Nombre verdadero
Catherine Girard-Veilleux
Sobre mi biblioteca
It is constantly growing! I discover new books and authors every day. Though, you will find more fantasy, LGBTQ, romance, sci-fi and non-fiction in my library than other genres. Oh, I quite love comics, too!
Sobre mí
Hello, everyone! I've been reading since I learned how to do it and I have a passion for words and languages. Reading, writing, and learning languages are my most important hobbies. I also like to blog (my writing journey and book reviews). I'm chatty and love to connect with people, so don't be afraid to send me a friend request!
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Librerías: Chapters - Sainte-Catherine, Indigo - Place Montréal Trust, Indigo - Quartier DIX30, Librairie Moderne

Bibliotecas: Bibliothèque Adélard-Berger, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec - Grande Bibliothèque, Bibliothèque secteur Saint-Luc

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