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Jan 8, 2009
Nombre verdadero
Kevin Cato
Sobre mi biblioteca
My non-fiction collection is mostly history, which I can never know enough of no matter how many books I buy (even if I were to read all of them); and foreign affairs, a subject I became increasingly interested in while cataloging international news footage for so many years at the television network for which I am employed as a video archivist.

I also have a number of true crime paperbacks which I keep stashed out of plain view to save visitors the shock of seeing them all in one place, whereupon they may begin to worry whether I've a got a few heads in the freezer (which, by the way, I do not).

Fiction-wise I tend to prefer such fare as can be found in the "Literature" or "Classics" section of your local bookstore. My favorite writer is Dostoevsky but most of my "Literature" collection is from the 20th century. In my adult years I have become fond of going back and REALLY reading the stuff I was assigned in high school lit classes but either didn't read at all or was not yet sufficiently mature to appreciate (some of which I've still postponed reading for the same reason). I also have a small collection of classic hardboiled detective novels from the thirties, most of which were made into films noir in the forties. You know the sort of stuff I mean: works by Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, and James M. Cain.
Sobre mí
"Life is like a library owned by an author. In it are a few books which he wrote himself, but most of them were written for him."
- Harry Emerson Fosdick

Like everyone else on The Library Thing I am a lover of books. I am fond of the written word in general, though to be technical, I do prefer my written word printed. But I cannot say that I "love" lesser manifestations of the printed word in the same way that I love books. This is most likely due to the convenience of organization, packaging and concrete tangibility books enjoy over magazines, pamphlets, stacks, piles, and loosely fluttering sheets of paper. In short, books have a sense of permanence that less substantially constructed monographs do not.

Atlanta/Lawrenceville, Georgia
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