Primeros reseñadoresG. A. McKevett

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Legacy Member Giveaway Lote

Sorteo terminado: Marzo 7, 2013 a las 11:04 am EST

Now that plus-sized P.I. Savannah Reid has finally walked down the aisle, she's ready for a romantic island getaway with new husband Dirk Coulter. The trip is supposed to be a blissful week of rum drinks and sunshine--but finding a dead body on the beach can be a real killjoy. Welcome to the honeymoon from hell. . . Savannah and Dirk were hoping for a little honeymoon excitement, but eye witnessing a cold blooded murder wasn't exactly what they had in mind. To their surprise, the recently deceased is none other than Amelia Northrop, the popular L.A. anchorwoman whose super sexy looks landed her a super wealthy husband. Savannah's no expert, but she's pretty sure Amelia won't be hosting tonight's evening news; she'll be the lead story. When the local police make it clear that they don't want Savannah's help, she decides to do a little digging on her own--and what she discovers could blow the case wide open. It seems Amelia led a far more twisted life than her cheery on-screen persona suggested, and crossed more than a few powerful people along the way. The question is, who hated Amelia enough to shoot her dead in broad daylight? Savannah isn't sure, but she suspects Amelia found out the hard way that fate has a way of settling old scores--and karma can be a girl's worst enemy. . .
Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
Kensington (Otro)
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Legacy Member Giveaway Lote

Sorteo terminado: Marzo 20, 2012 a las 02:25 pm EDT

After a recent brush with death, plus-sized P.I. and bride-to-be Savannah Reid has decided to stop sweating the small stuff. But when an event planner comes in to arrange her wedding, Savannah discovers that murder can ruin even the best laid plans… Hailed as the wedding planner to the stars, Madeline Aberson has orchestrated some of the most exclusive soirees in Hollywood. But when Madeline becomes embroiled in a nasty divorce, her life falls apart, and rumors swirl that her parties have become total duds. Desperate for work, Madeline finds herself planning far less glamorous affairs, including none other than Savannah Reid’s wedding to Dirk Coulter. It doesn’t take long for the opinionated Madeline to get on Savannah’s last nerve, and when the big day finally arrives, Savannah can’t wait to send Madeline packing. But when the bride finds Madeline’s body face down in the pool, floating among an elegant array of rose petals, it’s clear that someone has already hastened the diva’s departure. For better or for worse Savannah and Dirk put their wedding on hold, vowing instead to find out who killed Madeline and why…
Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
Kensington (Otro)
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November 2009 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Noviembre 29 a las 06:00 pm EST

Savannah Reid, a plus-sized amateur sleuth, is on the trail of a shady weight loss therapist in the latest of the beloved Series that wins raves with both culinary cozy fans and P.I. aficionados. Countless weight-challenged folks have flocked to Dr. Robert Wellman’s clinics to try his popular hypnosis techniques, but most have only lighter wallets to show for it. Still, Dr. Wellman seems to have the perfect life, until his wife Maria is found dead at the bottom of a cliff—and it’s clear she didn’t go down without a fight. Savannah is happy to help Detective Sergeant Dirk Coulter investigate Maria’s untimely death. And since Dr. Wellman appears to be the only suspect, she’s sure it’s an open-and-shut case… but appearances can be deceptive, and pound for pound, this is shaping up to be her toughest case ever.
Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
Kensington Publishing (Editorial)
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