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Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Mar 7, 2007
Sobre mi biblioteca
I started by cataloging a big chunk of my poetry and "writing-related" collections, including only books I actually own (I read a lot of library books too) and have already read (I'm pretending to ignore those teetering piles of "to be read"). I've cataloged my travel books and the books about whales, and I've just gotten through my general fiction/nonfiction. Then there's reference, cookbooks, and books on librarianship. We'll see how this goes.

The 1,000th book I entered was Alice Walker's The Color Purple. I don't know why I think that's so interesting, but I do.

Update July 2011. Now that I have gone over to the dark side and own a NookColor, I've decided that I will not be adding ebooks to my LibraryThing library. This is just going to be for physical books. So there.
Sobre mí
I read books, eat chocolate, spoil my three cats, dink around on my guitars, and write poems. My first chapbook of poetry, Breach, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2008. You can order it from amazon.com or directly from me. See this page for sample poems, reviews, ordering details, etc.
Midwestern U.S.
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