Etiquetaone of the 10 tribes of northern Israel who were exiled by the Assyrians around 720 B.C. and then lost to history. Mizo tradition says they are the "children of Manmasi" possibly a corruption of Manasseh. Their rituals include a fragment of a "red sea son

Incluye: one of the 10 tribes of northern Israel who were exiled by the Assyrians around 720 B.C. and then lost to history. Mizo tradition says they are the "children of Manmasi" possibly a corruption of Manasseh. Their rituals include a fragment of a "red sea son, one of the 10 tribes of northern israel who were exiled by the assyrians around 720 b.c. and then lost to history. mizo tradition says they are the "children of manmasi" possibly a corruption of manasseh. their rituals include a fragment of a "red sea son

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