Series de libros para Bere4321

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de Bere4321

Resumen: 158 Serie

"Rabbit" Series

84 Charing Cross Road

A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts


African Trilogy

Airman's Odyssey

Alexandria Quartet

Alice's Adventures

Anne of Green Gables

The Arabian Nights, translated by Haddawy


The Balkan trilogy

The Barsetshire Chronicles

Berlitz pocket guide


Biggles - Dutch Pub. Order

Bill Bryson's Travels

Brangwen Family

Britain in Pictures

Britain Trilogy

Brodie's Notes

Byron's letters and journals

Cambridge History of English Literature



The Cemetery of Forgotten Books

The Centuries' Poetry

Century of Conflict


Children of Violence

The Christmas Books of Charles Dickens

A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight



Clarendon Biographies

The Clayhanger Trilogy

The Common Reader

The Complete Memoirs of George Sherston

The Cornish Trilogy

Country Series

Cycle of the Absurd

DK Eyewitness Travel Guides

The Don Epic

Dublin Trilogy

E. M. Forster: A Life

Edward Leithen stories

Eilis Lacey

Empire of the Sun

Empire Trilogy



First Trilogy

Forgotten Voices

The Forsyte Chronicles

The Forsyte Saga

Fortunes of War

Francis Pettigrew

Frederica Potter Quartet

French Trilogy

Goethe's Faust

The Golden Legend Series

Good Soldier Svejk


Grove Press Modern Dramatists

A History of the Twentieth Century

Hobsbawm's Histories

Home University Library of Modern Knowledge

Homer's Epic Cycle

The Human Comedy

Inspector Mallett


Jake Brigance

James Bond novels

James Bond novels - Original Series


The Journals of James Boswell

Jungle Books

Kings and queens of England: Weidenfeld and Nicolson

Lark Rise to Candleford trilogy

The Larkins

Laurie Lee's Autobiographies

Leaders of Modern Thought

Leatherstocking Tales

Left Hand, Right Hand!

The Legendary Past

Little Women

The Lord of the Rings

Mapp and Lucia

The Master Mariner

McNulty Family

Men of good will

Methuen Drama Student Edition

Milestones of History


Mount Radford Reprints

Mr. Chips

Mémoires et aventures d'un homme de qualité qui s'est retiré du monde.…

The New English Bible

No Fear Shakespeare

No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency

The Novel of Ferrara

The Once and Future King

Open Guides to Literature

The Oxford authors

Oxford Quick Reference

Oxford: Bilingual Dictionaries (education)

Parade's End

Pearson English Readers (formerly Penguin Readers)

The Penguin Companion to World Literature

Penguin Guides

Peter Pan

Philip Marlowe

Poets of the English Language




Puzzles in Classic Fiction

The Quincunx

Ralph Rover

Remarque's Great War Duology

Richard Hannay

Riddell memorial lectures

Le Rouge et le Noir

Les Rougon-Macquart

The Salterton Trilogy

Scenes from Provincial Life

The Sea of Fertility

Seaton family

Shakespeare Spark Notes

Sparknotes Literature Guide

The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald

Studies of Manners

Swallows and Amazons (chronological order)

Tales of My Landlord

Tales of the Crusaders

Thames and Hudson World of Art

This Sceptred Isle

This Sceptred Isle: The Twentieth Century

Time Traveller's Guide

To Kill a Mockingbird

Todd Family

Tom Brown

U.S.A. Trilogy

Variorum Chaucer

Vera Brittain's Testament

Virginia Woolf: A Biography

The Warlord Chronicles

The Warlord Chronicles - Il romanzo di Excalibur

Waverley Novels

Waverley Novels, publication

Wilhelm Meister

Wind From The Plain

Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne Original)

Wolf Hall Trilogy

Wonders of Man

The writer's approach to

Writer's Handbook [Palgrave Macmillan]

York Notes