Series de libros para POWYS

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de POWYS

Resumen: 144 Serie

92nd Street Y Lectures

Airman's Odyssey

Alexandria Quartet

The Art of Happiness

Aréa, Poche

Asimov's Universe


Auschwitz Trilogy

Autobiographical Trilogy

The Avignon Quintet

Bachelard Translation Series

Beckett's Trilogy

Bildlexikon der Kunst

Cambridge Approaches to Linguistics

Canetti's Memoirs

Les champs d'honneur

Christ and the Anti-Christ

Christendom en wereldgodsdiensten. Wegbereiding tot de dialoog met de islam, het hindoeïsme en het boeddhisme

The Christmas Books of Charles Dickens

Chronique des Pasquier

Chronique du XXe siècle

Chrétian's Arthurian Romances

Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century

Classics of Christian Inspiration

The Clear Light Series

Collection Horizons ésotériques


Conversations with the Dalai Lama from Mind and Life Conference

Cycle de Durtal

Cycle of the Absurd

Dharma Ocean Series

Dictionnaire des auteurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays

Dictionnaire des oeuvres de tous les temps et de tous les pays

The Divine Comedy

Don't Sweat Guide

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Du côté de chez Swann

Dwight H. Terry Lectures

Emecé Editores Buenos Aires


Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka

The Extraordinary Voyages

The Film Classics Library

Foundation Expanded Universe

Gargantua and Pantagruel

George Smiley

Gide. Journal. La Pléiade

Gifford Lectures

Goethe's Faust

The Great Philosophers

Great Religions of Modern Man

Guide des films

Hamburger Lesehefte

Harold Brodkey - Nahezu klassische Stories

Hinges of History

Histoire de la vie privée

Homer's Epic Cycle

Les hommes de bonne volonté

The Human Comedy

Ideeën van Multatuli

In Search of Lost Time

Inspector Barlach

Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture

International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction


Isaac Asimov's Robot Series

The Jealousies of a Country Town

Jesus of Nazareth

Journal Julien Green

Journals of André Gide

Julien Green's autobiography

Jung Extracts

The Jungian Classics Series

Das Kaiserreich


Koestler's Trilogy

Kritiek van de cynische rede

L.A. Quartet

Le labyrinthe du monde

Leslie Stephen Lecture

Louvain Theological and Pastoral Monographs

Madame Chauverel

The Man Without Qualities

Melville's Polynesian Novels

Men of good will

Meyers Klassiker-Ausgaben

Le miroir des limbes

Mémoires. Choix. Saint-Simon

Nazi Germany and the Jews

New Perspectives on the Past

The New York Trilogy


La Nouvelle Revue Française

Oedipus Cycle

Opera Omnia / Henri de Lubac [JacaBook]

The Origins of Totalitarianism

Oriënt-serie : een reeks geschriften van Oosterse wijsheid

Parisians in the Country

Philip Marlowe

Philosophical Studies

Pirandello's Novellen voor een jaar

Pitié pour les femmes

Planet of the Apes

Poor Relations

The Prophet


Die religiöse Situation der Zeit

Remembrance of Things Past

The Revolt of Aphrodite

Revue Les temps modernes, Gallimard

Roads to Freedom

Les Rougon-Macquart

Scenes from Country Life

Scenes from Military Life

Scenes from Parisian Life

Scenes from Political Life

Scenes from Private Life

Scenes from Provincial Life

The Sea of Fertility


Seven Spiritual Laws

Shepherd's Notes

Shepherd's Notes: Christian Classics

The Sleepwalkers

Social Problems and Social Issues

Studies in Literature and Science

Studies in Violence, Mimesis, & Culture

Studies of Manners

The Sufi Message

Talvi napajäissä

Tel Quel. Revue

Temple Drake

Tom Ripley

Van Socrates tot Bergson : hoofdfiguren uit de geschiedenis van het denken

Le vent du soir

Vie et aventures de Salavin

Les voyageurs traqués


The Wheel Publication

Winshaw Family

Wisdom Basic Book - Orange Series

The Wisdom Library

Yes! Capra Chapbook

The youth of Alban de Bricoule