Nube de autores para bfm

Peter Ackroyd(1) Brian (editor) Adams(1) Douglas Adams(1) Leslie Allen(1) Oliver E. Allen(1) Amicus(1) The Andrews Sisters(1) Anonymous(2) Jordi Bonet i Armengol(1) Elliott Arnold(1) Alastair Arnott(1) Max Arthur(1) Great Artists(1) Dulcie M. Ashdown(1) Chet Atkins(2) Jane Austen(2) Jane Austin(3) No Author(4) Average White Band(1) W. Awdry(1) Richard Bach(1) Tony Bacon(2) Ronald H. Bailey(1) Ian Balfour(1) Maria Barbo(1) William S. Baring-Gould(1) Mary Batchelor(1) The Beatles(2) John Beecher(1) Alan Bennett(1) George Benson(2) A. Scott Berg(2) Alberto Bertolazzi(1) Julianna Bethlen(1) John H. Bird(1) Blackmore(1) L. L. Blake(1) Quentin Blake(1) Blood, Sweat and Tears(1) B. M. Willitt (Editor)(1) L. E Bond(1) Chris Bonington(1) Helicon Books(1) Time-Life Books(2) Charley Boorman(1) Betty Boothroyd(1) Peter Boyd-Smith(1) Sarah Bradford(1) Paul Brady(1) Melvyn Bragg(1) Elizabth Breuilly(1) Raymond Briggs(2) Great Britain(1) Vera Brittain(3) Ian Broad(1) Bronte(1) Charlotte Brontë(2) Elkie Brooks(2) Gordon Brook-Shepherd(1) Jim Brown(1) Mick Brown(1) Christine Bruell(1) Bill Bryson(5) Michael Bublé(1) R. W. Burchfield(1) Maureen Burness(1) Alison Burt(1) E. W. (Wade) Busby(1) Kate Bush(1) J. J. Cale(7) Fiona Carnarvon(1) Carpenters(2) Graham Carter(1) Jorvik Viking Centre(1) Jung Chang(1) Henri Charrière(1) Tracy Chevalier(1) Windsor Chorlton(1) Winston S. Churchill(1) Tom Clancy(4) Eric Clapton(2) John Clare(1) Champ Clark(1) Nick Clarke(1) Coad(1) Harlan Coben(3) John Coldstream(1) John Cole(1) Winifred Coles(1) Eoin Colfer(3) Edwin R. Collings(1) Larry Collins(1) Alistair Cooke(3) Paul Cook(2) Elsie Thornton-Cook(1) Frederick W. Cooper(1) Peter Cooper(1) Patricia Cornwell(2) Music Sales Corporation(1) Edwin Course(1) Virginia Cowles(1) John Garth Cox(1) John Crace(1) Alwyn Crawshaw(1) Kevin Crossley-Holland(2) Barry Cunliffe(2) Roald Dahl(6) Meredith Daneman(1) Mark Z. Danielewski(1) Jean Davidson(1) Jim Davis(24) Jeffrey Deaver(3) R. F. Delderfield(2) Andrew Devey(1) Neil Diamond(1) Charles Dickens(3) Reader's Digest(1) Gioia Diliberto(1) Robert Douch(1) Cliff Douse(1) William Doyle(1) A. R. Duchossoir(1) Betsy Duffey(1) Lucie Duff Gordon(1) Bob Dylan(8) Howard Elson(1) Institution of Electrical Engineers(2) Dominique Enright(1) Desmond W. Evans(1) Harold Evans(1) J.R. Fairman(1) Linda Fairstein(4) Barry Fantoni(1) J. G. Farrell(1) Julian Fellowes(1) F. Scott Fitzgerald(1) Roland Flamini(1) Eric Forge(1) Frederick Forsyth(2) John Fowles(1) Mike Fox(1) Clare Francis(1) Antonia Fraser(2) Kendrick Frazier(1) Stephen Fry(1) Harold Fullard(1) Eric Wyeth Gadd(3) Paul Gallico(1) John Galsworthy(3) Anita Ganeri(1) Elizabeth George(5) Margaret George(1) Michael Gerber(1) Antoinette Giancana(1) Marilyn Glenville(1) John Goldrosen(1) Daisy Goodwin(1) René Goscinny(7) Kenneth Grahame(1) Winston Graham(1) Martin Gray(1) Joyce Grenfell(2) John Grisham(2) Matt Groenig(5) Alec Guinness(1) Jonathan Guinness(1) Peter Guralnick(1) Eric Gurney(1) Nora Guthrie(1) John Hadfield(1) Sebastian Haffner(1) Arthur Hailey(3) Godfrey Hall(1) Rich Hall(1) Dashiell Hammett(1) Martin Handford(3) Helene Hanff(5) Hope Hanley(2) Thomas Hardy(1) Harley Davidson Motor Company(1) Ian Harrison(1) P.R. Harris(1) Debbie Harry(1) Jan de Hartog(1) Ronald Harwood(1) Max Hastings(1) Hannah Hauxwell(1) Nigel Hawthorne(1) A. G. L. Hellyer(1) Ernest Hemingway(2) D. G. Hessayon(1) Christopher Hibbert(1) Charles Higham(2) Carol M. Highsmith(1) Colin Hines(1) Eric Hobsbawm(1) Maie Hodgson(1) Quintin Hogg(1) Anthony Holden(1) Michael Holroyd(1) Jack Holt(1) Homer(1) David Hopps(1) Anthony Horowitz(7) Richard Hough(1) Good Housekeeping(1) George Howard(1) James Hughes(1) Hutchinson(1) Will Hutton(1) Janet Illsley(1) Central Office of Information(1) iRB(1) Clifford Irving(1) Mineko Iwasaki(1) Donald Dale Jackson(1) Howard Jacobson(1) Brian Jacques(15) Tom Jaine(1) Oliver James(1) P. D. James(2) J. C Jessop(1) Jeffrey St. John(1) J. Stanley Jones(1) Richard M. Jones(1) Joss Stone(1) C.W. Judge(1) Justin Kaplan(1) Paul Karau(1) M. M. Kaye(1) William Kay(1) Helen Keller(1) Norman. Kemish(1) Douglas Kennedy(1) Princess Michael of Kent(1) Jean Kerr(1) Francis X. King(1) King George's Jubilee Trust(1) Dick King-Smith(2) Rudyard Kipling(1) Shelley Klein(1) Mark Knopfler(1) Robert Lacey(2) Lois Landau(1) Andy Lane(1) Maggie Lane(1) Aaron Lansky(1) Gary Larson(1) Joseph P. Lash(1) Phyllida Law(1) Robb Lawrence(1) Barry Lazell(1) Laurence Leamer(1) A. G. K. Leonard(1) C. S. Lewis(1) Hugh Lofting(1) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1) Elizabeth Longford(3) Ed Lozano(1) Richard Mabey(1) Ben Macintyre(1) Alastair MacLean(1) Michelle Magorian(1) William Manchester(1) Jonathan Margolis(1) Marcella Markham(1) C.J. Marsden(1) Janet Marsh(1) Arch Martin(1) James Kirby Martin(1) Robert Massia(1) Robert K. Massie(1) W. Somerset Maugham(5) Daphne du Maurier(1) John McCarthy(1) Frank McCourt(1) Mac McDiarmid(1) Rod McKuen(1) Norris McWhirter(1) Suzy Menkes(2) Metallica(2) Mike Oldfield(1) Russell Miller(1) Mark Mills(1) A. A. Milne(2) Anchee Min(1) Vic Mitchell(2) Victor Mitchell(2) Simon Sebag Montefiore(1) Alan Moore(1) Cathal Moore(1) Alan Moorehead(1) Lucy Moore(1) Ray Moore(1) J.B. Morgan(1) Sheridan Morley(2) Kate Morton(1) Brian Moses(1) Cyril Moxley(1) Frank Muir(1) Marischal Murray(1) V. S. Naipaul(1) David Niven(1) David Nokes(1) Paolo Nutini(1) Anthony Nutting(1) Michael O'Brien(1) Michael O'Donoghue(1) Jamie Oliver(1) Richard Lawrence Ollard(1) Paul O'Neill(1) Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz(1) Frances Osborne(1) Jake Page(2) Matthew Parris(1) Melanie Parry(1) Alan Parsons Project(2) Tony Parsons(2) Boris Pasternak(1) Marguerite Patten(1) James Patterson(3) Richard North Patterson(1) Jeremy Paxman(2) Sharon Pay(1) Philippa Pearce(1) John Peel(1) Chris Pellant(1) Mark Pendergrast(1) Nigel Perryman(1) Aspen Pittman(1) Sidney Poitier(1) Terry Pratchett(11) John Prebble(1) Laurence P. Pringle(1) Philip Pullman(1) Darden Asbury Pyron(1) David Quantick(1) A. Rance(1) Polly Raynes(1) Piers Paul Read(1) Jerry Reed(1) Dafydd Rees(1) Kathy Reichs(2) Jean Rhys(1) Jonathan Rice(1) James Martin Robinson(1) Martha Rofheart(1) Laurence Ro(1) Nancy Taylor Rosenberg(1) Karen Ross(1) Michel Roux(1) J. K. Rowling(10) Arundhati Roy(1) Chris Ryall(1) Peter F. Ryff(1) Russell Sackett(1) J. D. Salinger(1) Richard Sands(1) Helen Hooven Santmyer(1) Louis Saulnier(1) Bernhard Schlink(1) Ben Schott(1) Christina Schwarz(1) Jennifer Seidl(1) Vikram Seth(1) Miranda Seymour(1) William Shakespeare(1) Robert Shelton(1) Simon Singh(1) Brian Skoyles(1) Betty Smith(1) Delia Smith(1) Dilys Smith(1) Ian Mackenzie Smith(1) Mary Soames(1) Dava Sobel(1) George Philip & Son(1) Hazel Songhurst(1) Southampton City Council(1) Michael Southgate(1) Mary South(1) Abraham Paul Sperling(1) Stables(2) Philip Steele(2) Al Stewart(1) Bruce Stoneback(1) Kate Summerscale(1) Masashi Tanaka(1) Derek Taylor(1) The Institution of Engineering and Techn(1) Margaret Thatcher(2) The Band(1) The Beach Boys(1) Institution of Engineering and Technology(1) David St. John Thomas(1) Tony Thompson(1) Brian J. Ticehurst(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(2) Bacon Tony(1) Totton & Eling Town Council(1) Sue Townsend(2) J Townsley(1) Sheila Tracy(1) Mary Trainor(1) Traveling Wilburys(1) Lynne Truss(1) National Trust(1) Helen Tucker(1) Barbara Carpenter Turner(1) Scott Turow(1) Unknown(2) Leon Uris(1) Various Authors(1) Hugo Vickers(1) Gore Vidal(1) Terry Waite(1) Bryce S. Walker(1) Janet Wallach(1) Alan Warner(1) Evelyn Waugh(1) Simon Welfare(1) Byron G. Wels(1) Wessex Regional Library and Information Service(1) Sherrie West(1) Tom Wheeler(1) A. B. C. Whipple(2) Adam White(1) David L. Williams(1) Kit Williams(1) Robert Williams(1) Erica Wilson(1) Stephen Wiltshire(1) Simon Winchester(2) Christopher Winn(1) Terry Wogan(1) Frank Wood(1) Cecil Woodham-Smith(1) Martin Woodhouse(1) Woodrow Wyatt(1) Bill Wyman(1) Christopher Yetton(1) Philip Ziegler(3) Charles Ziga(1)