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Ame DyckmanReseñas

Autor de Boy + Bot

28 Obras 3,274 Miembros 199 Reseñas


The family takes a camping trip and hates it. They decide to take another camping trip but in a theme park camping ground. Which will they prefer?

I like how the real camping vs. theme park camping is shown. I liked the conclusions the family came to.

This is good for 2-6 years old. All will enjoy it. Those early readers will be able to read the story on their own. A fun book!
Sheila1957 | otra reseña | Sep 12, 2024 |
I thought that all boobies had blue feet! Nope, some have blue feet and others have red feet. In this story each group does not like the other but things can change.
The illustrations by Christopher Weyant are delightful, comfortably colored, and fun.
Well suited for reading alone or WITH someone of any age including ESL, and great for gifting to anyone, but especially to a school, or your public library!
I requested and received a free temporary digital advance review copy on Adobe Digital Editions from Two Lions Publishing via NetGalley. Thank you!
jetangen4571 | otra reseña | Aug 14, 2024 |
A family attempts a camping adventure, thinking it will be fun and easy, but when they're attacked by vicious mosquitoes, they flee - and find CAMPINGLAND, an "indoor camping theme park" where everything is clean, the weather is perfect, and even the (animatronic) animals are well-behaved. Slowly, the family comes to reflect that their "bad" camping trip "still made for good family memories. Real family memories." They leave Campingland (actually, they get kicked out, for calling it "fake") and prepare better for another camping trip.

A true summer gigglefest.
JennyArch | otra reseña | Jul 29, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – The cover to this book is beautifully illustrated like the previous book in the series. The illustrations within the pages of the book go together hand and hand with the text.

I really enjoyed reading this book with my daughter. It is funny and helps to teach children what it means to be a friend. It also has some included facts about sharks within the pages, which help children to learn more about sharks.

I think that any child that gets this book added to their library will love it. It’s fun, funny and factual. This is certainly a book that has the potential to become a loved book.
Zapkode | otra reseña | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – I enjoyed reading and paging through this book. It has incredible illustrations and the story made me giggle some. I think that any child that enjoys the ocean and learning about the animals within it could enjoy this book. It has some fun facts on the pages that helps to teach the reader things about the animals they may not have known before.

I recommend this book for any child’s library as its a fun read with incredible illustrations.
Zapkode | 6 reseñas más. | Jun 1, 2024 |
Cat, Rat, and Bat love their cozy home, but they agree that "a vacation would be nice." That's where the agreement ends, though: Bat wants to go to outer space, Cat wants to go to a spa, and Rat wants to go to a buffet. First, though, they have to fill their "vacation jar" by doing some work. Once the jar is full, they still can't agree! ("Bickering") Rat takes things into their own paws, spending all the money in the vacation jar and returning with everything they need for a staycation: a telescope for Bat, sliced cucumbers and a lounge chair for Cat, and a buffet for Rat.

Delightful - just what an early reader should be!
JennyArch | May 24, 2024 |
Friends Cat, Bat, and Rat move in together and stake out space in the new house - upstairs, downstairs, and "UNDER the stairs." Rat plays jokes on Cat with a rubber spider, then Bat plays a joke on Rat by pretending to eat the spider. Cat is irritated when the others look over her shoulder, then teaches them to read when she realizes they can't. In "Sleeping," the final (half) story, the three friends snuggle in for the night, but Cat refuses to say good night to spider.

Dyckman and Teague are a dream team! This is an engaging set of short stories for early readers.
JennyArch | Mar 7, 2024 |
I read this for the "Set In The Future" part of my 2020 reading challenge. It was a really cute, simple book about a boy meeting a robot. I liked how concerned they were when they thought something was wrong, and all the things they did to fix it.
Linyarai | 47 reseñas más. | Mar 6, 2024 |
A worthy sequel, this time focused on swimming.
sloth852 | Feb 12, 2024 |
I mean, I think Barbarian sounds like a fun career choice.
sloth852 | Jan 25, 2024 |
Basically, an extended dad joke about the real reason dinosaurs went extinct. This gives a lot of mischief ideas, so maybe skip this one if your child is susceptible to the power of suggestion.
sloth852 | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 10, 2024 |
This went over very well with small groups of K-3rd graders. I held the endpapers up over my forehead to give myself the girl's bright red, curly hair and the bear's ears! It was a good way to start and finish the read aloud.

The message of this book is basically that you should forgive someone if they didn't mean to upset you. There's a difference between doing something on purpose and by accident. The fun of this story, though, is really digging into the girl's the bear's anger at each other. I had the kids yell "HORRIBLE BEAR!" along with the girl and some of them got really (maybe too much) into it. You might pair this with [b:When Sophie Gets Angry -- Really, Really Angry|897680|When Sophie Gets Angry -- Really, Really Angry|Molly Bang||1029777] to talk about ways to calm down and self-regulate.

Ame Dyckman always does a good job of using minimal text and letting the pictures tell a good chunk of the story. I love her book [b:Boy Bot|12448586|Boy Bot|Ame Dyckman||17431671]!
LibrarianDest | 44 reseñas más. | Jan 3, 2024 |
How cool would it be to have a robot best friend? The little boy in this new picture book is lucky enough to find a robot to play with. They're having so much fun, until robot hits a bump and his power switch accidentally gets turned to OFF.

The little boy worries that his robot friend is sick, so he tries to cure him with human remedies. His efforts tire him out, and he falls asleep. When robot get switched back ON, he thinks the sleeping boy is sick! The roles are reversed as robot tries to cure the boy with robot remedies.

Humans and robots alike will enjoy the humor and heart in this story about friendship and misunderstandings.
LibrarianDest | 47 reseñas más. | Jan 3, 2024 |
When her parents adopt a baby wolf, Dot can't seem to persuade them that it is just going to eat them. But when wolfie is threatened, can the big sister come to the rescue?
sloth852 | 43 reseñas más. | Jan 3, 2024 |
Lemmings don't actually jump off cliffs ... but since this group of Lemmings can't read, they missed the memo! Can the crew of the S.S. Cliff teach the lemmings to change their ways?
sloth852 | 5 reseñas más. | Jan 2, 2024 |
Boy and Robot find common ground and friendship. Cute story, love the illustrations. I especially liked the juxtaposition of Robot power switch : Boy sleep time and how they tried to take care of each other.

eBook, borrowed from my public library via Overdrive
Doodlebug34 | 47 reseñas más. | Jan 1, 2024 |
Cub will put up with almost anything to eat cookies, but he can’t suppress his essential bear nature forever. I’m not sure what the moral is here, or if there is one, but poor little Cub is so relatable, and the illustrations are great.

Hardcover, borrowed from my public library
Doodlebug34 | 12 reseñas más. | Jan 1, 2024 |
Dot’s pretty salty about the new interloper in the family, but in the end discovers something common to most big sisters: He might be a wolf in bunny clothing, but he’s still YOUR wolf in bunny clothing. Loved Dot’s sass, and her voice was fun to read aloud. Not a huge fan of the illustrations, though.

Hardcover, borrowed from my public library
Doodlebug34 | 43 reseñas más. | Jan 1, 2024 |
I don’t know if my library copy was missing some pages or if the author is trying to introduce preschoolers to non-linear storytelling, but I found this disjointed and hard to follow. Plus, I didn’t like the blobbly scribbly illustrations.

Hardcover, borrowed from my public library
Doodlebug34 | 44 reseñas más. | Jan 1, 2024 |
When a little boy throws a coin in a well asking for a pet unicorn, he has no idea what kind of trouble he's in for. Unbeknownst to him, unicorns make the absolutely worst pets.
BLTSbraille | 7 reseñas más. | Dec 5, 2023 |
A kid visiting a museum with their parents asks, "How DID dinosaurs go extinct, anyway?" The mom explains some theories but says no one knows for sure. The dad, on the other hand, gives a long list of reasons ("Gallimumus ran with scissors...Spinosaurus swam after eating..."). The mom objects - until the kiddo says, "I am never doing any of those things again!" Mom says, "Works for me," and the family heads home, with the kid shouting over their shoulder to the dinosaur fossils, "You shoulda been more careful!"

Amy Dyckman does it again, with humor to please kids and parents alike.
JennyArch | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 14, 2023 |
TaylorOnyx | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 26, 2023 |
A new student is behaving outside of the social norms and there are rumors about the student that they have fleas. But the young boy is paired with her in a class project. The two kids get to know each other and understand each other’s perspectives. The young boy develops a relationship with the girl and shows the importance of trying to see from another point of view
Irensia | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 12, 2023 |
So I think I am too literal.

Yes this book is about how people are often different than they appear. That preconceptions can be wrong. All good messages and I love the backdrop of a school (because of course that is relatable to most children)

But for me, I can't get beyond the fact that she was raised by wolves. Like what? It doesn't fit....
msgabbythelibrarian | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 11, 2023 |
Oh the dandelion. There was debate even when I did this in a storytime of whether or not a dandelion was a flower.....or was it a weed? Believe it or not, Kindergarten kids have very strong opinions.

So does Charlotte in our book. A dandelion has crept into her dad's perfectly manicured lawn. He is determined to get rid of it at ALL costs. But Charlotte is already around. She won't let anything happen to it. So one day, when Charlotte is gone...........

This book is delightful and sweet.
msgabbythelibrarian | 4 reseñas más. | Jun 11, 2023 |