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Cargando... No One Saw a Thing (edición 2023)por Andrea Mara (Autor)
Información de la obraNo One Saw a Thing por Andrea Mara
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Inscríbete en LibraryThing para averiguar si este libro te gustará. Actualmente no hay Conversaciones sobre este libro. Sive (how do you pronounce that?) is still trying to wrangle her pram onto the tube train when the doors close with her six- and two-year old daughters on the train and her and the baby still no the platform. The two-year old is taken off the train by a commuter and returned to her at the next station, but there is no sign of the older girl, Faye. Chapters describing Sive and her husband Aaron's desperate attempts to find Faye with the help of the transport police are interspersed with chapters describing what they have been up to for the last few days in London. They have been attending a sort of reunion with Aaron's former housemates, although I'm not sure why, because they were mostly incredibly unlikable and didn't seem to like each other at all. I thought this was well-paced and there were plenty of twists and turns, although the ending was a bit attenuated - so much discussion of who drank what and when... I never really understood how switching the backpacks achieved anything - witnesses are not likely to distinguish between different coloured dresses of a cartoon character. I loved the interaction between Aaron and his assistant and found that strand the most satisfying. sin reseñas | añadir una reseña
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Two children get on the train. Only one gets off... No one saw it happen. You stand on a crowded tube platform in London. Your two little girls jump on the train ahead of you. As you try to join them, the doors slide shut and the train moves away, leaving you behind. Everyone is lying. By the time you get to the next stop, you've convinced yourself that everything will be fine. But you soon start to panic, because there aren't two children waiting for you on the platform. There's only one. Someone is to blame. Has your other daughter got lost? Been taken by a passing stranger? Or perhaps the culprit is closer to home than you think? No one is telling the truth, and the longer the search continues, the harder she will be to find... No se han encontrado descripciones de biblioteca. |
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3.5/5 ( )