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Lots of fascinating stuff. Solidly backed and only conservatively reasoned, few if any assertion-by-suggestion (unlike, say, [b:The Secret History of the World|1841964|The Secret History of the World|Jonathan Black||1842201] which is 400 long pages of painfully tenuous suggestions cobbled together to make a pile of sticks).

Some of this stuff you know.

Some of this stuff is completely out there, but with references and names for your own future research

Some of this stuff is collections of stuff you already know (Paperclip, South America, the Gaelen Orgn, Bush family history, the early economy of fissile materials) laid out side by side so that you, too, can go "Whoa, hold on a minute!"

Why wouldn't someone read this book?
GirlMeetsTractor | 6 reseñas más. | Mar 22, 2020 |
A step-by-step overview of the real 'news', of course excluded from the MSM and middle of the road media. That's why this book is great: it's the primer on modern unapproved knowledge.

Personally I knew much or even most, sans details, of this book's contents, so probably only 4-stars for me, but, really, this is a 5-star book.

If you want somewhere to start, start here.
GirlMeetsTractor | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 22, 2020 |
thePatWalker | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 10, 2020 |
I cannot say enough about the late great Jim Marrs. I have read a few of his books. Great legacy of books he graced us with. Lots of information of how the shadowy world works.

Religion could be Re-Legion. Return of Rome. Rising from the ashes. Like a Phoenix. What is considered pagan, by religion, was just culture. There was no religion in the ancient past, only culture. Now those ancient cultures have been hacked, as in severed, and now religion calls them cults. So culture became cult when religion was born.

Any type of order where one human has dominion over another is against universal law. Order is against nature, nature is chaos. Beautiful chaos. There are no straight lines in nature, nature is not linear.

When one becomes part of a collective, wearing a uniform, and following orders, one is part of a hive mind. Following orders from a hierarchy. Like a soldier ant or drone bee all connected to the Queen. Like a robotoid connected to a mains central server. Like soldier. Or a soul-dier? Dogs of war wear dog-tags. Old men in secret darkened rooms make war plans, dog fights, for young men to die. The sport of Kings. Controlling, financing, gathering intelligence, manipulating both sides of the conflict.

Sheep follow a Shepherd, Lions and Tigers roam free
Monkeys swing from trees, in a happy family
Snakes strike, and envelope and smother and crush
And all the humans, are always in a rush
Like rats following a Pied piper, the children are next
Many glued to TV's and gaming machines, it seems we've all been Hexed

Who is a Blue Blood? Royal or not!

Is their blood cold, and commoners hot

Blue and Red carpets, tradition and Regality

Are they not human? Like you and me

Is their blood different? To ours I mean

Is their blood tainted? And ours clean

Have they the right? Or rite? Or write? To do what they do?

To sit on most high, and Lord over me and you

Their pen is a sword, in this literal world in which we live

Always taking, usurping, they never give

This Game of Thrones, a pit of vipers for sure

Like Lucifer, and his Babylonian Whore

Indoctrinating the masses, wiping the memories of our past

Writing their own history, changing the paradigm fast

Lifting the veil on all that is hidden

Drip feeding knowledge, normally forbidden

Is this revelation? Will all truth be seen?

The truth about Christmas, and Halloween

The May Day rituals, the Wicker man, Pan, the Lord Of The Flies

The Green Man cometh, to spread deception, and lies

Loki the Trickster, Hades, and Set

It is all Royal, less not forget

Egyptian, Celtic, Greek, Roman, Persian, take your pick

All wars are Royal, they are just sick

Mayan, Inca, Mesopotamian, Vudu, Mahabharata, and Royal Bloodlines, it's history

Vlad the Impaler, Dracuul, piracy of the high seas, cloaked in mystery

Logos, emblems, sigils, runes, hieroglyphs and cave pics, what do they mean?

Royal crests, coats of arms, lineages of Royal Families

So Blue Bloods, are they all related? A huge royal family tree

Traced back to Cain, the first murderer, by Royal Decree

Knights of the realm, Lords and Sirs and The Queens Hand

And Ladies, and Dames, and Duchesses, and Baronesses, Royal subordinates, watching over the Land

By Leo.
1 vota
nicademus7 | 4 reseñas más. | Dec 21, 2017 |
If you are interested in odd mind altering experiences then this is the book for you. A fascinating look at spying psychic style where kgb and cia operatives seek each other out on the astral plane. It is amazing to think how much money and manpower was poured into this kind of intelligence gathering technique. Ultimately the remote viewing spies were scrapped, whether they were effective or not is a matter of debate. Still, a well researched and presented book on an interesting subject.
KatiaMDavis | Dec 19, 2017 |
Lost a star for being too disorganized at the beginning and too repetitive.

Overall, a good one volume compendium of all the various actors that might have played a role in JFK's assassination. It is lengthy and repetitive, too much so IMO, although I know the author just wants to make his point.

The start of the book was generally disorganized, rather than providing the background of what took place that fateful day in 1963. Halfway through, the separation into organized chapters dealing with the various possible participants of this heinous act makes for much easier reading.

There is extensive research on the witness statements, Oswald's background and hidden connections with the CIA, FBI, anti-Castro Cubans. Also, the Warren Commission, Jim Garrison's court case, and subsequent House Committee Investigations are all adequately dealt with.

I personally don't agree with all the conclusions Marrs presents in his final speculative scenario, but I learned a great deal and some of my suspicions were validated. Recommended for the dedicated JFK Assassination buff only.
Zumbanista | 6 reseñas más. | Nov 9, 2017 |
Jim Marrs has been putting out high quality work for some time. Backing his hard work with extensive research of over 30 years experience, Marrs has set the research bar high with books like The Rise Of The Fourth Reich, Rule By Secrecy, Our Occulted History, and Popular Control. This book is no different.

Alien Agenda – Investigating The Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us is definitely one of the most seminal and top-tier no-nonsense books on UFOs out there.

In a realm of research that that is littered with countless books with not much sourced material, and even more witness and whistleblower testimony, this book is definitely near the top tier.

As a book for someone just getting in, this book is really top notch. The only book I would recommend more personally would be Richard Dolan’s UFOs For The 21st Century Mind: A Fresh Guide To An Ancient Mystery.

Taking a thorough and methodical approach which is signature in all of his books, Marrs brings the reader along the journey of all things UFOlogy. Notably, this book covers a wide breadth of the information within the UFO field. From issues with NASA, to The Moon, Ancient Astronauts, to Roswell, and even intricate subjects like Area 51, Crop Circles, and some of the most widely known UFO accounts, Marrs sought to leave no stone unturned. The book really is a veritable encyclopedia of much of this elusive and thought-provoking phenomena.

If the book only covered those above topics, that would still make it a great book, knowing reliance on sourced material Marrs employs. But there’s more. Marrs also covers abstruse subjects such as abductions & missing time, the CIA, MJ-12, cattle mutilations, remote viewing, and even takes a metaphysical gander into ‘the phenomenon’ that’s quite unique. This book really employs a wide range. Marrs even ventures into the role of big finance in this abstruse subject.

Another salient point is that this book is footnoted to the hilt! That ALONE takes this to a whole different level, which is rarely achieved in UFOlogy except only by the best researchers. That is one reason why my respect of Jim Marrs has only grown overtime, because he doesn’t just connect dots that people can’t verify themselves.

For everything it offers, this book offers a lot of value. Anyone really interested in the subject would be doing themselves a great disservice by overlooking it. This book is a must have.
ZyPhReX | 4 reseñas más. | Apr 25, 2017 |
One of my Wifi radio channels is set to Art Bell radio show reruns. Jim Marrs was one of Art's guests discussing this book. The oral discussion was interesting so I ended up buying the book more out of curiosity than anything else.

The introduction of the book presents the case that everyday reasoning has to be set aside in order to appreciate the book's content. So I tried to read the book from a neutral perspective. The first 70% or so of the book was pretty interesting. Learned about all sorts of aspects of the paranormal involving UFOs and related. The book provided background for topics I thought I had previously understood (but did not). At about the 70% point in the book, the author waded into remote viewing. I am aware of the topic generally so I tried to soak up the reading with an open mind. Did not work. The author started to draw conclusions and apply reasoning that I just could not follow. The remaining sections of the book just got further and further out from the norm. I found the remainder of the book tough to read. I tried multiple attempts to read and reread this last section over various evenings. But essentially failed. I guess that I have been brainwashed into being a drone of society and not enlightened enough and unable to see the light.

Interesting reading for the out of the ordinary content. However, the extended reasoning and ultimate conclusions got me lost.
usma83 | 4 reseñas más. | Apr 23, 2017 |
History of the type you may not learn in history books is prominent here. Fascinating, just fascinating. This book is packed with events, people, and ideas. To the author's credit, he forces readers to think, question, search, and expand the mind.

The journey begins now, in modern times, and that part will be eye-opening to most people. There are so many details and so much information, the book is at times hard to follow. Somewhere in the middle, the writing has a few difficult spots, but to me it was worth all the time it took to wade through the entire book carefully, slowly sometimes. It's not an oversized book -- it just requires oversized thinking.

Are people today spoon-fed what wealthy people of position want them to believe? You bet. Don't we know that? Is our media unbiased? No way. Does the average person allow themselves to be manipulated from birth to death without questioning? Absolutely. So what is the truth? Who are we? Where did we come from? Science can't prove we evolved from apes. Many don't believe in literal translations of religious texts. Do you? If so, maybe you need to dig a little deeper.

Is the history of mankind what we learned in school and read in books? Probably not. Do you even want to know that everything you think you know could be wrong? Do you believe that there are elite groups in the world that have a plan for world power and control? How much do you really know about religion -- yours or anyone else's and the history of your own religion? No, not the history they feed you, the real history.

What if you're not a religious person? Do you believe religion doesn't affect your life? Read on. What about modern politics? That's timely. How much do you know about what's behind politicians and generations of their political families, like the Bush's, for instance?

Consider that humans have always had special interests and done all they could to promote and protect those interests from ancient times. Makes sense, yes? How might that have affected the course of history and every person's life, even today?

Although there is much history here that can be verified, there's some conjecture based on ancient writings and pieced facts. All the more fascinating, because normally people don't think about much of what is in this book. However, it's in each person's best interest and that of future generations to understand historic connections that still run true today. Question everything! Don't be a pawn. If you can't expand your mind enough to take in that many things beyond what you know can happen, at least read this, however long it takes.

We're turning more into robots every day and pretty soon thinking and questioning will be bred out of us. The ability to act on our own will be gone. Take what you will from this book and grow your mind. Even if you only take in part of it, you'll have done yourself a favor.

Conspiracy? You judge.
Rascalstar | 4 reseñas más. | Jan 21, 2017 |
“Since the war was lost, the “enemy lines” meant, quite literally, a new kind of special guerilla warfare was to be waged from a postwar Nazi underground, quite literally, “behind enemy lines” which would in the aftermath of the war, cover the entire globe, and that warfare was deliberately conceived in conjunction with an advanced technology that, in the hands of Weltanschauungskrieg experts, would be used to spread fear, terror, confusion, and thereby to demoralize the enemy, short circuit his world-interpretation and decision making process….But what precisely, was that technology?”

– Joseph P. Farrel, Saucers, Swastikas And PsyOps – A History Of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies And Psychological Operations

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

“The hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say, without bothering the brain but by working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult, all this is the dangerous element, and the element I have taken over.”

– Adolf Hitler

In this tour de force, The Rise Of The Fourth Reich – The Secret Societies That Threaten To Take Over America, Jim Marrs does unparalleled work in exposing an extensive amount of data regarding the Nazis that you will not get taught in school.

As its often said, history is written by the winners, and an odd history it is that most people know very little about the Nazis except for what they have heard about from the mainstream media.

One quick, yet notable example of how history is twisted, is the fact that much of the populace is blind to the fact that America, the Vatican, as well as other countries funneled Nazis through ratlines in droves. If that were it, it would be bad enough. However, many of those very high-ranking criminal Nazis were given positions of power within the establishment of the time via Project Paperclip; most notable of those is Dr. Wehrner Von Braun, who in later years became the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA]. Other high ranking Nazis brought over in such a manner include Kurt Diebner, Otto Hahn often called “the father of nuclear chemistry” Walter Gerlach, and many others.

Therein, by 1955, nearly a thousand German scientists had been funneled into the United States and given vital positions within the American Scientific community. This gave firm roots to what Jim Marrs calls ‘The Fourth Reich’, within the American Landscape.

An examination of those very Nazi roots within the American establishment is what Marrs carries out in this landmark book.

From his foray into the strangeness of Rudolf Hess and his particular case, to an examination of what is oft-termed ‘Nazi Wonder Weapons’, Marrs – like a heat seeking missile – locks into the most keen of aspects in his extensive synopsis of the Nazi abstruse lore.

Another great topic of note that affects our everyday lives – yet has its nascent stages within the Nazi history – is the one of the neurotoxin Fluoride. Unbeknownst too many is the fact that not only is this toxin put into the water supply, but it also causes extensive detrimental side effects such as lower IQ [as Harvard studies find], mental retardation, brain damage, skeletal fluorosis, increased bone fractures, genetic damage, dental fluorosis, gastrointestinal disturbances. Marrs also covers the noxious Aspartame, which the FDA knows has 92 potential side effects, but still pushed it through since it was Donald Rumsfeld’s Bioweapon Legacy.

Some of the other topics touched upon by Marrs include the Nazi Mind Control programs [that aided in the spawning of the infamous MK-Ultra Mind Control program], as well as the elite & corporate ties to the Nazis, the Nazi connections to the pharmaceutical industry, I.G. Farben and their love for eugenics, the pervasive control of mainstream media, and a whole lot more.

Calling this merely a great book would be an understatement. This particular well researched piece is a veritable library of references for the inquiring individual. It is as well rounded as it is incisive. Not having it would be a great disservice to those wishing to understand the current criminals in a plethora of positions powers such as politics, finance, banking, etc. whose ties lead back to some these nefarious roots.

Other suggested books on the topic:

The Third Way – The Nazi International, European Union, And Corporate Fascism by Joseph P. Farrel
Nazi International – The Nazis’ Postwar Plan To Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space by Joseph P. Farrell
Saucers, Swastikas And PsyOps – A History Of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies And Psychological Operations, by Joseph P. Farrell
Ratline – Soviet Spies, Nazi Priests, and the Disappearance of Adolf Hitler by Peter Levenda
Unholy Alliance – A History Of Nazi Involvement In The Occult, by Peter Levenda
The Hitler Legacy – The Nazi Cult In Diaspora by Peter Levenda
ZyPhReX | 6 reseñas más. | Jan 5, 2017 |
Our Occulted History is a phenomenal venture into the beginnings of ancient history, into the beginnings of an alternative history.

Jim Marrs, in this particular book, leaves no unturned, leaves no vault unchecked in his search for the origins of certain modern conspiracies.

Taking an approach that’s as deep in scope, as it is wide in breadth, Marrs trenchantly makes known mountains of evidence beginning from ancient antiquity all the way to our modern times which forms a vastly different structure of history than what we as a society have been taught.

Sampling research from heavyweight researchers such as Oxford educated Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Zecharia Sitchin, Robert Bauval, Linda Moulton Howe, Philip Coppens, Robert Schoch, Michael Cremo, and many more, the author infuses the book with hundreds of verifiable data points. That in and of itself might not seem like much, but when viewed from a larger point of view all of these dots and how Marrs connects them show how all this seemingly disparate information interconnects seamlessly.

Marrs covers wide-ranging subjects such as sacred geometry, the Sumerians, lost probes, the moon, forbidden archaeology, Tesla suppression, Coral Castle, Atlantis, the Dogon tribe, ancient civilizations of many types, Big Money, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Big Pharma, mainstream media, and dozens of others, to make a sound case that there is an occulted history to the human race, and its far more magnificent, and troubling than what most people could imagine.

That shouldn’t be surprising given how interconnected the media is to the establishment.

Speaking troublesomely about this lock-down information grid, Jim Keith notes in his landmark book Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness, citing the work of author G. William Domhoff in The Higher Circles:

“The power elite have created and developed that wonderful field of public relations on an incredible scale. Some of the early practitioners of this art helped scrub up the images of the ‘Robber Barons’ families; others specialized in the corporate image and the corporate image and corporate conscience. Functionally speaking, the public relations departments of large corporations, in conjunction with the giant public relations firms that service many corporations, have become the early warning system of the upper class, picking up and countering the slightest remark or publication that makes funny lines on their sensitive radar. Thanks to them public opinion is well-monitored, with an assist of course from the alert social scientists in certain university institutes financed by the big corporations and foundations. wayward opinions, once detected, are duly corrected by a barrage of printed matter and public pronouncement…”[1]

Keeping everything discussed in mind, Marrs offers us a veritable glimpse into the annals of ancient past. Admittedly, there is only so much an author can do, but Marrs more than pulled his weight.

Whether or not the reader will agree with his thesis, that being that the elite are covering up evidence of ancient aliens since ancient times, is up to the reader. What can in fact be said without dispute is that humanity does in fact have an Occulted History and its implications are profoundly disturbing, even if Marrs main thesis is disagreed upon.



[1] Jim Keith, Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness, pg. 36 citing Domhoff, G. William. The Higher Circles. New York: Vintage Books, 1970
ZyPhReX | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 5, 2017 |
Crossfire by Jim Marrs is essentially the unofficial encyclopedia regarding the Kennedy Assassination and Coup D’etat.

In this phenomenal tome Marrs carries out a methodical examination of all the intricacies that revolved around this incident.

From breaking through the veil of the official story, to heading into the darker aspects of the conspiracy, Marrs attempts to leave no stone unturned .

Marrs takes a gander at everything from nefarious dealings of the CIA, to witness accounts that eviscerate the official narrative, to examinations of the grassy knoll as well as the depository. Of course, there is a LOT more.

Finding peculiar – “coincidental” – instances littering the event, Marrs homes in on the issue with the ambulance that was to serve as the reason for President Kennedy’s motorcade having to stop, to countless dead witnesses [and people in the know]- 143! – and even suspect dealings with the secret service and how it acted once the assassination began taking place. Each of this is sifted to leaving the reader aghast at such events.

Not only that, but the cover up that ensued, which no doubt involved Lyndon B. Johnson and insiders from the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and more, is also examined at length into a variety of rabbit trails that will leave the reader furious at the fact that so many people turned their backs on Kennedy, or they were part of the conspiracy in the first place.

Issues with the infamous Zapruder film are also given a glance given all circumstances revolving around it.

The author also examines how the CIA and its notorious mind control experiments via MK Ultra might dovetail with the assassination.

As the author saliently notes:

“Since Oswald may have taken a mind-altering drug; since his killer, Jack Ruby, told Dallas police he had no recollection of shooting Oswald; since Sirhan Sirhan, the presumed assassin of Robert Kennedy, still claims he can’t remember what happened in the Ambassador Hotel; and since a San Quentin psychologist, Dr. Eduard Simson, proclaimed that Sirhan has been “programmed” by drugs, hypnosis, or both, the possibility of mind control in the JFK assassination…cannot be ruled out.”[1]

Besides homing in on Lyndon B. Johnson, the author also thankfully narrows in on J. Edgar Hoover, whose ability “to gather information and then to control it” give him enormous power. This along with his suspect dealings within the assassination, are more than ample reasons as to why Hoover is likely very complicit in the assassination.

Marrs also lays down the fact that many witnesses were in fact intimidated by the authorities into going with the official narrative. Regarding this, the author soberingly notes:

“Witnesses Charles Givens, James Tague, Phil Willis, Kennedy aides Kenneth O’Donnel and David Powers, and former senator Ralph Yarborough were pressured to alter their statements, while others – including Ed Hoffman, A.J. Millican, Sandy Speaker, Acquilla Clemons, and Richard Carr – were threatened into silence.”[2]

Predictably, the mainstream media – being part of the establishment – didn’t even bother in examining their testimony, nor anything else that might blow the lid on the cover up. Then again, being the official mouthpiece of the establishment, this is par for the course.

Of course, the author also homes in on many of the interests that revolved around the assassination from Big Oil, to the Big Banks, the Mob, the Cubans, FBI, CIA, and more.

How Jack Ruby’s role plays out around this conspiracy is also given more than a fair glance by Marrs. Interestingly, Jack Ruby dying of cancer dovetails with information from Dr. Mary’s Monkey – How The Unsolved Murder Of A Doctor, A Secret Laboratory In New Oreleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked To Lee Harvey Assassination And Emerging Global Epidemics by Edward T. Haslam. Haslem found that cancer was able to be induced via injection, which rings ominous since Ruby dying of an unexpected cancer certainly sent shockwaves given how many researchers have postulated that Ruby was indeed given cancer as a covert method of murder.

One of the worst parts of all this is that the cover-up continues until this very day.

Regarding this, the author notes feelings related from a JFK assassination research website, JFK Facts:

“If JFK was killed by a deranged lone nut, why are so many records from 1963 considered so significant in 2012? Why were records destroyed? Who ordered their destruction? Where are the Air Force One tapes? Why can’t they be found? Why are so many CIA documents about undercover officers with pre-assassination knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald classified for reasons of national security? Why doesn’t Congress oversee the JFK Records Act? Why don’t they hold public hearings on these issues and get answers to these questions?“[3]

Or, as Governor Jesse Ventura intimated:

“If the government were telling the truth, there would be no reason to lock up anything from the people of this country. Clearly, they are not, because here we are 50 years later, and they are still withholding documents from us.”[4]

Consider this mandatory reading if you care about what’s happening to this country.

This book not only proves without a shadow of a doubt that the official story is hogwash, but it also proves that there is overwhelming evidence that Oswald was a fall guy. Not only that, but:

“The Dallas police paraffin test showed no gunpowder on Oswald’s hands or cheek, evidence that he did not fire a rifle…”[5]

Of course, the ballistic evidence and medical evidence also support a more concerted and conspiracy into more power elements given that only a select few would have the ability to alter data related to the assassination.

All things considered, this book is a masterful analysis that not only eviscerates the official narrative, but also sheds light into many of the darker components that played a role into the assassination of President Kennedy. It’s my contention, as well as that of other researchers that many of the elements that played a role in carrying out that assassination are still around today. Given how much our nation has deteriorated since the assassination with every new scandal and with every new crisis, we have not rid ourselves of this deadly shadow.

And we must, for how can true change ever take place if the darkness lie embedded within a structure that should stand for good, but unfortunately hasn’t, and has only stood to support the most corrupt within the establishment.

For this, and many more reasons, this book is vital in understanding how we got into this current moment history as a society.
ZyPhReX | 6 reseñas más. | Jan 5, 2017 |
This is a very short book. I got the audio book, and it was only an hour and 14 minutes long, with 20 of that being silly drum beats. Not worth the effort. I wasn't alive when the assassination of John F. Kennedy was done. All my life, I have heard about the conspiracies associated with it. I'm not sure if the evidence presented in this book is accurate or not, but if you don't know anything about it, then it would be plausible.

I would read other books on the assassination if you wanted to know more about it, this one seems to leave a lot out.
angela.k.winters | 6 reseñas más. | Oct 20, 2016 |
The story is still interesting, but this really felt like the middle book of a trilogy... a mostly unnecessary one. The main character just goes back and forth in her feelings for the two love interests. Blah.
heike6 | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 12, 2016 |
The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America
By Jim Marrs
William Morrow/HarperCollins (2009)
Review by Karl Wolff

First off, I'm a big fan of Oliver Stone's epic conspiracy thriller JFK. I also enjoy James Spader camping it up in The Blacklist. With that said, I've come to terms with enjoying most Oliver Stone movies, but finding his brand of ideology naive and troublesome. As Nathan Rabin said in his book My Year of Flops about the film W, "there comes a moment in every cinephile's intellectual and creative development when he or she comes to realize that Oliver Stone is full of shit." I continue to enjoy the baroque styling and lurid paranoia of JFK compelling as a narrative. Stone's screenplay was partially based on Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, by conspiracy author Jim Marrs. While the film raises many, many important questions about the behavior of American law enforcement and intelligence agencies, it isn't the same as cold, hard historical fact.

In 1967, Richard Hofstader wrote "The distinguishing thing about the paranoid style is not that its exponents see conspiracies or plots here and there in history, but that they regard a "vast" or "gigantic" conspiracy as the motive force in historical events. History is a conspiracy." (Italics in original.)* Jim Marrs falls into the later category. His book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America, posits America is under the sway of Wall Street, globalists, Nazis, Nazi sympathizers, and secret societies. Once again, as with JFK, Marrs can write a sweeping narrative full of fascinating details. To call it historically accurate would be a travesty.

I read this as someone privileged with an advanced degree in History. Studying the history of the United States, one encounters The Master Narrative. Think Ken Burns, David McCullough, Doris Kearns Goodwin, and Shelby Foote. This is the history you learn in high school and college. The names and dates falling into place to create a story about freedom, progress, civil rights, and rugged individualism. Various identity groups (Native Americans, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, gays, women, etc.) have worked hard to create their own counter-narratives. If included at all, these groups would be seen as nothing more than token sidebars in the Master Narrative. Conspiracy theorists also create their own counter-narrative to American myths and hagiography.

In A Few Good Men Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise) says, "It doesn't matter what I believe, it only matters what I can prove." Kaffee is a lawyer doing his best to get his clients acquitted of murder. The practice of history is not about right and wrong, it is about what the historian can prove. In order to win the case, or in this instance, to compel the reader to believe the United States has been infiltrated by Nazis wanting to create a Fourth Reich. ("Hail HYDRA!") As a piece of tabloid sensationalism, The Rise of the Fourth Reich excels and entertains. As a piece of historical investigation, it falls flat in spectacular fashion. Throughout my reading experience, I was constantly shuffling back and forth between the text and the footnotes. (Arguably, one of the worst examples of citation.) Jim Marrs has no credible proof. He has innuendo, hyperbole, guilt by association, and poor reasoning.

The book cites evidence from The Institute of Historical Review (a notorious institution of Holocaust-denial), Adventures Unlimited (a conspiracy theory mill), and The New Benjamin Franklin House Press (an organ of Lyndon LaRouche). These get buried amid more mainstream sources ranging from websites to history books. It doesn't help that Marrs gets his information about the Third Reich from The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich, by William L. Shirer. It's not a bad book, but it was published in 1969. Since this was published in 2009, he could have picked more recent scholarship and traced the current trends in the historiography of the Third Reich. But that would mean Jim Marrs is a serious scholar, not a third-rate hack. The book also contains laughable mistakes like misspelling Victorian novelist Edward Bulwar-Lytton (not Bulward Liton, jackass!).

The book also has some great howlers, including:

"Apparently, overseas communication between the Nazis in America and the Nazis in Russia continued unabated, which has raised the possibility of a parallel space race controlled or manipulated by the very globalists who had created and financed both communism and the Third Reich." (Ah, yes, go with the sensible explanation.)

"Numerous Web sites and periodicals have carried the accusation that sodium fluoride was placed in the drinking water of Nazi concentration camps to keep the inmates pacified and susceptible to external control." (I'm not sure if this is offensive or stupid or a combination of the two. Barbed-wire, starvation conditions, and SS men with guns pointed at you are also effective measures of pacification.)

"It should be noted that [George H.W.]Bush's name--including his then little-publicized nickname "Poppy," which has caused many to wonder if this referred to his parenthood or the narcotic plant--address, and phone number were found in the personal notebook of oil geologist George DeMohrenschildt, the last known close friend of Lee Harvey Oswald." (I'm no fan of the guy, but come on! The "Poppy" thing comes across as desperate and reaching.)

When one peels back all the innuendo, hysteria, and paranoia, it leaves a rather tenuous premise: The United States is secretly run by a bunch of rich Wall Street types who are members of The Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateralists, and, of course, Illuminati and Freemasons. I wonder if Jim Marrs knows that the SS had its own division investigating the Freemasons? Membership in any one of these groups immediately makes someone suspect and inherently evil. Marrs even tars Jimmy Carter as a Trilateralist pawn, even though Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter's National Security advisor, actually created the organization. Carter had his faults, like every other politician, but this book's circular logic is pathetic.

Or, to put it another way, here's Jim Garrison reviewing The Warren Report from the movie JFK, "Again and again they ignore credible testimony, leads are never followed up, its conclusions are selective, there's no index, it's one of the sloppiest, most disorganized investigations I've ever seen."

But why do people fall for conspiracy theories? The present situation doesn't help. It's common knowledge about the revolving door between government and private industry. Money has corrupted everything in the election process, turning every candidate into a groveling lap dog to big-dollar donors. Conspiracy theories help make sense of the situation. It also absolves people of individual agency. We get to live a consequence-free existence. That isn't to say what Marrs said is untrue, since countless politicians, moguls, and business leaders belong to secretive organization. But to imply they are somehow orchestrating world events takes a heroic leap in logic. If anything, these secretive puppet-masters are doing a terrible job. Wouldn't peace be more profitable? Why would they want to kill their own customers? It defies commonsense logic.

In my own case, I'm a skeptic of The Official Story of the American Master Narrative. But the recently exposed misdeeds of the CIA under Allen Dulles and the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover makes Marrs's assertions half-right. From the Kennedy assassination to Watergate, it was a paranoid time in American history. Just look at the fiction of Thomas Pynchon. I have many doubts about the Lee Harvey Oswald Lone Gunman theory. The closer one looks, the more the Official Story begins to fray. On the other hand, saying 9/11 was an inside job is giving the Dubya Administration too much credit. If anything, Hurricane Katrina proved the only principle the White House ran on was the Peter Principle.

The challenge with reading something like this is the echo chamber effect. Over and over, Jim Marrs writes about how this or that conspiracy researcher makes some claim. It's the same problem with social media. Liberals only talking to liberals, conservatives only talking to conservatives, and so forth. This has led to a kind of critical illiteracy. Akin to cultural illiteracy, critical illiteracy is an ability to spot fallacious arguments, poor sources, and to formulate relevant questions. One has to know how to think before one can think for oneself. Conspiracy theory becomes a kind of dogma, since each thinks he or she has found THE TRUTH. Then questioning this Truth becomes an act of heresy. Try asking a conspiracy theorist about their sources and reasoning and you might get accused of being one of Them. If you don't agree with The Truth, then you are an apologist for The Official Story. (It doesn't help that the sectors under investigation - intelligence agencies, corporations, the federal government - are good at hiding their tracks. On the other hand: The Freedom of Information Act.) Perhaps the best remedy is a dose of equal opportunity skepticism. Be skeptical of The Official Story, but also be skeptical of the conspiracy theorist hawking The Truth. (In the case of Jim Marrs, a conspiracy theorist who has been published by a mainstream publisher, Random House. Not exactly an underground press. If Marrs really was dangerous and these secret societies so evil and ruthless, why is he still alive? The Nazis had a way of dealing with their vocal opposition.)

The Rise of the Fourth Reich has countless problems with sources and interpretation. For those interested in the nefarious misdeeds of the Dulles-era CIA, I would recommend reading The Devil's Chessboard, by David Talbot. While far from perfect, it has credible sourcing and a sensible (and sensibly limited) interpretive framework.

*This is quoted in Devon Jackson's Conspiranoia! The Mother of All Conspiracies, my previous installment in American Odd
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kswolff | 6 reseñas más. | Feb 5, 2016 |
Ugh. Fantastic stuff. Quick histories of world banking and secret societies pullign the strings.
Bruce_Deming | 4 reseñas más. | Feb 5, 2016 |
Seriously, this book is rated four stars?!? It's just a conspiracy theory gold mine. All kinds of references without qualifications ... "...but X may not have actually died and may have lived in some other country..." as Mr. Unknown Author wrote (um... who?... and what qualifications does this person have to be authoritative? Sheesh, I couldn't get through it. It was fun at first to see how someone can throw bits and pieces together into a wildly convoluted theory but that interest didn't last long. Well, whatever, but I'm not giving it 4 stars.
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marshapetry | 6 reseñas más. | Dec 26, 2015 |
Connects the Trilateral the realities of secret societies of hidden knowledge action groups of the fantomatik Power Elite their private centralized banking cartel of banana republics encouraged by a media devoted to maintaining a squeaky and hyde informations wars like Vietnam, Korea, World War I and World War II, Nazi War Machine,Surprised? I'm not surprised, about this masonic immense wealth of information on secret societies, most of it written and planned long ago,many time also with their names so that mean are controlled by hyde power,always this peoples are not a lot Intelligent and not rational, for example if you look the book The Cops Are Robbers" you can understanding the background,of their knowledge of Cabalistic tradition, or their connecrtion to Freemasonry That Connects the Trilateral and clandestine religion conspiracies were behind the JFK assassination (Crossfire) and government cover up of the UFO file with some stupid mainstream media news, so that you can contemplate your misunderstanding of the past.
tonynetone | 4 reseñas más. | Oct 23, 2013 |
Good book and very alarming. I don't know if i believe all they had to say but where there is smoke there is fire.
chuewyc | 6 reseñas más. | Feb 11, 2012 |
This is a look at the world around us, and how America is being systematically destroyed, but not from the "usual" sources. It is not a pretty picture.

Anyone who takes vitamins or nutritional supplements needs to know about the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Under the auspices of the UN and the World Health Organization, it is an international commission whose aim is to ban the sale of all herbs, vitamins and minerals for therapeutic purposes, and to have all nutritional supplements available only through a doctor's prescription. Do an internet search for "National Security Strategy Memorandum 200." Written by Henry Kissinger, it became official US policy in 1975. It advocates the radical de-population of the Third World, and is in line with elite support of eugenics, to get rid of all those "useless eaters."

Politicians keep talking about how American schools will prepare students to thrive in the 21st Century. The problem is that American schools, based on the Prussian model, were never designed to prepare students for anything, except to be quiet drones, who are paid to work, and not think. Normal activities like taking pictures around town can get a person arrested by Homeland Security. Do you remember President Obama's 2009 speech to schoolchildren across America? According to some, it was political indoctrination that would turn America's young people into mindless, Obama-loving zombies.

All banks pay into an FDIC reserve fund, which is supposed to help banks in trouble. In 1981, the federal balance sheet said that there was $11 billion in the fund. One day, the FDIC Chairman called the Treasury Secretary and asked to visit and see the money. He was told that there is no money; it was all put into the general fund long ago. So if a bank is in trouble, the Treasury simply borrows the money. Simple, no?

This book touches on a whole host of other subjects, including FEMA camps, TSA airport body scans that are not deleted, the 2008 financial crisis, implanting people with microchips, and ways to not become a "zombie." As with nearly anything by Jim Marrs, this easily reaches the level of Wow. It has something to upset nearly everyone. It is very highly recommended.
plappen | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 23, 2011 |
Excellent overview of the 9/11 attacks with the questions that shuold be asked AND answered by the authorities.
darkchocolate | otra reseña | Sep 23, 2011 |
The first edition of this [The Terror Conspiracy] was exhaustive and excellent. This update, however, seems to have been rushed to print to coincide with the 10th anniversary. It has obviously not been proofread and needs serious editing, rendering it unreadable.
jlbattis | Sep 15, 2011 |
Useful as one of those books you can hand to a friend who is curious (but ignorant) about ufology and the conspiracy folklore that surrounds it, saying "Here: read this - it pretty much covers everything."
monnowman | 4 reseñas más. | Sep 18, 2010 |
While this is one of the Bibles of the conspiracy theorists, as a work of investigation it is weak in many places. But the author's courage in making his theories known is admirable, and he does ask a number of important questions about some of the bizarre circumstances surrounding the assassination and resulting investigation. It's not going to convince anyone to change their point of view, but it is well written and provides a window into the thinking of conspiracists.

Don't assume that this is the best thinking of the conspiracists, but by the same token don't skip over this book if the topic interests you because it is among the most cited volumes among those who are suspicious of the Warren Commission and subsequent government investigations. It's worth a read if you have more than a passing interest in what happened in Dealey Plaza.
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Oreillynsf | 6 reseñas más. | Jun 20, 2010 |
Marrs is a PRO at stringing together bits and pieces from just about every conspiracy theory known to man into a syntactically coherent - if not thematically easy to follow - 448-page-long shout from the watchtower that every loopy conspiracy theory --part fun, part paranoia-- that you may or may not have ever heard is either true, is somehow connected to individuals cited as sources of other "truths," or is now more likely than ever to finally come to pass. Marrs churns it out with a writing style of a seasoned college professor (don't know if he is) or burnt-out journalist permitting himself to have fun with what would otherwise turn out to be an excruciatingly boring writing career. I wish I could churn this stuff out like him - Definitely not the worst way to pay the bills!
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KCato | 6 reseñas más. | May 26, 2010 |