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I received a copy of this trilogy in exchange for my honest review. This was such a great science fiction series, one that I thoroughly enjoyed. It was almost nonstop action and lots of suspense as they uncover the true reason behind creating “the perfect human”. Jade Kerrion made her characters extremely realistic. So the novels were easy to get involved in and very difficult to put down. I loved the fact that although it was similar X-Men, the “powers” were a realistic possible human development. This is definitely a 4 star series and worthy read.
sunshine9573 | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 19, 2022 |
I received a copy of this trilogy in exchange for my honest review. This was such a great science fiction series, one that I thoroughly enjoyed. It was almost nonstop action and lots of suspense as they uncover the true reason behind creating “the perfect human”. Jade Kerrion made her characters extremely realistic. So the novels were easy to get involved in and very difficult to put down. I loved the fact that although it was similar X-Men, the “powers” were a realistic possible human development. This is definitely a 4 star series and worthy read.
sunshine9573 | 11 reseñas más. | Dec 19, 2022 |
I received a copy of this trilogy in exchange for my honest review. This was such a great science fiction series, one that I thoroughly enjoyed. It was almost nonstop action and lots of suspense as they uncover the true reason behind creating “the perfect human”. Jade Kerrion made her characters extremely realistic. So the novels were easy to get involved in and very difficult to put down. I loved the fact that although it was similar X-Men, the “powers” were a realistic possible human development. This is definitely a 4 star series and worthy read.
sunshine9573 | 5 reseñas más. | Dec 19, 2022 |
This collection of 20 dystopian urban fantasy novels is a great deal. I am reviewing Kiersten Fay's The Vampire's Masquerade. Vampire's Masquerade is the 4th book in the Creatures of Darkness series and a follow up to Keeping his Siren. Lex and Kasima meet at the Ever Nights club and it's instant attraction - what is initially meant to be a one night stand turns into a steamy affair with a bit of a surprise ending. It was nice to be reacquainted with the rest of the Ever Nights characters and I hope to see more of their stories.
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
mel_t | Jul 21, 2021 |
What an exciting read. Filled with adventure, myth and a brave, fierce, independent woman.....a man and a woman bent on saving humanity and the siren race.....where does myth and the truth become one? Love, adventure, myth, a keen mind, and good vs evil....all rolled into one exciting read! I for one can't wait to see what's next in this series!!
txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
Good writing

An interesting world with solid characters. Most of the time.

A flaw in the the world: it would have been better to have the military group be part of a civilian agency. Having the military run around on US soil is directly against the constitution.

I also had trouble with Zara. CEO of a ‘mercenary’ company but still in her 20s? Her character felt forced.

I am going to check out book 2. See how things develop.

Clean grammar and spelling.
wildwily | 11 reseñas más. | May 28, 2020 |
Where? But...what?!?

I get that most people don’t understand the military the way I do, but SOLDIERS DO NOT ABANDON THEIR POST TO SAVE THEIR FRIENDS!!! Especially not highly trained and disciplined soldiers like in the Mutant Assault Group. You can’t have it both ways.

Also, military boots are not “knee high.” They just aren’t. A woman wearing heavy patent leather knee high boots is not wearing military boots.

Where did Zara get the dagger after she broke out of her cell? Or Galahad?

Where did the eye cameras come from?!?!? Handwavium of the worst kind.

Zara isn’t really a Mary-Sue, but her abilities strain credulity.

The wheels came off the bus for me. I can’t continue with the series. Nobody is allowed to change or improve except Danyael, and he has to continue going through hell. The world is becoming thinner, not deeper, as the books continue.

Spelling and grammar were mostly clean.
wildwily | 5 reseñas más. | May 28, 2020 |
Good writing

An interesting world with solid characters. Most of the time.

A flaw in the the world: it would have been better to have the military group be part of a civilian agency. Having the military run around on US soil is directly against the constitution.

I also had trouble with Zara. CEO of a ‘mercenary’ company but still in her 20s? Her character felt forced.

I am going to check out book 2. See how things develop.

Clean grammar and spelling.
wildwily | 11 reseñas más. | May 28, 2020 |
Where? But...what?!?

I get that most people don’t understand the military the way I do, but SOLDIERS DO NOT ABANDON THEIR POST TO SAVE THEIR FRIENDS!!! Especially not highly trained and disciplined soldiers like in the Mutant Assault Group. You can’t have it both ways.

Also, military boots are not “knee high.” They just aren’t. A woman wearing heavy patent leather knee high boots is not wearing military boots.

Where did Zara get the dagger after she broke out of her cell? Or Galahad?

Where did the eye cameras come from?!?!? Handwavium of the worst kind.

Zara isn’t really a Mary-Sue, but her abilities strain credulity.

The wheels came off the bus for me. I can’t continue with the series. Nobody is allowed to change or improve except Danyael, and he has to continue going through hell. The world is becoming thinner, not deeper, as the books continue.

Spelling and grammar were mostly clean.
wildwily | 5 reseñas más. | May 28, 2020 |
I am really enjoyed this book series. A lot of action, mythos and character growth. Definitely read book 1 before jumping into this book or you will be lost. This book is good for readers of most ages who like strong characters, lots of action and a great urban fantasy. Highly recommend!

Received ARC
llyramoon | Mar 15, 2019 |
Earth-Sim A huge thank you to Jade Kerrion for reminding me of why I love the genre of Science Fiction so much! I loved Earth-Sim from the very first page, mainly because of the intelligent and immersing way that it was written. Suspend disbelief for a minute and imagine that our world is actually controlled by beings much like us. In fact, those beings are growing our world as a school competition. One well placed sneeze, one accidental bump, and our world falls into chaos. This is what Jade Kerrion builds in Earth-Sim.
I need to profess my adoration for both Jem and Kir as characters. They start out as two very different people with varying opinions on what their project really means. However as the book goes on, as they see the impact they have on their world (our world) they grow, compromise, and learn to work together. The layers of character building also deserve applause. Jem is more than what she seems and, although they'll be no spoilers here, it's interesting to discover the underlying motivations behind her decisions. I was a little saddened by the lack of romance, but then again that really wasn't what the story was focused on.
What the story was focused on was written gorgeously. Kerrion uses each chapter to slowly unravel the history of the world, and find wonderfully inventive ways to explain how we ended up where we are now. The emotions in this book are palpable, and I felt for Jem and Kir as they tried to navigate their way through being the parents of a whole planet. It was fascinating to watch history take place as they toyed with the various settings. One could almost believe that there is truth behind this story.
Now a note to the reader, this is actually a very accessible Science Fiction novel. I've read stories so full of jargon that I was lost despite my love of this genre. Earth-Sim is the perfect mix of contemporary story and Sci Fi elements. Kudos to Jade Kerrion for mastering this very tricky balance. I highly recommend you give this book a spot on your reading list. As the synopsis says, you might finally find someone to blame for the shape our world is in.
roses7184 | 4 reseñas más. | Feb 5, 2019 |
This was a really interesting magical dystopian adventure story. I really liked the two main characters, the mythos built in, the way our world was seen in the future and how the people (both on land and in the sea) and magic interact. I would highly recommend this book for those that like adventure, sea and islander mythos with a dystopian flare. There was 'romance' but it was not the main theme of the story and I think it blended in well with the overall tale. Highly recommend.

I received ARC reader copy.
llyramoon | Nov 29, 2018 |
I received an ARC of this book and I absolutely loved it! I am a slow reader and I finished it in one day, it was that good. I love fairy tale retellings and urban fantasy and this book delivered on both of these. Excellent characters, excellent world build especially hard to do with a first book in a series. The book ended with a nice conclusion and good continuation for the next book. I'm really looking forward to book two!

Highly recommend for a unique urban fantasy.
llyramoon | Nov 29, 2018 |
What a lovely story. A real feelgood one. Read twice.
gogglemiss | otra reseña | May 7, 2017 |
I read this book once before
For some reason, I seemed to have remembered Vera confronting her ex about them doing what was best for their daughter instead of him using her as a weapon. Which would have ended in him backing down and them coming to an impasse of sorts.
In hindsight, I probably remember that as the scene I felt was missing.
This story, was still fantastic
Sherelle | otra reseña | Jul 18, 2016 |
This book as other books by Jade Kerrion was terrific. A fast easy read that holds your attention as soon as you start reading it and keeps it till the very end. All the characters are well developed and so real, everyday people. The story like was great with a little bit of surprise added in.

The story was about, Felicity, who works in NYC and loses her job, lives in New Jersey and is down to her last $100. Suddenly, Cody Hart comes into town and offers her a job back in Colorado. The problem is he’s the man who was the cause of her twin brother’s death. She decides to take the job and learn not to hate Cody for what he has done. Cody also has to learn a few things along the way about Felicity and himself. Can they both find love along the way?
brenczkowski | Apr 11, 2016 |
This is the first in the series of Double Helix Books and short stories. The main characters in this book are well defined and this can be a standalone book. Galahad is a perfect reproduction of a human but has lived his entire life within the confines of the lab that created him. Danyael is his Twin in looks alone or so it seems. Danyael is also an alpha empath whose life always seems to be dangling in the balance. Miriya is a telepath who can help Danyael if he will allow it and at times he seems too easily acceptable to her. XIN is a federal employee who loves to hack computers, the internet or whatever she can. She is the perfect clone to Fu Hao 1200B.C. multitasking queen and military general. Zara, is an assassin and she good at what she does, death does not bother her nor does blood. Lucien is a rich friend of Danyaels and his best friend. As Zara takes Galahad from his lab/home and escorts him to Luciens’ mansion Galahad is injured and Danyael being a doctor is called in. It was bad enough they stole Galahad but now the stakes are higher and things are going to get really bad for everyone involved or not. This is a truly good read and like I said can be a standalone novel. There are many turns, twists and just plain out right WHAT, included here.
lcsdr60 | 11 reseñas más. | Mar 10, 2016 |
Miriya is one of many people that are now changed. Due to the scientific world having given them a bit of a better chance to survive they gave many of these children talents that scared normal people. The more talented people were called alphas and their powers were not so easily challenged. The talents caused others to call them mutants and mutants were not too welcomed in the world. Some were rogue and had to be dealt with. The enforcers did this, but Miriya just wanted to live her simple life and go on with what made her happy. Short but good read
lcsdr60 | Mar 5, 2016 |
Very interesting take on how life "might" have happened on dear old planet earth. I hope there is a sequel that comes out for it
Mindslayer | 4 reseñas más. | Nov 18, 2015 |
Fantastic collection filled with some amazingly sizzling hot romances. I haven't had a chance to read all of them but the ones I have made this worth the price! I highly recommend this set.
Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
I LOVE box sets, especially when I get to read new authors, and revisit some favorites. I've read most of Chantal Rhondeau's previous collaborations, and enjoy her sweet approach to the fantasy love story that every woman dreams of. Rich, gorgeous bazillionaires with their own tropical island resort? Yes please! The rest of the novels contained in this set range from sweet to stunningly sexy. From the hot-as-hell actor to the boy next door. I am in love with all of them! (Downfall of the box set: now I have too many book boyfriends swimming around in my head!) One-click it today!
LizaRobbins | May 5, 2015 |

This series gets stronger and stronger with each book. The action is hard and fast paced and the characters are rich and draw you in. Yet again I find myself almost in tears at the things done to the hero of this series. Jade draws you in and makes you pray that this time someone will save him and understand him.

His physical twin Galahad is outwardly what every woman would want but inwardly he never got a chance to grow understanding. I can't wait for the next installment which will hopefully be easier on poor Danyeal.

The pain and emotional agony of this one character shows just how cruel and down right rotten most people are. That they rarely look into the eyes of those they despise to see the real person inside. Another amazing work of fiction. Lets get the next one out soon!
suteko | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 31, 2014 |
A fun fast paced book with a strong female lead. Enjoyable for sure
suteko | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 31, 2014 |
Once again ms Kerrion has written a page turner. An interesting take on both the paranormal romance and science fiction this tale will drag you from start to the finish. I found myself panting by the end of this one. I could give you little teasers but honestly folks, buy this and read it. You will not be disappointed!
suteko | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 31, 2014 |

This series gets stronger and stronger with each book. The action is hard and fast paced and the characters are rich and draw you in. Yet again I find myself almost in tears at the things done to the hero of this series. Jade draws you in and makes you pray that this time someone will save him and understand him.

His physical twin Galahad is outwardly what every woman would want but inwardly he never got a chance to grow understanding. I can't wait for the next installment which will hopefully be easier on poor Danyeal.

The pain and emotional agony of this one character shows just how cruel and down right rotten most people are. That they rarely look into the eyes of those they despise to see the real person inside. Another amazing work of fiction. Lets get the next one out soon!
suteko | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 31, 2014 |