Etiquetawhich draws them out of their "official" retirement. They become entangled in a complex murder mystery involving an American secret society of murderous coal miners. "Murder at the Baskervilles": Holmes and Watson are invited to stay at the estate of thei

Incluye: which draws them out of their "official" retirement. They become entangled in a complex murder mystery involving an American secret society of murderous coal miners. "Murder at the Baskervilles": Holmes and Watson are invited to stay at the estate of thei, which draws them out of their "official" retirement. They become entangled in a complex murder mystery involving an American secret society of murderous coal miners. "Murder at the Baskervilles": Holmes and Watson are invited to stay at the estate of thei, which draws them out of their "official" retirement. they become entangled in a complex murder mystery involving an american secret society of murderous coal miners. "murder at the baskervilles": holmes and watson are invited to stay at the estate of thei

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