1) Anton D. Meister(1) Herman Melville(4) William J Menster(1) John Merriman(1) Thomas Merton(1) Claire Messud(1) Guy Metraux(1) Ben Mezrich(1) James A. Michener(1) Elwin W Midgett(1) Branko Milanovic(1) Donald L. Miller(1) James E. Miller(1) Jane E. Miller(1) Merton H. Miller(1) Perry Miller(3) Robert B. Miller(1) Lance A. Millis(1) John Stuart Mill(1) C. Wright Mills(1) Eric Millstone(1) David Milton(1) Giles Milton(1) Charles R. Mischke(1) Yukio Mishima(9) Wesley C. Mitchell(1) Masao Miyoshi(1) Joel Mokyr(3) Ray Monk(1) Michel de Montaigne(1) R. Montaperto(1) Anthony T. Moore(1) Caroline Moorehead(1) Edmund S. Morgan(1) Kenneth O. Morgan(1) Julie Morgenstern(1) Samuel Eliot Morison(3) Murray H. Protter Charles B. Morrey(1) Richard L. Morrill(1) Jan Morris(1) Kenneth M. Morris(1) William Morris(1) Charles Moss(1) Dennis Mueller(1) Malcolm Muggeridge(2) Masao Mukaidono(1) Steve H. Murdock(1) Richard J. Murnane(1) John Murray(1) Katherine Murray(1) Victoria and Albert Museum(1) Vladimir Nabokov(3) Ernest Nagel(1) V. S. Naipaul(1) William Ewart ( Edited By I. A. Horowitz Napier(1) J. E. Neale(1) Jawaharlal Nehru(1) A. S. Neill(1) John Neter(1) Eric Newby(9) P.H. (Selections) Burton Sir Richard; Newby(1) John Henry Newman(1) Harold Nicholson(1) Adam Nicolson(1) H. Nicolson(1) Friedrich Nietzsche(1) Peter Nijkamp(1) Richard Nixon(2) no author listed(1) Thomas T. Noguchi(1) Paul D. Nolting(1) Douglass C. North(3) Michael Novak(1) Anthony Nutting(1) Joyce Carol Oates(1) D. P. O'Brien(1) Paul R. Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld(1) Flannery O'Connor(1) Piergiorgio Odifreddi(1) Gerald P. O' Driscoll(1) Martha L. Olney(1) Mancur Olson(3) Bill O'Neal(1) David Orden(1) Nicholas Ordway(1) P. J. O'Rourke(3) Jürgen Osterhammel(1) Johan Van Overtveldt(1) Bill Owens(1) Don Paarlberg(2) Vance Packard(1) R. R. Palmer(1) Melchior Palyi(1) Arvind Panagariya(1) Suzanne Davies Kavita Withers Pandit(1) Dorothy Parker(1) Michael St. John Parker(1) C. Northcote Parkinson(1) Francis Parkman(1) J. H. Parry(1) Loretta Pastva(1) James Patterson(1) Kerry Patterson(1) Robert Payne(1) A. E. Peck(1) Anne E. Peck(1) Rupert Pennant-Rea(1) Kenneth L. Peoples(1) Samuel Pepys(1) Lewis J. Perelman(1) S. J. Perelman(1) Janice E. Perlman(1) Wilma R. Porter G. and Ebbitt Perrin(1) Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull(1) Tom Peters(1) Henry Petroski(1) Roger C. Pfaffenberger(1) Wayne D. Ford Ph.D.(1) Kim Philby(1) Patrick A. Pierce(1) Ellen Pifer(1) Nicholas Pileggi(1) Richard Pipes(1) Henri Pirenne(1) Robert M. Pirsig(2) Fiona Pitt-Kethley(1) Science and Technology Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh(1) Raymond Plant(1) Plato(6) David Plowden(1) Plutarch(1) Karl Polanyi(1) Neal Pollack(1) Sidney Pollard(1) Marco Polo(1) Kenneth Pomeranz(1) Brenda J. Ponichtera(2) Alexander Pope(1) Richard H. Popkin(1) Samuel L. Popkin(1) Karl Popper(1) Committee on Population(1) Gerald L. Posner(1) Richard A. Posner(2) Sandra Postel(2) Virginia Postrel(1) Columbia University Press(1) Steven Pressfield(2) Douglas Preston(1) Reynolds Price(1) Princeton(1) Anthony Prindle(1) Robert E. 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Stolley(1) Lytton Strachey(2) Paul Strathern(1) Leo Strauss(2) August Strindberg(2) Roland N. Stromberg(1) Henry Strutz(1) A.H. Studenmund(1) Institute for Humane Studies(1) J. W. N. Sullivan(1) Robert Sullivan(1) Doron Swade(1) Swanberg(1) W. A. Swanberg(1) David A. Swanson(1) Hamish Swanston(1) Frank J. Swetz(1) Jonathan Swift(1) M.J. Sydenham(1) Tommie Tabor(1) Ross B. Talbot(1) Gay Talese(1) Michael Tanner(1) Caroline S. Tauxe(1) R. H. Tawney(1) Frederick Winslow Taylor(1) JOHN OF CAROLINE TAYLOR(1) Peter Temin(1) Ross Terrill(1) William Makepeace Thackeray(2) Twyla Tharp(1) Henri Theil(1) Paul Theroux(3) George B. Thomas(1) William Leroy Thomas(1) Hunter S. Thompson(4) Henry David Thoreau(1) Willis Thornton(1) Thucydides; Crawley (translation)(1) Paul Tillich(1) Richard H. Timberlake(1) Alexis de Tocqueville(1) J. M. Todd(1) León Tolstói(4) John Kennedy Toole(1) Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat(1) Charles Wayland Towne(1) Richard D. 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Wattenberg(2) Bill Watterson(3) Auberon Waugh(1) Evelyn Waugh(1) R. K. Webb(1) Alison Weir(1) Bernard A. Weisberger(1) Shane Weller(1) Eudora Welty(4) Herman Lloyd & Kogan Wendt(1) Stephen E. Whicher(1) T. H. White(1) Walt ; Miller Whitman, James E. Jr. (editor)(1) Bert Whittier(1) William H. Whyte(1) Henry Wiencek(1) Oscar Wilde(1) Raymond Louis Wilder(1) George F. Will(1) B. Williams(1) John Alexander Williams(1) John Burr Williams(1) Joseph M. Williams(4) T. Harry Williams(1) Garry Wills(3) T. Douglas Price;Anne Birgitte Gebauer;Oser Bar-Yo(1) A. N. Wilson(1) Edmund Wilson(1) Laura Wilson(1) Sloan Wilson(1) Robert L. Winkler(1) Ralph K. Winter(1) David A. Wise(1) Karl August Wittfogel(1) P. G. Wodehouse(2) Thomas Wolfe(1) Tom Wolfe(2) Stanley A. Wolpert(1) Jade Snow Wong(1) Ronald Wonnacott(1) Cecil Woodham-Smith(2) Roy V. Wood(1) Philip Woodruff(1) Panel on a Research Agenda and New Data for an Agi(1) Simon Worrall(1) Herman Wouk(1) Chester W. 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