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Obras de Connie Lockhart Ellefson


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Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
This book had some interesting ideas, almost too many to take in.
sunqueen | 7 reseñas más. | May 11, 2023 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
This book was a delight to read. A great mixture of pathos and logos to help get your decluttering engine running. Ellefson's style is a lot more like a friend in the room, helping you clear out a junk drawer/closet/long lost plastic tub that might have initially held holiday decorations but now...who knows? If you want a book with a step by step guide to live a completely minimalist life, this is not that. But if you would like to live more minimally and maybe start to tackle the other parts of your life that could ultimately help you declutter that basement, or finally clear out the old trunk you still have from college....this is it. Filled with helpful tips and tricks. I highly suggest, as does the author, that you try some stuff out, see what works, and don't worry about the rest. You really could just flip this open to a page (or a random sub-section at the very least) and find something that could help you live with a little less clutter, be it mind, body, or soul. Hey, and if as the author says, you find you have an extra hour or 6 a week, then it was probably worth the read.… (más)
ronjaymar | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 13, 2023 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Connie Lockhart Ellefson has written an intriguing guide for people needing to clear clutter. The book is different from many such processes, as it deals not only with material clutter but also with body clutter. Funny how the two issues go hand in hand.

I found that the writing style was quite engaging, as if she were there working with you individually. Tackling the emotional concerns can be tricky, and she presents quite a few techniques that can work for the emotional issues, as well as the practical. The chapters are very thought-provoking, and encourage some deep exploration.

Decluttering can be a very difficult process, but Ellefson has provided many helpful tips for the process. The positive approach is refreshing, and hopefully this book will help many people to declutter effectively and happily.
… (más)
reedread | 7 reseñas más. | Jan 19, 2023 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book on how to de-clutter body, mind, and stuff, by Connie Lockhart Ellefson!! Her voice is playful, encouraging, and backed with several research articles, for those who would like to review it, or find more information themselves!
I was especially struck by her wording - and humor- about the belongings we don’t even care about that still impact us. “They’re hanging around in our subconscious saying, “Hi, remember me? The un-made decision, cluttering up your life! Draining away your calm and resolve!“
I have a stack of saved papers, receipts, and donation requests that have taken up residence on a corner of my desk, for the past 10 months. I see them every time I walk into the room, but immediately look away, and think of anything, Anything else I can do, except decide what to do about them. I have finally scheduled 20 minutes each day for the next few days to attack, release, or file, that moldering mountain of papers!!
There are so many practical, try-it-today suggestions packed into this book, it’s really a gift you can feel great about giving yourself, or friends who are interested in fresh ways to consider “de-cluttering”, and how to start with “baby-steps”. I Highly Recommend It!!!
… (más)
EReynolds6 | 7 reseñas más. | Jan 3, 2023 |


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